Displaying 20 results from an estimated 148 matches for "cyan".
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2011 Sep 13
CMYK color space
dear R experts---I am struggling with the requirements to prepare my files
for my printers. I am printing in 2/2 format, which means cyan and black
for me, which they take from my color-separated pdf files. R comes into
play, because it produces all the figures that are embedded in my book
now, TeX has no problems producing CMYK files. However, R produces RGB
files (for Cairo-device pdf files). The problem is that cya...
2004 Mar 03
Changing background in splom et al.
...many examples
in library MASS. The code I'm checking (from script ch04.R) now is
splom(~ swiss, aspect = "fill",
panel = function(x, y, ...) {
panel.xyplot(x, y, ...); panel.loess(x, y, ...)
which produces an agreable plot with a gray background and cyan points,
Copying the plot as a metafile into Word and having a laser printer I'd
better stick to a b/w plot.
How can I turn the background to white and the cyan points to black?
Ciao - Vittorio
2008 Mar 06
syslinux / pxelinux and color palette.
...o make is a palette for
gimp which I then could use too convert my images, thus achieving my goal :)
I have found a list in which order the colors seems to be arranged.
0 = black 8 = dark grey
1 = dark blue 9 = bright blue
2 = dark green a = bright green
3 = dark cyan b = bright cyan
4 = dark red c = bright red
5 = dark purple d = bright purple
6 = brown e = yellow
7 = light grey f = white
What I now need is the color code for each of them(at least I believe
this should work, though I'm not sure). If ther...
2010 Jul 18
package "plotrix"
col.axis="blue",lwd.ticks=0.5,col.ticks ="gray3")
abline(h=1,pch= 1,lty=1,col="black")
legend("topright",legend = c("Levina-Bickel","MacKay-Ghahramani","Pettis-Bailey-Jain-Dubes","Grassberger-Procaccia","Helix Dimension"),
text.width = strwidth("Pettis-Baile...
2005 Mar 30
2d plotting and colours
...stering for a large matrix ,say > 150 * 150 . I tried
the example code given in the tutorial to perform 2d plot
# i ranges from 2 to 10
cl <- kmeans(x, i, 20)
plot(x, col = cl$cluster)
points(cl$centers, col = 1:i )
I see that there are only 8 colours defined , namely
How should i set my colour preferences to obtain my palette of colours? I
checked in the totorial which talks about R.colors and palatte , but i
failed to understand how to set it.
Thank You
2019 Jun 21
[Bug 110955] New: Mesa 18.2.8 implementation error: Invalid GLSL version in shading_language_version()
...Product: Mesa
Version: 18.2
Hardware: x86 (IA32)
OS: Linux (All)
Status: NEW
Severity: minor
Priority: medium
Component: Drivers/DRI/nouveau
Assignee: nouveau at lists.freedesktop.org
Reporter: power.cyan at openmail.cc
QA Contact: nouveau at lists.freedesktop.org
Created attachment 144606
--> https://bugs.freedesktop.org/attachment.cgi?id=144606&action=edit
Wine output from trying to run windemic.exe, it happens also with
LauncherFallour.exe. It dosen't seems to be a wine issu...
2005 Dec 09
lattice legend colors recycling sooner than expected
illustrate what i mean:
z <- data.frame(x=rep(letters[1:15], each=4), y=rnorm(60),
groups=rep(LETTERS[1:3], 20))
plot(groupedData(y ~ x | groups, data=z))
# symbol colors recycle after every 8 for plot and legend symbols;
# e.g. a, h, and o are cyan.
trellis.par.set(superpose.symbol = list(col=rainbow(15)))
plot(groupedData(y ~ x | groups, data=z))
# each dot in the plot has a different color, but colors in legend
# still recycle every 8 points; e.g. cyan, violet, and blue aren't in legend.
in case this is an nlme issue, i examined the t...
2007 May 04
Help with map
...nents), like Argentina and Brazil.
If I command:
map("worldHires", c("Argentina", "Brazil"))
It works fine. However, if I want to _colour_ the interior:
map("worldHires", c("Argentina", "Brazil"), c("cyan", "green"), fill=T)
Then the colors will be assigned to the islands (Marajo in Brazil's
North and Tierra del Fuego in Argentina's South) and there will be
a recycling.
Is there any way to associate one color to each country?
Alberto Monteiro
2004 Mar 16
graphical interface
Dear R users,,
I'm having difficulties when i use the gstat extensions in R
especially with the graphical interface, as the
variograms plots are depicted with gray background and cyan points for the number of pairs, Consequently the fitted variogram
is drawn in cyan,
How can i change that so i could have, white background and
black lines for the fitted variogram, for the complete plot.
looking forward for hearing from you,
carlos saavedra
[[alternative HTML versio...
2005 Apr 28
Bug#306695: nagios: logcheck lines, please
On Wed, 2005-04-27 at 22:10 -0400, Steve Gran wrote:
> ^\w{3} [ :0-9]{11} [._[:alnum:]-]+ nagios: EXTERNAL COMMAND: PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT
> (although that may be too broad)
Can you provide the log messages that this matches?
