search for: engenharia

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 89 matches for "engenharia".

2003 Apr 14
samba pdc premissions problem
...res by departments and give only access to the correct users. I tried to setup a group policy between my users and shares doing the following: I created 2 basic groups, smbusers and smbcomputers, GID 101 and 102 respectively and I created 6 specific groups: compras, contabil, diretoria, dp, engenharia and financeiro. I also created the folowing directory structure: /home/Netlogon set to root:smbusers and 0755. /home/Profiles set to root:smbusers and 0050. /home/Users set to root:smbusers and 0050. /home/Depts set to root:smbusers and 0050. on /home/Depts I have to following....
2018 Jul 24
deleting file with unusual characters
Hi I can't delete a file from a local server. I can list the file, however: # smbclient //WQS004/Comum -U user%pass -c dir\ '"Engenharia\PROJETOS LEGAIS 2014\PROJETOS 2012 A 2014\ARQUIVOS REVISADOS_07.2014\PROJETOS PLANTA JACAREI\FABRICA POLI\RICEFER_2808\PROJETOS\RO 04-400-01\92364 - Reator 4 m-¦ - Finalizador 6 m-¦.dwg"' Domain=[MYDOM] OS=[Windows 6.1] Server=[Samba 4.3.11-Ubuntu] 92364 - Reator 4 m-¦ - Finalizador 6 m-...
2002 Dec 16
Samba & Win XP
...ith Windows XP. I read the documentation e follow the steps to configurations, but is not work. I can?t configure encryptedpassword ata a moment. Someone nows how I can cunfigure my machines? Grate in advance -- Silvio E. G. Melo - Analista de Suporte Departamento de Engenharia Naval e Oce?nica - Poli - UFRJ Programa de Engenharia Oce?nica - COPPE - UFRJ
2018 Aug 17
ldbadd: objectclass top is not a valid objectClass
...not a valid objectClass in schema" on DN OU=A1,DC=ad,DC=a1,DC=ind,DC=br at block before line 4 Add failed after processing 0 records root at araucaria:~# root at araucaria:~# cat /root/ou.ldif dn: OU=A1,DC=ad,DC=a1,DC=ind,DC=br objectClass: top objectClass: organizationalunit description: A1 Engenharia root at araucaria:~# DC=ad,DC=a1,DC=ind,DC=br already exists. Any hint? -- *Marcio Merlone*
2010 Apr 20
Problem after upgrade to 1.4.7-1 (Bad magic number in superblock while opening context for device) device LABEL=020017B000 # fsck.ocfs2 -n /dev/mapper/mpath3p1 fsck.ocfs2 1.4.4 fsck.ocfs2: Bad magic number in superblock while opening "/dev/mapper/mpath3p1" If you need more info, please let me know. I think it's easy to reproduce. Best regards -- Marcus Alves Grando Suporte Engenharia Latam - Terra Networks Brasil S/A +55 51 3284-4238 Qual ? a sua Terra?
2019 Mar 26
Restoring mailboxes from backup duplicates messages in POP clients
...configured to leave the messages on the mailserver for, let's say, 30 days, didn't understand that some messages were already transfered and the users got duplicated messages in their Inbox. How can we avoid this? -- Thanks Lu?s F. Gomes IT Manager (55)(21) 3527-1220 Departamento de Engenharia El?trica PUC-Rio R. Marques de S. Vicente 225/401L 22451-900 - Rio de Janeiro/RJ
2006 Jul 25
Typo 4.0.0 on Dreamhost (how to disable article preview?); > > > > > _______________________________________________ > > Rails mailing list > > > > > > > > > > > > > -- > Tiago Pinto > DEIUC - Departamento de Engenharia Inform?tica da Universidade de Coimbra > | > Don''t be so humble, you''re not that good. > -- Tiago Pinto DEIUC - Departamento de Engenharia Inform?tica da Universidade de Coimbra | Don...
2007 Aug 20
About cluster size (read/write)
...ster-size 1M and i have few files per filesystem with more than 600M. When i append one file ocfs2 will increase cluster-size? and when i read, i read all cluster-size from disk? Can someone explain more about this? Regards -- Marcus Alves Grando <marcus.grando []> Suporte Engenharia 1 Terra Networks Brasil S/A Tel: 55 (51) 3284-4238 Qual ? a sua Terra?
