search for: effectually

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2012 Mar 05
Migration vm Xen vers XenServer
Bonjour, Est ce qu''une ressource parmi vous a déjà effectuer une migration de machine virtuelle de XEN vers XENSERVER? J''aimerai changer de serveur en migrant toutes mes VM du serveur xen vers le serveur xenserveur. Est ce que des personnes ont déjà effectuer ce genre de migration? Si oui comment avez vous procéder? D''avance merci pour vos nombreaux retour. Cdlt.
1998 Mar 11
win95 and samba
Well, it looks simple enough, but maybe I'm just misunderstanding. In the smb.conf you provided, there is not a sharename called "arch". At the beginning of the letter, you said that you are trying to connect to the Linux machine using \\arch , but this won't work since there is no [arch] section in the smb.conf. I think what you want to do is change [archive] to [arch]. Hope
2015 Apr 28
Add first() and last() to utils?
Hi all, I've been using first() and last() for some time instead of x[1] and x[length(x)] for vectors, and I gradually added methods for lists, matrices, and data.frames. In preparing the next release of the 'gdata' package (2.16.1) I settled on these definitions, which harness the existing methods for head() and tail(): # Simply call 'first' or 'last' with a
2002 Jul 06
Changing journaling mode on root / loop-aes
EXT3 developers: I am curious, if EXT3 is currently being used on the root partition in "data=ordered" mode (the default as I understand), and I want to have the it come up in data=journal mode, how do you effectuate this conversion? I would also be curious how to know if anything special is required for doing so for the /boot partition as well. I believe that with the /home partition,
2004 Jun 17
Votre question a
A votre attention de la part d'' Nous sommes desoles, vous avez ecrit a une adresse qui ne peut pas recevoir d''e-mail. Cette reponse automatique vous dirigera toutefois vers les pages les plus appropriees de notre site, afin de repondre a vos questions ou de vous aider a effectuer des modifications sur votre commande Vous trouverez les reponses aux questions
2004 Oct 15
member server and kerberos
hello i have been struggling for to long trying to setup the following configuration: debian samba 3 member server of a win 2000 AD here is my configuration: ## smb.conf ## [global] log level = 4 interfaces = workgroup = datom realm = server string = samba membre security = ads netbios name = cafeine log file = /var/log/samba/samba.log max log size
2020 Mar 29
status of Java & rJava?
Hi Spencer, I'm also having problems getting rJava to work on Mac OS X. -G On Sat, Mar 28, 2020 at 4:19 PM Spencer Graves <spencer.graves at> wrote: > Hello, All: > > > Is Java being deprecated for R? > > > I ask, because I've been unable to get rJava 0.9-11 to work under > either macOS 10.15 or Windows 10, and I can't get
2009 Apr 09
Create 2*3 Table in R
Dear all, I have a matrix as follows: a=matrix(c(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,6,5,7,7,5,7,5,6,5,"Y", "N","Y","Y","N","Y", "N","Y","Y"),ncol=3) > a [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] "1" "6" "Y" [2,] "2" "5" "N" [3,] "3" "7"
2009 Jul 20
No subject
...SNIP... cat /proc/interrupts=20 CPU0 CPU1 =20 0: 83 0 IO-APIC-edge timer 1: 2 0 IO-APIC-edge i8042 3: 100887 0 IO-APIC-edge serial 7: 0 0 IO-APIC-edge parport0 8: 3 0 IO-APIC-edge rtc 9: 1 0 IO-APIC-fasteoi acpi 16:
2004 Apr 27
newbie question about using rsync for backups
Hi all, I'm wanting to make weekly backups of host qin to host elijah. I set a crontab to run a script that effectually executes this rsync command: rsync -ave ssh --exclude-from=excludes.txt --delete / elijah:/home/backup/qin host qin is running gentoo linux with rsync version 2.5.6. host elijah is running debian linux (stable) with rsync version 2.5.7. the excludes.txt file looks like this: + /proc/ - /proc/*...
