search for: doiong

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2009 Sep 16
extracting one element from all list elements
Hi I have a list which cosists out of dataframes of the same structure. Now I want to extract one column (let's say column "A") from all dataframes and have them in a matrix (or dataframe). At the moment I am doiong: d <- data.frame(A=runif(100), B=rnorm(100)) theList <- list(e1=d, e2=d, e3=d, e4=d) f <- sapply(theList, function(l){l$A} ) But I am sure ther is a more elegant way? Rainer -- Rainer M. Krug, Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology, Stellenbosch University, South Africa [[alterna...
2006 May 04
providing the current samba PID to a preexec script
...current samba PID with wich the user will be looged in. It seems this variable is %d in smb.conf I write it in a log file, and all I can see is the domain name, not the pid here is the line in my smb.conf : .... root preexec = /samba_system/scripts/ %u %m %I %T %D %d .... what am I doiong wrong ? Thanks, val?ry