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Displaying 20 results from an estimated 55 matches for "discuses".

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2016 Sep 15
Opinion/discusion segundo lenguaje
Buenas a todos, ando recabando opiniones al respecto de introducirme en un nuevo lenguaje (más allá del "hola mundo" que lo debo haber hecho cientos de veces). Particularmente no creo ser un gran programador en R pero me revuelvo con el google y la lista de compañeros logro sacar mis cosas adelante y he aprendido un montón en los últimos años. Por otro lado dado que trabajo con
2006 Mar 02
Milliwatt Analyzer available
Hi, some days ago we discused here the need for an analyzer for the 1000 Hz tone, as opposite application to Milliwatt. Here it is: Mwanalyze It performs a Fourier analysis for a fixed frequency and tells the amplitude. The frequency is not limited to 1000 Hz, but can be passed as argument. The periode duration must be a mulitple
2004 May 19
using iLBC
I want use iLBC and have following in mind, please help me is it possible ? ISDN <-----(ALAW)-----> * <-----(ALAW)-----> SNOM SIP??<-----(iLBC)----->?*?<-----(ALAW)----->?SNOM 1. ISDN incoming codec is ALAW SNOM codec should be ALAW (can't be iLBC because a lack of codec). 2. SIP incoming codec should be iLBC (snom is ALAW). 3. SIP outgoing codec should be iLBC /snom
2004 Jul 21
rxgain - txgain values
Hi, I know that this issue has been discused guite a lot, but I haven't managed to get a definite answer. Is those two values supposed to be floats (e.g. 3.5) or integers with the percent symbol (e.g. 20%)? Thanks, Yiannis.
2017 Oct 11
issues with the WD
ood morning, I am reaching out to discus an issue I am having with setting a working directing. I have tried github, stack overload, setwd, getwd, all to no avail. I am used to setting a working directory in 3.1.1 and have yet to get 3.4.1 to work properly. Let me know if there is anyone who I can talk to about this. Thank you so much, My best, Peter Wight, MPA [[alternative HTML version
2003 Oct 23
List of lm objects
Hi R-Helpers: I?m trying to fit the same linear model to a bunch of variables in a data frame, so I was trying to adapt the codes John Fox, Spencer Graves and Peter Dalgaard proposed and discused yesterday on this e-mail list: for (y in df[, 3:5]) { mod = lm(y ~ Trt*Dose, data = x, contrasts = list(Trt = contr.sum, Dose = contr.sum)) Anova(mod, type = "III") } ## by John Fox or for
2007 Aug 21
runing .r file from C#
Hi, I know that the general subject "calling R from C" has been discused but I have been reading the manuals and also scouting the lists and I can not seam to find a working solution for my problem. I want to call a R script ( let's call it "test.r" ) from within C# code. After reading about this topic I am trying to do this : System.Diagnostics.Process proc = new
2009 Aug 27
[LLVMdev] inlining hint
...didn't register at first, but I have read (part of) your book. sorry for the tone of my reply which was not very friendly (It happen often to me with mail, but this is not an excuse). I just didn't and still don't understand how you do it, but this is probably not the good place to discuses this. please accept my sincere apologies. > > I don't think that how standard library or STL headers _are_ written > determines how they _should be_ written. > > (Templates don't force us to write excessive inline functions: Leave > off the inline keyword and write a...
