Displaying 20 results from an estimated 50 matches for "donner".
Did you mean:
2013 Mar 08
ggplot2: modifying line width and background fill color for stat_smooth()
I'd like to make (a) the fitted line thicker and (b) change the
background fill color for the confidence
envelope around each fitted line to a low-alpha transparent version of
the same color used
for the separate fitted lines for GENDER, rather than grey for both.
How can I do this?
ggplot(donner, aes(AGE, NFATE, color = GENDER))+
geom_point(position = position_jitter(height = 0.02, width = 0)) +
stat_smooth(method = "glm", family = binomial, formula = y ~ poly(x,2))
For the line widt...
2011 Jun 16
Hash: SHA1
On 06/16/2011 01:47 PM, Rob James wrote:
> Ben,
> Thanks for this. Very helpful and clearly others have tripped over the
> same problem
> I would have supposed that the solution was to ask lrm (or glm) to use
> LR rather than Wald, but I don't see syntax to achieve this.
Typically drop1 or dropterm (MASS package) will drop
2005 Sep 07
Hotelling Test
Hello R-users,
I've been looking for a function performing one and two sample Hotelling
test for testing equality of mean vectors. Has anyone implemented such a
function in R?
thanks a lot,
Bill Donner
2013 Dec 17
ggplot2: stat_smooth for family=binomial with cbind(Y, N) formula
With ggplot2, I can plot the glm stat_smooth for binomial data when the
response is binary or
a two-level factor as follows:
data("Donner", package="vcdExtra")
ggplot(Donner, aes(age, survived)) +
geom_point(position = position_jitter(height = 0.02, width = 0)) +
stat_smooth(method = "glm", family = binomial, formula = y ~ x,
alpha = 0.2, size=2)
But how can I specify the formula for stat_smooth when the res...
2008 Aug 22
help needed for HWE.exact in library "genetics"
I have a genotype data for both case and controls and would like to calculate the HW p-value. However, since the number of one genotype is 0, I got wired result. Would someone help me to figure it out? Or confirm it's right? Thanks a lot.
> library( "genetics" )
The R-Genetics project has developed an set of enhanced
2005 Jun 09
New package aod: Analysis of Overdispersed Data
...should be considered as complements to more
sophisticated methods such as generalized estimating
equations (GEE) or generalized linear mixed effect
models (GLMM).
Index (edited):
betabin Beta-Binomial Model for Proportions
donner Test of Proportion Homogeneity using Donner's
icc Intra-Cluster Correlation
negbin Negative-Binomial Model for Counts
quasibin Quasi-Likelihood Model for Proportions
2005 Jun 09
New package aod: Analysis of Overdispersed Data
...should be considered as complements to more
sophisticated methods such as generalized estimating
equations (GEE) or generalized linear mixed effect
models (GLMM).
Index (edited):
betabin Beta-Binomial Model for Proportions
donner Test of Proportion Homogeneity using Donner's
icc Intra-Cluster Correlation
negbin Negative-Binomial Model for Counts
quasibin Quasi-Likelihood Model for Proportions
2008 Dec 08
Red Hat réagit à la crise économique
L'entreprise Red Hat r?agit ? la crise... en supprimant une ?norme f?te
d'entreprise. Au lieu de cela, ils ont d?cid? de donner l'argent ?
l'?quivalent am?ricain des Restos du Coeur, soit quelque 800.000 repas:
J'ai toujours eu un faible pour Red Hat, mais l?, je les appr?cie
carr?ment. Comme quoi l'esprit de partage ne s'arr?te pas au code sour...
2007 Nov 24
Ne pouvant pas afficher toutes les pages web avec html window, est-ce qu''il est possible à partir d''un bouton de coller l''url choisi dans la barre de recherche d''IE7 par exemple et d''ouvrir IE7 automatiquement à la page recherchée?
Est-ce que vous pouvez me donnez quelques explications si cela est possible?
2006 Dec 31
zero random effect sizes with binomial lmer [sorry, ignore previous]
I am fitting models to the responses to a questionnaire that has
seven yes/no questions (Item). For each combination of Subject and
Item, the variable Response is coded as 0 or 1.
I want to include random effects for both Subject and Item. While I
understand that the datasets are fairly small, and there are a lot of
invariant subjects, I do not understand something that is happening
here, and in
2006 Mar 05
glm gives t test sometimes, z test others. Why?
