Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "csadmin".
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2004 Feb 09
Hello, samba-users,
this is a question pointed at the samba-team:
Who is responsible for the adress samba-csadmin@samba.org?
I wrote 2 mails to this adress to have my company-info added to the
commercial-support-pages at at.samba.org but I haven't even received
an answer.
thank you.
best regards,
Stefan G. Weichinger
2004 Mar 24
Stopping new directory creation ?
...= Yes
show add printer wizard = No
dns proxy = No
wins server =
hosts allow = 172.16.15. 172.16.50. 172.16.63. 172.16.86. 172.16.158.
172.16.171. 172.16.172. 127.
veto files = /*.mp3/
comment = Admin Files on *Central Server"
path = /home/csshared
write list = @csadmin
force group = +csadmin
read only = No
inherit permissions = Yes
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.622 / Virus Database: 400 - Release Date: 13/03/2004
2004 Mar 11
(fwd from Bob.Jacobs@dot.pima.gov) Daemon Errors
----- Forwarded message from Bob Jacobs <Bob.Jacobs@dot.pima.gov> -----
From: Bob Jacobs <Bob.Jacobs@dot.pima.gov>
Subject: Daemon Errors
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 15:58:07 -0700
To: "'samba-csadmin@samba.org'" <samba-csadmin@samba.org>
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)
X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-0.9 required=3.2 tests=BAYES_30 autolearn=ham
I'm receiving [ID 702911 daemon.errror] on certain hours of the day. It
states, (write_socket_data: write fa...
2002 Oct 21
(fwd) "Cannot shmget structids"
On 21 Oct 2002, Shelena V Christodoulou <Shelena@imacscontrols.com> wrote:
> My UPS died and now my back up is no longer running
I think you have the wrong address. samba-csadmin is for people who
want to be in the database of commercial support providers. If you
want to obtain support from a company in your area, please just write
to the address on the page. If you want to write to the samba user's
mailing list, try samba@lists.samba.org. I've forwarded your mai...
2009 Mar 04
Can anyone comment on my setup?
...rman.co.th]: centserver.abc.com
>>System User [nobody]: ldap
>>System Group [nobody]: ldap
>>Do you want to register this software with an existing
>>configuration directory server? [no]:
>>administrator ID [admin]: csadmin
>>Password: csadminpassword
>>Password (confirm): csadminpassword
>>Administration Domain [abc.com]: abc.com
>>Directory server network port [389]: 389
>>Directory server identifier [centserver]: centserver