search for: ddls

Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches for "ddls".

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2005 Mar 09
auto increment id
looking at the unit tests of activerecord leads me to think the db is completely responsible for auto-incrementing the id field and rails does no magic here. can someone confirm that this is a true statement? that being the case - what is the preferred way to write database agnostic sql for one''s schema since each of the dbs has slightly different syntax for this functionality... does
2010 Apr 02
packages with DLLs under 2.12.0
...nstalled for 'arch=i386' I tested a few (6 or 7) other randomly selected packages (bitops, igraph, ...) before wising up and looking at the recommended and automatically installed packages like lattice, etc. I see that the 'libs' folder now has an 'i386' subfolder where the DDLs reside. Making that change by hand fixes the 'problem'. > sessionInfo() R version 2.12.0 Under development (unstable) (2010-03-31 r51520) i386-pc-mingw32 locale: [1] LC_COLLATE=English_Canada.1252 LC_CTYPE=English_Canada.1252 [3] LC_MONETARY=English_Canada.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C [5] LC_T...
2005 Mar 09
SQL "editor"
Hello all, I am curious about what tools you guys use to make your databases. I know David uses CocoaMySQL. Are there other tools for other platforms and for other databases? I''m not very good with the SQL language, so I would like being able to do all my database setup with an easy-to-use tool (defining tables, fields, primary keys, foreign keys, indexes, etc.) Big kisses, Vincent.
2006 Mar 26
MVC Design
Hello I have been using LAMP for the last 6 years and i am now finally making the choice to move over to RoR. This MVC stuff is all very new to me. As i have no trouble understanding ruby code... or any code for that matter.. my challange comes in getting my head around the MVC stuff. Is there any demos articles that you guys have seen that takes a site or a business breif and explains where
2012 Feb 07
[Wine 1.4rc1]Mouse support broken in MassEffect and Bioshock
Hi, I upgraded to wine 1.4rc1 from the official wine PPA for ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot (11.10), I am running Ubuntu 12.04 alpha, and mouse support seems broken for Mass Effect (the first one) and Bioshock (the first one too). I have made some tests with a clean wine prefix. The works smoothly in the game menus, but after a level is loaded, it seems the mouse x an y axis are not recognized anymore :
2004 Dec 24
[LLVMdev] A first!
The interpreter still resolves printf using a hack. It does try to use DynamicLibrary to find it, but fails. DynamicLibrary on Windows only searches the main program executable for symbols, lli.exe in this case. As the C/C++ runtime is in a DLL, it won't find printf in lli.exe. It ought to then search the runtime DLL, the name of which depends on how the binaries are built, but it
2006 Mar 21
wine and Mankind (the one from - possible networking or file creation problem
...;s news website within the client, but that doesn't have priority for me (it doesn't change too often). The options menu is accessible. When trying to connect to the game servers, Mankind checks for updates first. This can't be disabled. Networking seems to work with wine's built in ddls, it fails with a native ws2_32. The ports Mankind is said use (from the forum on are 1804, 1977, 1901-1910 and 25000-25744 (updates). I also told tcpdump to capture DNS-queries. The only packet that was sent is: 19:56:38.920044 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 38591, offset 0, flags [DF], pro...
2004 Dec 23
[LLVMdev] A first!
Misha, The "equivalent of dlsym" should be working just fine. Its called ltdl (libtool dynamic library) and is part of lib/System. Its interface is the DynamicLibrary class. The interpreter has already been modified to use this facility. So, if this is broken on windows, I'd like to know how, or why. Jeff, can you provide a test case that we can use to reproduce this problem?
2007 Oct 22
Civ IV
Hello, I'm trying to get Civ IV running on my 64 bit version of Ubuntu 7.10 using the latest Wine version using these directions: (the winehq appDB points to this guide as well) I'm having problems getting CivIV to run though. Firstly, looking at the wine settings here: