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2023 Mar 21
where is glib-devl x86-64?
I have a brand new installation of Rocky Linux 9.1 (I know, this isn't a Rocky mailing list, but I can't find anything on this on Rocky forums, etc. so I figured I would ask here), and I installed Gimp, and would like to install the Resynthesizer plugin package. Trying to compile it from source, complains that I don't have the gimp development libraries installed. In fact,
2023 Mar 22
where is glib-devl x86-64?
Am 21.03.23 um 23:10 schrieb Fred: > that's what I thought at first, but there is no gimp-devel either > installed, or available. > I think you will get more trouble because this plugin uses python2 code and I am not sure if this is supported under EL9. You could try the flatpak version of this plugin ... $ flatpak remote-add --user --if-not-exists flathub
2005 Apr 30
How do I get pass this libvorbis-1.0.1-1, libvorbis-devl-1.0.1-1 dependency failure?
I need libvorbis-devel to build another app. I have been trying to resolve this dependency failure for several days with no luck. I hope someone here can help me. uname -a Linux 2.6.10-2.1.ll.rhfc3.ccrma #1 Thu Dec 30 03:08:13 EST 2004 i686 i686i386 GNU/Linux rpm -q libvorbis libvorbis-1.0.1-1 rpm -ivh libvorbis-devel-1.0.1-1.i386.rpm error: Failed dependencies: libvorbis = 1.0.1 is
2023 Mar 21
where is glib-devl x86-64?
I dunno. I guess it could be. Went to the Gimp site and saw that glib-devel was mentioned there. My tired old brain is a bit confused by this, since most other -devel packages put -devel following the program/package name, and gimp doesn't. I'll give that a try, though, to see if it takes care of my issue. Thanks! On Tue, Mar 21, 2023 at 2:32?AM Simon Matter <simon.matter at
2023 Mar 21
where is glib-devl x86-64?
that's what I thought at first, but there is no gimp-devel either installed, or available. Fred On Tue, Mar 21, 2023 at 2:39?PM Robert Heller <heller at> wrote: > At Tue, 21 Mar 2023 14:13:50 -0400 CentOS mailing list <centos at> > wrote: > > > > > well, I'm still confused. > > > > sudo dnf install glib2-devel says it
2006 Oct 06
scope creep "serial console usb"
Can extlinux / syslinux use a usb port for the console? Hi all, I just picked up a energy efficient server with built in 3 hour ups, toshiba Laptop. I've been using serial consoles for monitoring and controlling the boot process, but this laptop has only usb ports. Can Extlinux use ttyUSB0 for the console? I love the extlinux for booting usb devices. Thank you for the hard work,
2011 Jul 13
puppet manifest execution orders
I created manifest for our webserver. manifest included git clone, database creation and restore database etc.... How to order the installation and exec exactly Roni -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
2015 Sep 25
issues with avoiding RStudio plot device on unix?
Hi R-devl, I'm still unable to force opening an *interactive* non-Rstudio platform-specific plot device on *unix* systems. add a new argument 'noRStudioGD' in R 3.1.1. Thank you. It works for me when using RStudio on Windows, but on the unix system it opens a pdf device instead of an interactive device when using an interactive RStudio session (with R_DEFAULT_DEVICE
2003 Dec 01
No subject
with no problems. I have another Sun Enterprise 3000 running Solaris 2.51 and Samba 2.03 and I have no problems. Here is my smb.conf: # Samba config file created using SWAT # from ( # Date: 2000/09/27 10:36:58 # Global parameters [global] workgroup = HANFORD server string = Orasys Samba Server, version 2.07 security = SHARE encrypt passwords = Yes min password
2004 Nov 02
Understanding filters
Hi, I''ve read the lartc doc but got stuck :) I''ve created a prio qdisc (the example) tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: prio tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 1:1 handle 10: sfq tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 1:2 handle 20: tbf rate 20kbit buffer 1600 limit 3000 tc qdisc add devl eth0 parent 1:3 handlle 30: sfq Then I tried to create filters to make priority traffic go to the
2001 Sep 27
Kerberos in OpenSsh 2.9.9p2
I note with interest that Kerberos support is now available (for the version 1 protocol, at least) in OpenSSH 2.9.9p2. However, it does not build with MIT Kerberos, due to the usual Heimdal/MIT library differences. These look, by and large, like the same problems I encountered when porting Dan Kouril's patch to MIT Kerberos - so I'm having a go at fixing them (my GSSAPI patches need
2007 Nov 10
Array of files and other questions...
