Displaying 16 results from an estimated 16 matches for "diab".
Did you mean:
2009 Feb 26
error message and convergence issues in fitting glmer in package lme4
I'm resending this message because I did not include a subject line in my first posting.
Apologies for the inconvenience!
> Hello,
> I'm trying to fit a generalized linear mixed model to estimate diabetes prevalence at US county level. To do this I'm using the glmer() function in package lme4. I can fit relatively simple models (i.e. few covariates) but when expanding the number of covariates I usually encounter the following error message.
> gm8 <-
> glmer(DIAB05F~AGE+as.fa...
2006 Mar 28
Running text app without X
...e last two hours looking for a solution
and trying various things, but to no avail.
I'm trying to run a command-line app (text-only). It's a
cross-compiler tool for which we only have Windows binaries.
The app works fine, but when I run it (i.e. to compile a
test file), I see:
$ wine c:\\diab\\\\WIN32\\bin\\dcc -c -o obj/hello.o hello.c
err:imagelist:ImageList_ReplaceIcon no color!
err:imagelist:ImageList_ReplaceIcon no color!
err:imagelist:ImageList_ReplaceIcon no color!
err:imagelist:ImageList_ReplaceIcon no color!
err:imagelist:ImageList_ReplaceIcon no color!
2006 Sep 19
How to interpret these results from a simple gamma-frailty model
...here I fit a coxph model without frailty (M1) and with frailty (M2) on a number of data samples with a varying degree of heterogeneity (I'm running R 2.3.1, running takes ~1 min).
library(survival); set.seed(10000)
lambda <- 0.01 # Exp. hazard rate
# Beta coefficients for Age,TC,HDLC,SBP,Diab,Smok
beta <- c(0.0483,0.0064,-0.0270,0.0037,0.4284,0.5234)
n <- 1000; Ngrp <- 2; # Nr patients, Nr frailty groups
# Thetas for gamma-frailty
thetaset <- c(1,2,10,100); Ntheta <- length(thetaset);
# Define the simulated population
age <-rnorm(n,48.6,11.7);tc<-rnor...
2009 Feb 26
(no subject)
I'm trying to fit a generalized linear mixed model to estimate diabetes prevalence at US county level. To do this I'm using the glmer() function in package lme4. I can fit relatively simple models (i.e. few covariates) but when expanding the number of covariates I usually encounter the following error message.
gm8 <- glmer(DIAB05F~AGE+as.factor(SEX)+poolt+p...
2007 Dec 06
Building package - tab delimited example data issue
I'm trying to integrate example data in the shape of a tab delimited ASCII
file into my package and therefore dropped it into the data subdirectory.
The build works out just fine, but when I attempt to install I get:
** building package indices ...
Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines,
na.strings, :
line 1 did not have 500 elements
Calls: <Anonymous>
2019 May 15
force linker to load symbols from archive (8.a) , even application does not use them explicitly
I want to force the linker to load all the symbols (object files) related
to specific archive (.a) even though the application does not use them
(In similar in gnu linker the option for the linker will be –whole-archive,
or in diab –A ).
System is 64bit.
Yehuda Marko
Yehuda.Marko at scaleil.com +972544373003
[image: fb-cover-6221-3464467]
This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the
intended recipient(s) and contains information that is confidential and
2010 Apr 15
Please help: Shorewall 4.4.8 captures all traffic as "world" on both loc & net on a bridge firewall
Hello All,
I¹ve installed the vanilla shorewall F12, I¹ve got it installed on a couple
of other servers with no problems. no matter how I define the zones and
interfaces, shorewall logs and allows, rejects or drops only traffic to
ACCEPT:info net:<myip>/32 $FW icmp
ACCEPT:info world:<myip>/32 $FW icmp
2017 Sep 25
Incorrect Import by Data for CSV File
Good day,
The data function can import a variety of file formats, one of them being C.S.V. Problematically, all of the table columns are collapsed into a single data frame column. This occurs because "files ending .csv or .CSV are read using read.table(..., header = TRUE, sep = ";", as.is=FALSE)". I suggest that the semi-colon used as the column separator be changed to a
2004 Oct 04
limited upload speed
HI all,
What is best way to be limited upload speed from LAN users. I read
that it is possible to be done with IMQ interface or with limitation
over gateway interface of router(eth0 in my "scheme"), but i cannot
chose what is preferred way and need from advice.
