search for: credeti

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "credeti".

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2013 Mar 21
How we can create two database Using same credetial using Puppet
Hello All, I wanted to create two two MySQL database with same user credential using Puppet-MySQL. How can I achieve this? Please find my script below. class mysql::vsdatabase { include mysql mysql::db { ''vidispine'': user => ''user'', password => ''user123'', host => ''db.<hostname>.com'', } } How can I add
2003 Aug 20
Samba 3.0.0 Beta 3: "krb5_cc_get_principal failed" but "Join to realm" successful? as supposed during the "net ads join" process which should leave a bunch of Kerberos credentials in the ticket cache. Not in my case, where the join of the ADS realm seems to be successful (Samba server is visible in "Active Directory Users and Computers"), but _NO_ Kerberos credetials are available at all due to an error... YES, I have changed the Administrator password after I "raised" the Win 2003 Server to a Domain Controller! And YES, I already tried RC1 (I compiled the rpms exactly as instructed with the delivered spec file and the affiliated shell script (see...
1998 May 29
Encrypted passwords
Is there a tool, either for Perl or C, that will add/change the NT and LM encrypted passwords in the smbpasswd file? I know about the smbpasswd command, but I can't use that function from a script. I tried #!/bin/perl system("smbpasswd \< $oldpassword\n$newpassword\n$newpassword\n"); and some other things, but I couldn't get it to work. TSD