Displaying 20 results from an estimated 36 matches for "droughting".
2008 Aug 21
summary.lme and anova question
Dear all,
When analyzing data from a climate change experiment using linear mixed-effects models, I recently
came across a situation where:
- the summary(model) showed a significant difference between the levels of a two-level factor,
- while the anova(model) showed no significance for that factor (see below).
My question now is: Is the anova.lme() approach correct for that model? And why does
2006 Jun 30
Creating Vectors
type count
0 20
1 15
0 10
1 35
0 28
I would like to create two vectors from the data above. For example,
type1=c(15, 35) and type0 = c(20, 10, 28). Can any one help
2010 Jan 12
Drought Severity Index (DSI)
Does anyone have the code to calculate the drought severity index?
Muhammad Rahiz | Doctoral Student in Regional Climate Modeling
Climate Research Laboratory, School of Geography & the Environment
Oxford University Centre for the Environment, University of Oxford
South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QY, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1865-285194 Mobile: +44 (0)7854-625974
Email: muhammad.rahiz
2005 Apr 21
ANOVA model
Could someone tell me if this is the correct model syntax for the
following dataset:
The dataset has two factors: one fixed - treatment, and one random -
genotype. I need to test the effect of both factors to identify their
significance. There are multiple (but not equal) replicates at each
level of genotype (the
2009 Aug 12
Superscripts in axis label
Hi All,
I am trying to lable the y-axis on my scatterplot with the following:
"Soil moisture content (m3m-3)"
I am using the following coding for plotting the graph:
plot(soilmoisture~gradientlevel, xlab="Levels of droughting gradient", ylab="Soil moisture content (m3m-3)", bty="l", font.main="2", pch=16, las=1, cex.lab="1.13")
I have tried to incorporate 'expression' into this coding for the ylab as follows (with also a few variations):
2010 Jan 16
Drought severity index: Excel to R
Dear all,
I'm trying to make an R code for the drought severity index (DSI)
developed by Philips and McGregor (1998). You can refer to the
description of the algorithm on page 19 from
The code is given in Excel as the following and can be found on page 60
from the same link.
C7 =
2007 Jul 02
help again
i try to use arima and holtwinter to predict drought from 1895-2006
but i cannot read whole period of time and i try to do the exponent fitting,
but it comes out as the coordinate x-y error
i send the source code and data to take a look
if anyone can help me, i am really new in R
thank u so much
2006 Dec 14
loop is going to take 26 hours - needs to be quicker!
Dear R-help,
I have a loop, which is set to take about 26 hours to run at the rate it's going
- this is ridiculous and I really need your help to find a more efficient way of
loading up my array gpcc.array:
#My data is stored in a table format with all the data in one long column
#running though every longitute, for every latitude, for every year. The
#original data is sotred as
2006 Dec 12
how do you interpolate a gaussian grid to a standard 2.5 degree grid?
Dear R-help community,
I have looked on the R search site and archives but cannot find mention of a way
of interpolating a gaussian distribution of data to a standard 2.5 degree grid.
I have two global dataset and I need to correlate - unfortunately one is a 2.5
degree grid dim[longitude=144,latitude=72] and one is gaussian
I would rally appreciate hearing
2007 Mar 16
Problem installing R onto Solaris 2.10 system - need advice!!!!!
Dear R-Help friends,
I am unable to get the latest version of R (2.4.1) to compile on my solaris 10
system - has anybody else experienced this problem and are you able to offer me
any advice?
I appreciate your time, many thanks,
Jenny Barnes
Here are my CURRENT specifications:
platform sparc-sun-solaris2.10
arch sparc
os solaris2.10
2007 Jun 06
random numbers selection - simple example
Dear R-help,
Which random number generator function would you recommend for simply picking 15
random numbers from the sequence 0-42? I want to use replacement (so that the
same number could potentially be picked more than once).
I have read the R-help archives and the statistics and computing book on modern
Applied statistics with S but the advice seems to be for much form complicated
2006 Dec 18
I''m back
Hey all,
I''m back. Some of you are probably thinking that is the longest weeks
vacation on record. Well, I''d like to take this opportunity to
apologise for my absence and offer a brief explanation. When I got
back to Australia I naturally went home to visit my parents, only to
find that they have been hit really hard by the drought. They didn''t
really tell me just how
2017 Jun 25
Help to organize data
Hi everybody,
My name is Jackson and come here ask for a help to organize data.
I really need help from you. I have several data sets to organize.
I have to summarize precipitation data collected in different days and
months in only one table.
However, those data are disperse in days and times. Those rainy days have a
more observations than drought ones.
Below you can find a hypothetical
2007 Jul 24
Overlaying a single contour from a new data array in levelplot
Dear R-Help community,
I am trying to overlay a single contour line over a correlation plot using
levelplot in the lattice package. These are the two arrays:
1) a correlation plot over Africa - so each grid square is a different colour
dependent on correlation - this is in an array: result_cor with dim[465,465]
2) a single contour line from a ***different data source*** - this is from data
2006 Dec 11
upside down image/data
Dear R-community,
I am looking for some simple advice - I have a matrix (therefore 2 dimensional)
of global temperature.
Having read R-help I think that when I ask R to image() or levelplot() my matrix
will it actually appear upside down - I think I therefore need to use the line:
> levelplot(temperature.matrix[,ncol(output.temp):1], ........)
to get it looking like it was on the globe due
2016 Apr 20
simulation in R
Hi R user,
Would you mind to help me to find the range with stochastic events? For example,
daT<-structure(list(sn = 1:14, growthrate = c(0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.99,
0.1, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.4, 0.3, 0.43)), .Names = c("sn",
"growthrate"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -14L))
I want to find the ranges of growth rate of the above data using Mote
2009 Jul 25
r2 question
Hi everyone,
I have a question about calculating r-squared in R. I have tried searching the archives and couldn't find what I was looking for - but apologies if there is somewhere I can find this...
I carried out a droughting experiment to test plant competition under limited water. I had:
- 7 different levels of watering treatment (1 -7 - from most watered to least watered/)
- 15 replicates at each level.
Soil moisture readings were taken 4 times throughout the experiment (so I have 105 readings for each of the 4 tim...
2013 Jan 30
non-metric multidimensional scaling
I would like to perform an NMDS on the following:
I have two independent variables, which are sites and treatments.
I have 6 sites which are peatlands. I collected 5 replicates (at the same time) from each of the sites.
I used each of the replicates in a treatment.
There were 4 treatments. 2 were controls and the other two were a simulated 30 day drought and a simulated 60 day drought.
2006 Nov 20
problem with loop to put data into array with missing data forsome files
Hi Jenny
If you want a general solution I understand.
However I just downloaded the file fine (as far as I can tell) so you
are welcome to have a copy. I can email it to you if you want.
I do not think your test for NA is valid. i.e
if(test != "NA"){
I think you should use
Or something similar.
John Seers
Institute of Food Research
2007 Jan 10
correlation value and map
Dear R-help community,
I have 2 different arrays of precipitation data each of the same dimensions of
[longitude, latitude, time] dim=[30,32,43], called array1 and array2. I need to
correlate them. This is the code I used to get one overall correlation value for
the whole of the area of interest:
> result <- cor(array1,array2,use="complete.obs")
> result
This give me a