Please for advise, any example scripts or URL with tutorial are welcome :)
I read couple times Linux Traffic Control.
2018 May 05
error in chol.default((value + t(value))/2) : , the leading minor of order 1 is not positive definite
A <- 275; B <-? 140;? g1 <- 0.1105; g2 <- .0161
N <- 30
AA <- rep(A,30)+rnorm(30,0,30);BB <- rep(B,30)+rnorm(30,0,15) ;
gg1 <- rep(g1,30)+rnorm(30,0,0.01); gg2 <- rep(g2,30)+rnorm(30,0,0.001)
TRT <- gl(3,10*60)
levels(TRT) <- c("CTRL","DIAB","HYPER")
AA1 <- AA + c(rep(0,10),rep(10,10),rep(-10,10))
BB1 <- BB + c(rep(0,10),rep(5,10),rep(-5,10))
Gg1 <- gg1 + c(rep(0,10),rep(0.01,10),rep(-0.01,10))
Gg2 <- gg2 + c(rep(0,10),rep(0.005,10),rep(-0.005,10))
getY <- function(A,B,g1,g2) {
Y? <- A*exp(-g1*Time) +...
2004 Sep 28
Bandwidth Metering
How do you meter the amount of bandwidth a user has consumed (as
webhosting companies do) under linux? I have searched everywhere, but
have been unable to find a solution. Apologies if this is the wrong
LARTC mailing list / LARTC@mailman.ds9a.nl
http://mailman.ds9a.nl/mailman/listinfo/lartc HOWTO: http://lartc.org/
2004 Sep 23
shaping fails when using p2p apps?
...ip prio 16 u32 match ip dst $row->{ip} police rate
$row->{shaper}kbit burst 10k drop flowid :ffff
tc filter add dev eth1 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 16 u32 match ip src $row->{ip} police rate
$row->{shaper}kbit burst 10k drop flowid :ffff
Any help would be really appreciated.
LARTC mailing list / LARTC@mailman.ds9a.nl
http://mailman.ds9a.nl/mailman/listinfo/lartc HOWTO: http://lartc.org/
2004 Nov 25
simple dual Internet connection setup not sending return packets on correct interface
I have a very simple setup exactly as described in the HOWTO section "
4.2. Routing for multiple uplinks/providers".
One is cable (eth1: dhcp) and the other is PPPoE (ppp0).
I used the following commands to configure the routing once all of my
interfaces are up and i have configured SNATing for them:
ip route add dev ppp0 src table 11
ip route add default
2004 Oct 18
bandwidth limitation per dynamic IP
Is there a way to do the following with lartc tools :
I would like to limit any entering user to not use more than Xkb/mb to my
website. The IPs they use are changing all the time so static IP limitation
cannot be used. Is there a way doing so ?
LARTC mailing list / LARTC@mailman.ds9a.nl
http://mailman.ds9a.nl/mailman/listinfo/lartc HOWTO:
2004 Nov 24
reshaping of data for barplot2
Dear All,
I have the following data coming out from
s <- with(final,
summarize(norm, llist(gtt,fdiab),
function(norm) {
n <- sum(!is.na(norm))
s <- sum(norm, na.rm=T)
binconf(s, n)
}, type='matrix')
gtt fdiab norm.norm norm.norm2 norm.norm3
18 PL No 3.703...
2005 Jan 31
How to bond pppoe links
I have three ADSL lines that I''d like to use as one big pipe to the
internet. The ADSL service works by establishing a pppoe connection (the
ADSL "modem" is a bridge), and each pppoe interface gets its own IP
This means I''d have to have 4 ethernet interfaces (3 for each
of the ADSL modems and 1 for the LAN) in my gateway. I''d setup the
gateway to NAT