Displaying 20 results from an estimated 35 matches for "dissatisfy".
2002 Aug 11
Ordinal categorical data with GLM
Hello All:
I am looking for you help.
I am trying to replicate the results of an example found in Alan Agresti's
"Categorical Data Analysis" on pages 267-269. The example is one of a 2 x 2
cross-classification table of ordinal counts: job satisfaction and income.
I am able to get Agresti's results for the independence model (G^2 = 12.03
with df = 9) assuming as he does that
2012 Jun 07
Relative frequencies in table
I'm trying to create a stacked bar plot with the satisfaction scores from a
customer satisfaction survey. I have results for three stores over several
weeks and want to create a weekly graph with a stacked bar for each store.
I can flatten the dataframe into a table with absolute frequencies, but I
can't find how to get relative frequencies. My dataset looks similar to the
2004 Aug 06
Bug found (and possibly fixed) in Win32 speexdec
Jean-Marc Valin wrote:
> Thanks for the fix. I applied to CVS. It'll be included in the 1.0.1
> version I plan to release soon.
Great! Any ETA on the 1.0.1 version? I am just on the verge of releasing
a product containing Speex, but might stall for a month or two if
significant updates are imminent. With the start of summer vacation in
Denmark the whole country pretty much grinds to
2005 Feb 15
Sixtel.net / IAX.CC - Vanity Toll-Free Numbe r
I've tried to make toll-free DID work for the last 2-3 weeks. Apparently
only the IAX.CC/Sixtel personnel can make a call to my toll-free. Anybody
else just gets a busy signal. It takes for them about 5-6 business days to
respond to my request. It seems they are looking in the once a week to the
High priority tickets.
It also seems that they are permanently closed ! No matter when I
2001 Nov 21
lost+found missing, Bug or feature?
...after a fresh install of 7.2 there are no lost+found on
partitions that were formatted. I want to make them all the same but
I am not sure which is correct. I do not plan on going back to
ext2 but.........
......Tom Dysfunction The Only Consistent Feature of All
tdiehl@rogueind.com of Your Dissatisfying Relationships is You.
2003 Nov 09
File Disappearance after copy?
Hi. I'm converting a group that was using Mac OS X Server (we were
dissatisfied) to Mandrake PPC Linux with Samba. The Mandrake-supplied
package is version 2.2.7a-8mdk. So far it works great - but we have a
serious and odd problem that I couldn't find in previous postings to this
When I copy files from an OS X server to this Mandrake/Samba server they
usually disappear. Which is
2017 Jun 18
Problema con Histograma con porcentajes usando ggplot
Soy un nuevo usario de R, y estoy usando como base de datos el European
Social Survey, que tiene datos de 40,000 individuos, y alrededor de 23
países europeos. Lo que he seleccionado es la útima ola, el round 7, para
el año 2014.
He leido los datos, desde SPSS y aquí tienen la base de datos y que tipo de
objetos se han generado, y tambíen la distribución por pais de la muestra.
No he
2017 Jun 18
Problema con Histograma con porcentajes usando ggplot
Gracias. Alguna idea de que usar para calcular los porcentajes y
almacenarlos. Se puede usar flat table?
El 18/06/2017 4:50 p. m., "Carlos J. Gil Bellosta" <cgb en datanalytics.com>
> Los porcentajes que obtienes con tu código son sobre todas las facetas, no
> país a país.
> Calcula los porcentajes previamente a por país y representa esa columna en
2002 Apr 11
Ordinal categorical data with GLM
Hello All:
I am trying to replicate the results of an example found in Alan
Agresti's "Categorical Data Analysis" on pages 267-269. The example is
one of a 2 x 2 cross-classification table of ordinal counts: job
satisfaction and income.
I am able to get Agresti's results for the independence model (G^2 =
12.03 with df = 9) assuming as he does that the data is nominal, but
2017 Jun 18
Problema con Histograma con porcentajes usando ggplot
#Simple table con frecuencias absolutas y crear relativas
count =table(ess$stflife)
percent = 100* (count)/sum(count)
Carlos he creado a esto a nivel general en vez de usar prop.table. Según lo
que dices o entiendo, debo de usar la función
ddply para hacerlo a nivel de todos los paises, y entiendo que ddply (,
c(""), debo de indicar los paises?