...thers approximations based on the Wald idea that
is asymptotically Chi-square? And that sqrt(Chi-square) is Normal.
While I'm asking, I wonder if glm should report them at all. I've
followed up on Prof Ripley's advice to read the Hauck & Donner article
and the successors, and I'm persuaded that we ought to just use the
likelihood ratio test to decide about individual parameters.
Paul E. Johnson
Professor, Political Science
1541 Lilac Lane, Room 504
University of Kansas
2000 Aug 14
conf. int. for lm() and Up-arrow
...he MASS library working very
well on my binomial GLMs and I have tried it (using glm
() , family=gaussian) but it gives NAs according to
below. Does the confint() function not accept gaussian
GLMs? Could there be convergence problems in the GLM?
Note the very low R2-value. Could the Hauck & Donner
phenomenon discussed in V & R (1999) occur in a
gaussian GLM? I guess not and I have tried with
different epsilon but it does not change anything.
I use R 1.1.0 on Windows 98.
Sorry to bother you about this but earlier some R users
had problem using the Up arrow key to get the earlier
2002 Nov 10
binomial glm for relevant feature selection?
As suggested in my earlier message, I have a large population of
independent variables and a binary dependent outcome. It is expected
that only a few of the independent variables actually contribute to the
outcome, and I'd like to find those.
If it wasn't already obvious, I am *not* a statistician. Not even
close. :-) Statistician colleagues have suggested that I use logistic
2005 Jul 02
Is it possible to use glm() with 30 observations?
I have a very simple problem. When using glm to fit
binary logistic regression model, sometimes I receive
the following warning:
Warning messages:
1: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
in: glm.fit(x = X, y = Y, weights = weights, start =
start, etastart = etastart,
2: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
in: glm.fit(x = X, y = Y, weights = weights, start =
2020 Jan 27
Nut-upsuser Digest, Vol 175, Issue 32
Here are my permissions and user info. Let me know if there is anything
else I should check
pi at nutpi:~ $ ls -alt /etc/nut
total 56
drwxr-xr-x 87 root root 4096 Jan 26 15:22 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 root nut 4096 Jan 26 13:53 .
-rw-r----- 1 root nut 4719 Jan 26 13:15 upssched.conf
-rw-r----- 1 root nut 15347 Jan 26 11:25 upsmon.conf
-rw-r----- 1 root nut 1543 Jan 26 10:02 nut.conf
2008 May 28
A propos d'' "animation", quel animation est il possible d''insérer, et est ce que vous pourriez me donnez un exemple de code avec une animation pour que je puisse voir un peu ce que celà peu donner?
wxruby-users mailing list
2009 Sep 11
Getting at the LPC coefficients
...est appr?ci?! ?
Moi aussi, j?ai la m?me question que vous et mon but est de trouver les
coefficients LPC, dans la m?thode wld
float[], float[], int)> (float [] LPC, float [] ac, float [] ref, int p)
est ce que je doit donner ces coefficients LPC et les coefficients de
r?flexions (ref)en argument?
Je suis int?ress?e ? la reconnaissance du locuteur, j'ai r?cup?r? sur
Internet un code source qui permet en th?orie de calculer les coefficients
LPC ? partir d'un signal de parole. Seulement je n'arrive pas ? le...
2006 Apr 04
[SUISSE] Utilisateurs Ruby on Rails région Lausanne
Je trouverais enrichissant de pouvoir rencontrer quelques utilisateurs
de RoR dans la r?gion pour ?changer des bonnes id?es, se faire des
critiques sur les choses ? faire, ? ne pas faire, se donner quelques
coups de main...
Si vous habitez dans la r?gion et ?tes int?ress? par une telle
proposition, merci de m''envoyer un email ? gaspard AROBASE teti POINT
ch. Je me chargerai de proposer des rencontres au bistrot...
A bient?t j''esp?re...
Posted via http://www.ruby-fo...
2000 Jan 07
R parser
| Belgique | lecoutre at stat.ac.ucl.be |
|(0032) 10 45 20 32 | http://www.stat.ucl.ac.be/ISpersonnel/lecoutre/ |
|La raison d'?tre des statistiques, c'est de vous donner raison. ABE BURROW|
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2001 Oct 10
What kind of test in summary(glm)?
Hello R Users,
when I use summary(glm) for a logistic regression model with logit as link
function I get one column "z value". What kind of test does R use? (I would
have expected a t-test).
Thanks, Anne
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