2006 Jul 13
Difference between 'DEST' & '--backup-dir='?
Hello all, I have a question. The man page of rsync: SYNOPSIS rsync [OPTION]... SRC [SRC]... DEST R?SUM? DES OPTIONS --backup-dir effectue des sauvegardes dans ce r?pertoire What is the difference between 'DEST' and the rsync option '--backup-dir='? Thank you very much. paco
2007 Dec 28
checklistbox/html windows
Bonsoir Alex. Je voulais savoir, si pour la prochaine version de wxruby, vous comptiez apportez deux améliorations à "checklistbox", qui sont: - de pouvoir changez le contenu de la checklistbox sans avoir besoin de fermer et réouvrir l''application pour effectuer le changement du contenu? - de mettre l''option "HSCROLL"?, car la barre apparaît mais ça ne marche
2010 Jul 26
OpenLDAP authentication, account expired when it's not.
I am trying to set up LDAP authentication for CentOS workstations, but can't get it to authenticate properly. Authentication fails saying the account has expired when I know for certain that it has not (e.g. ldapsearch authenticated with the appropriate uid and password returns shadowLastChange 14816 and shadowMax 99999). The last time I did this seriously for authentication was using Apple
2009 Aug 28
PRI worked fine for months, nowit stopps working after 2-3 hours
Hello, I wanted to relaunch my problem with a quite precise and small question. Could the command "lsusb" affect interrupts when executing it regularly (cron) and if the zaptel pci card is sharing an interrupt with a usb bus? I have a Digium PRI card and a few Xorcom USB Devices. The Digium card seems to share the IRQ with some USB bus. cat /proc/interrupts CPU0 CPU1
2009 Aug 27
Digium Echo cancellation.
hi all, any one know, about echo cancellation with digium card, is it actually needed or it okay if we dont purchase because it increase price which half of new card, regards Dhaval -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2008 Jan 30
Besoin d'un Financement rapide ?
[1]Si vous n'arrivez pas ? lire correctement ce message cliquez ici [2]Disponis le crdit selon vous [3][email-noel_02.gif] [4][email-noel_03.gif] [5][email-noel_04.gif] [6][email-noel_05.gif] [7][email-noel_06.gif]
2020 Mar 28
status of Java & rJava?
Hello, All: ????? Is Java being deprecated for R? ????? I ask, because I've been unable to get rJava 0.9-11 to work under either macOS 10.15 or Windows 10, and I can't get rJava 0.9-12 to install -- and my Ecfun package uses it:?? I can't get "R CMD build Ecfun" to work on my Mac nor "R CMD check Ecfun_0.2-4" under Windows.? Travis CI builds
2019 Jun 03
Difficulty with samba after updating from 3.6.6 to
Server - HPUX 11.31 Clients - WIN7 WIN10 After upgrading my versions to I've noticed that we're unable to connect to our AD joined SMB HP-UX Server any longer. Could someone tell me where to begin digging in release notes between 3.6.6- to find out what changed in the smb.conf file that would be causing our problems? Here's a somewhat similar .conf output global]
2020 Nov 21
.Internal(quit(...)): system call failed: Cannot allocate memory
Dear R-developers, Some of the more fat scripts (50+ GB mem used by R) that I am running, when they finish they do quit with q("no", status=0) Quite often it happens that there is an extra stderr output produced at the very end which looks like this: Warning message: In .Internal(quit(save, status, runLast)) : system call failed: Cannot allocate memory Is there any way to avoid this
2009 Jun 19
ssh security
Dear All, I have the following setup running perfectly OK for a long time CentOS release 5 (Final) sendmail-8.13.8-2.el5 MailScanner 4.76.25 bind-9.3.4-6.0.3.P1.el5_2 now i jus setup a centos box running BackupPC for backing up my my above mail server using ssh as per the instructions in backup pc site i had to enable sshd so i did it and everthing works perfect and backup works great as per my