2017-06-18 17:37 GMT-05:00
2006 Apr 23
(no subject)
Ilija Barukcic, Jever, Germany. GMT + 1h.
Barukcic at t-online.de
you are receiving this message from me
as someone who potentially
has bought the first Edition of my book
Causality. New statistical methods.
ISBN 3 - 8 3 3 4 - 3 6 4 5 - X.
Your email address was obtained either through my friends,
your publication, a colleague or via correspondence with
I am pleased to
2001 Nov 13
7.2 might have ate my partition table.
...lf. I would like to know
what happened.
I cc the ext3 list on this because the partitions were converted
from ext2 to ext3 during the Roswell upgrade from 7.1.
Ideas, suggestions and comments are welcome,
......Tom Dysfunction The Only Consistent Feature of All
tdiehl@rogueind.com of Your Dissatisfying Relationships is You.
2004 Aug 06
Bug found (and possibly fixed) in Win32 speexdec
Speexdec "clips" playback of files on fast Windows machines when
invoking it in decode-and-play mode by only supplying a filename for the
source file - the end of the sound playback gets chopped off. I have
traced it to the line reading:
if (fout && strlen(outFile)==0)
WIN_Audio_close ();
<p>...which should probably read...
if (strlen(outFile)==0)
2006 Dec 19
smbstatus parsing (XML output)
Hey all,
I'm preparing to start development of a new version of 'smbstatus' that
produces XML output, instead of the tabular data it currently produces.
This follows an attempt to parse the output of the current 'smbstatus' (
3.0.22) using grep and a few other shell tools, from a system call in PHP,
and then further RegEx parsing to create a multidimensional array of the
2017 Jun 19
Problema con Histograma con porcentajes usando ggplot
Creo que esto me da para DK, y luego veré como aplicar el barplot
ess %>%
filter(cntry %in% c("DK")) %>%
count (stflife) %>%
mutate (freq = (n /sum(n)*100))%>%
2017-06-18 19:01 GMT-05:00 Antonio Rodriguez Andres <
antoniorodriguezandres70 en gmail.com>:
> He conseguido el total para un país, pero no me deja usar percent =
> count() /sum(count),
2004 Aug 10
who gives access? was: why ADD_DNAT_ALIASES missing?
there was some email problems and i repeat my question too fast, but
this is the second part of my questions.
- only the rules and policy files give access right? ie. rules in the
FORWARD chain of the filter table in iptables ?
- is a line in masq file automaticaly add an accept rule too? eg. in
msaq file
eth0 <internal ip>
allow connection from <internal ip> (local zona) to the
2001 Nov 18
Need some advice please.
...FWIW the linux boxes are or will be Redhat Linux 7.2
Suggestions, comments and even RTFM with pointers welcome. I have read
most of the stuff that comes with the samba distro but maybe I
missed something.
......Tom Dysfunction The Only Consistent Feature of All
tdiehl@rogueind.com of Your Dissatisfying Relationships is You.
2006 Oct 13
VoipSupply? [Semi-Urgent]
Does anyone know what is going on with voipsupply? My sales guy
hasn't been online in several days, their 800 number is fasy busy, as
are their direct lines. And the canadian store website is down. What
the heck is going on?
2005 Feb 10
Player Problems
Hi Everyone,
Has anyone come across problems listening back to Mp3
streams using VLC?
The reason I ask is that we [ResonanceFM] stream at
128K and at 24K (using two different Icecast
instances). All players (Zinf, Winamp, Media Player
etc) can play both streams bar VLC which seems to
exhibt a skipping (i.e like the sound of a CD) problem
when playing the 24K stream. Incidently it plays the
2001 Nov 01
Auto starting the daemon in redhat
I am having a problem with the auto running of the samba daemons in red hat
I got the smb script from the site and place it as /etc/rc.c/init.d/smb
Then I set up symbolic links in the places it told me.
I used lm -s ..... for the links
I went into the place where one link was and I use colors to signify what something is. All of the links are in cyan except for the one created which is white