Hi I''m quite new to the art of writing puppet manifest, but the more I see, the more I like it :-) I''m trying to write a djbdns dnscache module. dnscache configuration is spread in several files, for instance the ip addresses allowed to query the cache each have a file in dnscache/root/ip/ whose filename is the address. I''m trying to automate the creations of those
2015 Sep 26
issues with avoiding RStudio plot device on unix?
Sorry, should have given more background. x11 works fine on all my systems when called by x11(). I'm the maintainer of a package that uses the animation library, which has performance issues when used with the RStudio plot device. But if you call when using RStudio, you get an RStudio device, not the standard device for the platform because it overrides the device option.
2015 Sep 26
issues with avoiding RStudio plot device on unix?
Can you describe your problem a bit more? * What kind of unix system do you have? * Can you run other X11 programs? I had a similar issue, and the problem was that the computer was not set up to support X11. As a minimum, you have to install /xauth/, and potentially also other libraries if you want to install packages from source. Best, Ott On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 11:53 AM, Skye Bender-deMoll
2006 Sep 13
/usr/lib64/xen/bin/qemu-dm: invalid option -- ''-vncconnect''
Hi. I can''t use the vnc option (VNC=1 in my xmexample.hvm file), when I use RedHat or Fedora on 64 bits. The qemu log, say /usr/lib64/xen/bin/qemu-dm: invalid option -- ''-vncconnect'' But when I use RedHat or Fedora 32 bits, works fine. There is a problem or incompatibility in the 64 bits Xen kernel and the VNC option ? Best regards Luis
2002 Jul 19
SOLUTION :to can't copy files to samba volume
I've managed to fix the problem with copying to a samba share resulting in the "server is no longer available message". The problem was caused by the SGI libacl-2.0.9 upgrade. Seems like SGI broke some of the attr function calls from the acl lib into the attr lib. Since samba binaries tended to be linked ONLY to libacl, and not libattr this caused issues with samba. My solution on
2017 Sep 26
Latency in mails form llvm-dev / llvm-commits
Hello Devs, I'm experiencing a delay in mails being received from llvm-commits and llvm-devl list. Is there some issue with the servers. Thanks, Jatin -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2005 Apr 24
installing R-2.1.0 from source on Fedora Core 3 with tcltk
I installed from source on Fedora Core 3 starting with the command ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-tcltk (The --with-tcltk may not be necessary, but there seems to be some correlation between using it and getting it to work.) It would not compile with tcltk, even though I had both tcl and tk rpms installed. Various fooling around let me to get
2015 Sep 26
issues with avoiding RStudio plot device on unix?
On 26/09/2015 1:42 AM, Skye Bender-deMoll wrote: > Sorry, should have given more background. x11 works fine on all my > systems when called by x11(). I'm the maintainer of a package that uses > the animation library, which has performance issues when used with the > RStudio plot device. But if you call when using RStudio, you > get an RStudio device, not the
2001 Sep 12
feature request: comment character in read.table?
How difficult would it be (I could try myself if someone thought it would be straightforward) to change read.table to allow a comment character such as # or %? My thought would be that anything on a line following a comment character would be ignored (so that the combination of blank.lines.skip=TRUE and a comment at the beginning of the line would lead to a line being skipped completely).