2003 May 30
conversao para matriz
...0) [1] "4 2" "5 7" "3 3" "4 1" "4 5" "3 5" "5 2" "2 1" "3 7" "1 4" Matriz desejada: 4 2 5 7 ...... 3 7 1 4 __________________________________ Danilo Tadashi Tagami Kamimura Engenharia Agron?mica ESALQ USP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2003 Jun 24
Haw I get best lambda in box-cox
Hi all, Does anyone know of a function that return the best lambda in box-cox transformation? many thanks for any help. -- Cristiane S. Rocha Laboratorio Genoma Funcional - Bioinform?tica Centro de Biologia Molecular e Engenharia Genetica Universidade Estadual de Campinas Campinas - SP - Brasil Tel:(19)3788-1119
2005 May 11
Erro loading library from apache
...the path to the library directory: >library(som, lib.loc="/usr/local/lib/R/library/") The script runs fine in shell mode, so I have no idea of what is wrong. Thank's in advance -- Cristiane S. Rocha Laboratorio Genoma Funcional - Bioinform??tica Centro de Biologia Molecular e Engenharia Genetica Universidade Estadual de Campinas Campinas - SP - Brasil
2003 Jan 29
Wins Refresh
...esh and clean the array name. I tried to remove the name wrong of the table/var/lock/samba/browser.dat and wins.dat, but when reset the SAMBA the name of schemes wrong return. How I make WINS to give refresh of times? Please help-me, Thanks a lot, Clovis -- Clovis Tristao - UNICAMP/Faculdade de Engenharia Agricola E-mail: Fone(0xx19) 37881031-37881038 ou FAX(55xx19) 37881010 _|_|_|_| _| _| _|_| _|_|_| _|_|_| _| _|_| (o- _|_|_| _|_|_|_| _| _| _| _| _|_| _| //\ _| _...
2003 May 27
M$ Access with samba - problem in open file in directory with more than 8 charactere
...not occur. Somebody would know to say me what it is happening? I wait a reply. Thanks, []' Fábio Gil CPD Administrativo da FUMEP Brazil ------------------------------------------------------------------ FUNDAÇÃO MUNICIPAL DE ENSINO DE PIRACICABA ESCOLA DE ENGENHARIA DE PIRACICABA - - ------------------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ///, //// \ /, / >. Fábio Gil Linuxer # 225204 \ /, _/ /. \_...
2005 Jun 27
User Permissions
...ems. 1- I don?t want that my users add/remove folders or do anything like that. I just want their add/create folders under My documents folder 2- I don't want my users change desktop or themes how should i do this ? all my clients are windows xp pro thanks a lot -- Renan Mathias Fernandes Engenharia de Computa??o - PUC Campinas cel: +55 (19) 8128-2097 uin: 735093 mail: site:
2005 Dec 03
Problems with Samba 3.0.20b and OS X 10.4.3 Clients
...version while the clients copy via Finder to Samba volume, after copy the files hide in directory. The others clients running Mac Os X 10.4.3, dont see the files but the Linux Workstations and Windows Workstaions dont present problems. Please some idea for the problem. Thanks. -- Andr? Jaccon Engenharia da Computa??o 055 11 9488 7978 - S?o Paulo - S.P
2010 Nov 04
About Acoustic Echo Canceller
...quencies. So, my question is: Do I have to manually convert amplitude samples to frequency samples or is it enough to send amplitude parameters to speex_echo.h functions that this functions automatically convert it and do the AEC? Thanks for your attention. -- Alexandre Bento Leal Graduando em Engenharia de Computa??o - UFRGS Membro PRAV - Projetos em ?udio e V?deo -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2009 Mar 18
Logic Friday: crashes on entering an equation
...s freeware, you can download it and check whether this happens with you: I use Arch Linux 64-bits with a 32-bit wine + lib32 libraries, but it also happens on my desktop (Arch Linux 32-bits). Any solution? Thanks! -- Renan Birck | Engenharia El?trica UFSM | Electrical Engineering UFSM Linux User #390969 since 2005
2013 Mar 19
Lars package
...t.lars(lars.model,x)$fit plot(y ~ fit[,ncol(fit)]) #so far, so good fit2 <- predict.lars(lars.model,withhold)$fit plot(withhold$logBA ~ fit2[,ncol(fit2)]) #this is when the mess shows up Thanks!   _______________________________________________________________ Giovanni Giacomin Estudante de Engenharia de Agrimensura e Cartográfica - Universidade Federal de Viçosa Science Without Borders Student - Geography with emphasis in GIS - University of Montana [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jan 30
Xen on a HPC Cluster Windows and Linux and I want to create a HPC cluster. However I wanna know if Xen can distribute a single virtual machine along multiple nodes to increase it''s performance. -- Allysson Steve Mota Lacerda Laboratório de Inteligência Computacional - LABICOMP Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica – PPGEE Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – UFMG _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list
2007 Mar 05
Strange problems (deadlock) in ocfs2 (rpm 1.2.4-2 and svn 2982) - dlm related? all updated applied. The only way to back this filesystem online are rebooting all nodes. :( Someone know about this problem or have fix for that? Maybe dlm ralated issue? I see many commits dlm related in git... Regards -- Marcus Alves Grando <marcus.grando []> Suporte Engenharia 1 Terra Networks Brasil S/A Tel: 55 (51) 3284-4238 Qual ? a sua Terra?