-jamie <jamie at silverdream.org> | spamtrap: spam at silverdream.org
w: http://www.silverdream.org | p: sms at silverdream.org
2001 Nov 01
Auto starting the daemon in redhat
...ba daemons in red hat
I got the smb script from the site and place it as /etc/rc.c/init.d/smb
Then I set up symbolic links in the places it told me.
I used lm -s ..... for the links
I went into the place where one link was and I use colors to signify what something is. All of the links are in cyan except for the one created which is white with a red bg.
I set them up as symbolic links, was I supposed to do hard links - i.e. just use ln ... (not -s)
It said symbolic links!
Thanks in advance
2011 Oct 17
special language character in a pie chart
'Other non-metallic mineral products',
'Basic metals and fabricated metal products',
'Transport equipment','Manufacturing n.e.c.')
win.graph(width = 7, height = 4)
pie(cz09,col=colors, border=NA, radius=0.75,
2004 Feb 16
2 bwplots - different colors
Hi all,
I would like to draw one picture which would show two different types of
boxplots using the same axes (kind of on top of each other). However, I
would like to plot each boxplot using a different color or different
shading inside the box, so they could be better distinquished from each
other... Could you help me?
Here is an example of the plot I have so far. I was only able to change
2010 Oct 07
problem with colors
I have a data set of 47 columns. I would like to create a boxplot for each
column, each boxplot of a different colour.
So I created a vector "col1". This vector has a subset of the colors
returned by color()- "red", "cyan", "green" etc.
Now I use the command: boxplot(dataset, col= col1) expecting to see 47
boxplots, each of a different colour.
Here is the problem: the boxplots are drawn correctly but it seems that only
the first few colours in col1 are being used in a repeated pattern.
Anybody has any...
2004 Oct 17
FW: Plotcorr: colour the ellipses to emphasize the differences
...ave positive correlations in blue and
>> nagative ones in red spectrum of colors. Is it possible?
> The source of cm.colors is visible (just type "cm.colors" and it will
> be printed). You could write your own function to change the scale to
> blue through red instead of cyan through magenta by changing a few
> constants in that function.
Thanks, that helped me to do what I wanted. Thanks. Bellow is the code.
cm.colors <- function (n)
# from red
# to blue
if ((n <- as.integer(n[1])) > 0) {
even.n <- n%%2 ==...
2006 Aug 18
Lattice package par.settings/trellis.par.settings questions
...fault graphic parameters in a
conditional histogram. While I was able to change the default grey
background to white, I couldn't change the axis.font or the xlab font.
I used the following code:
/histogram(~V751|V013+V025, finalbase, xlab="Heard of HIV/AIDS
(No/Yes)", col=c("cyan","magenta"), par.settings=list(background="white"))
/The arguments for example like /axis.font=2/, or /cex=2/ are not
working in the /par.settings(). /I also tried to read the manual of
/trellis.par.settings()/ but didn't understand how to use it and where
2006 Jul 29
fancier plotting
...<- function(){
lleft <- as.numeric(tclvalue(left))
rright <- as.numeric(tclvalue(right))
x <- seq(lleft,rright,by=1)
par(bg='black', fg='green', col='white', col.axis='white',
col.lab='magenta', col.main='blue', col.sub='cyan')
plot(x,I0[x], type='s')
## par(new=TRUE)
## plot(x,I1[x], type='s', col='yellow',axes=F)
plot(x,I2[x], type='s', col='cyan',axes=F)
tmpusr <<- par('usr')
tmpplt <<- par('plt')...
2006 Apr 06
key position in trellis plotting area
...not the plotting area.
keyArgs <- list()
keyArgs <- list(points=list(pch=17,lwd=2,col=c("transparent","red",
"chartreuse3", "black", "cyan", "blue","transparent")),
text=list(lab=c("S-R Mapping",
2009 Feb 03
pairs() help - colour histograms on diagonal
Hash: SHA1
I'd like to be able to colour histograms along the diagonal using the colours
stored in colnames(d):
> d
black blue brown cyan
1 0.96405751 -0.02964390 -0.060147424 -0.06460070
2 -0.03614607 0.95475444 -0.152382053 -0.07767974
3 -0.07095613 -0.05884884 -0.061289399 -0.06445973
4 -0.03708223 -0.05997624 -0.054044275 -0.08291373
5 -0.08877190 -0.07193658 -0.078598617 -0.08892916
6 -0.09294377 -0.05563854 -0.051405213...
2010 Dec 12
legend not appearing in Word document
paste into Word as an example.? I would appreciate any help you can offer on
getting the legend in .eps format to work, or on other formats that may be
better for Word and pdf files.
????? library(plotrix)
????? Satelite.Palette <-
????? mycol<-Satelite.Palette(ceiling(5000+1))#Max relative angle multiplied by
100 to give larger range.? Max is 3.1415, rounded up to 3.15 plus one.
????? col.labels<-round((seq(0,5000,length.out=5)/1000),...