2015 Nov 09
idmap & migration to rfc2307
On 2015-11-09 at 09:05 +0000, Rowland Penny wrote: > On 09/11/15 08:03, Michael Adam wrote: > >On 2015-11-09 at 07:57 +0100, buhorojo wrote: > >>On 08/11/15 23:40, Michael Adam wrote: > >>>please submit a bug report at > >>There are already many. Start with 10886. > >Ah, thanks for the pointer. > >We need to follow up
2003 Mar 12
quasipoisson, glm.nb and AIC values
Dear R users, I am having problems trying to fit quasipoisson and negative binomials glm. My data set contains abundance (counts) of a species under different management regimens. First, I tried to fit a poisson glm: > summary(model.p<-glm(abund~mgmtcat,poisson)) Call: glm(formula = abund ~ mgmtcat, family = poisson) . . . (Dispersion parameter
2008 Aug 22
Problem using rsync for backing up on to a NAS
Hi, I have a problem that was already discused in the german archlinux forum and couldn't be solved. Because of this I was asked to use the rsync mailing list. So here I am ;b I'm using the following script to backup my data to a Network Attached Storage that has an ext3 formated hdd that is mounted via NFS script: This script works fine for /home but
2005 Apr 11
Theora, MMX and optimisation
Hi everyone, I just landed into the theora planet, as a game programmer, I searched for a free video fomat/codec and the theora choice became obvious. However I experienced rather bad performance (at least from a game programming point of view) After a couple a profiling, I discovered, as previous discused in a post found via Google, that the bottleneck is in the ogg library. An unsane part of the
2003 Nov 24
OT: reasoning behind open vs. closed SSH
Let me preface this message by saying that the "General Discusion" mailing list archived was filled with 99% spam, so I though I'd post here instead to get some real people. My employer is using SSH to replace rcp, rsh and rlogin in its UNIX products. Our experience so far is that the commercial product is slow(1), and difficult to use in scripts where standard input and output are
2012 Jun 28
[LLVMdev] One problem to discuss
Hello, all: I have a problem want to discus with you, Chris someone should be the right person. In llvm-3.1.src/lib/support/unix/, in SignalHandler, we have: static RETSIGTYPE SignalHandler(int Sig) { ... SignalsMutex.acquire(); RemoveFilesToRemove(); ... } We can also find following code snippet in the same file: void llvm::sys::RunInterruptHandlers() {
2015 Sep 20
move firmware-specific code into a directory
>>> Hm... Maybe I'm biased by the Linux source code organization, but I'd rather see things like this: 1) Keep the code in core and com32 as generic as possible and just call some functions that have a BIOS and an EFI implementation. Like com32/modules/reboot.c would call a function that is implemented both in arch/{bios,efi}/lib/reboot.c, and the Makefiles link as
2015 Jun 29
CPAN issues
?CPAN is a core module which can be tricky to update on the RedHat based systems. Suggest investigating: local::lib App::cpanminus Pinto? ?If you need a newer Perl, check out
2005 Oct 19
usb boot (bios pb)
Hello, Although the subject as been discused several times already I could not find the answer to my problem in the list archive so here is the last post (to date) about usb boot problems... After some time I managed to boot on my usb key perfectly (thanks to syslinux!) But I can't boot the brand new key I just got... I think I'm pretty familiar now with the MBR, boot sector and linux
2000 Jan 11
"The credentials supplied conflict with " ..message
We have just upgraded from Samba 1.9.18p7 to 2.0.6. We are now encountering this problem with 2.0.6 which was discussed back in 1998. We never had the problem with 1.9.18p7. We haven't changed the smb.conf as we are just using Samba in basic fileserver mode. Is there a change we need to make to get rid of this message and restriction occuring? Andrew 1998 Discusion: >I have a
2000 Feb 09
2.0.6: smbmount still loses connection after awhile to a NT4 server
hello, I know this topic has already been discused, and I remember that the final word was the this issue would be fixed in 2.0.6. I'm running a fresh install of Mandrake 7.0 with kernel 2.2.14-15mdksecure with samba 2.0.6 installed. I can smbmount a share on my NT4 server without problem. the connection is establised and everything works fine: Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address
2012 Feb 05
How to create a Wine shortcut on the Desktop (KDE)
Hi Friends, I want to create a shortcut on the desktop (Fedora 16 with KDE 4) to call a windows executable (a ".exe", let say "discus.exe") . This programme does not need any install (so it does not appear on the K menu under the Wine section), it just has to be called via Wine. How to proceed to create this shortcut ?