search for: createeditfield

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "createeditfield".

2007 Jan 11
In-place editor for a whole form?
I want to implement in-place editing for a hierarchical structure where the nodes are not simple text fields, but need to be represented by at least two input elements. The Rails helpers only support in-place editing for a text field, scriptaculous''s controls.js beyond that implements support for an in-place editor containing a select element. I need an editor where I essentially
2006 Sep 25
In place editing an empty field
I am trying to use the Scriptaculous InPlaceEditor and in some cases the field will be empty. That is, the field currently has no value but the user wants to enter a value. The InPlaceEditor appears to not work in this case. Other identical fields (except wit different ids and some value) do work. I have tried using a nonbreaking space ( ), and this does cause the editor to appear,
2005 Oct 31
SELECT instead of INPUT in InPlaceEditor ?
Hi ! I'd like to know if it is possible to create a server-side generated SELECT object instead of an INPUT for the InPlaceEditor. I guess it is, because createEditField() seems to be devoted to that. Unfortunately, my JavaScript skills are lacking. Can someone direct me as to how to override a single method in a JavaScript object ? I have the following HTML code: <span class="editable" id="status_<%= %>"><%= h(payme...
2005 Oct 05
InPlaceEditor crash on Safari
Quick question.. I often crash my Safari when using ''Enter'' on InPlaceEditor''s for submitting. Works fine on firefox(win & Mac) - no javascript errors. Anyone else seen this behavior? (Maybe it is just my alterings of InPlaceEditor :-) Best Regards Michael Krog
2005 Aug 11
7 V1.5_pre1 released
Heya, I''ve just released V1.5_pre1. Please give it a try! Important new stuff (since V1.1b1): * Added a main scriptaculous.js file to load in the other libraries transparently. * Fixed a condition where standard a href=xxx links wouldn''t work in autocomplete results. These do now, the onclick event is not cancelled. [thx to Jasper Slits] * Added
2005 Jul 18
in place text edit
I''ve written a pretty nice Flickr style in place text edit JavaScript control based on the library. API is like this: <span id="editme">Edit me!</span> <script> new InPlaceEditor($(''editme''), ''url/to/action''); </script> Background changes to gray as mouse hovers over the text (like flickr) and the