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Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches for "converti".

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2008 Nov 19
Buggy trellis.focus() with xyplot ?
Hi: (Tried to find a bug report about this issue, but was unable to find it, let me know if this is a known issue) I have been working on an interface to highlight xyplot panels on mouse overs in JavaGD but I have stumbled with what seems to be a bug in trellis.focus. I am using R 2.8 with lattice 0.17-15 *** To replicate the bug: 1.- display an xyplot. For example, from the xyplot help page:
2005 Oct 20
problème d'import de fichier
hello! je veux importer un fichier de donnees excel que j'ai au prealable converti en fichier txt avec separateurs tab, fichier de la forme entree simple (suite de colonnes contenant des variables). Voila ma ligne de commande : > poussins <- read.table("poussins.txt", header=T, sep="\t") et sa reponse Erreur dans scan(file = file, what = what, sep = s...
2006 Aug 30
...rm (POSIXlt) By example : ctDate<-1132963200 #"Wed Aug 30 14:24:37 2006" is(ctDate) [1] "numeric" "vector" ctDate isn't a numeric vector, it is a POSIXct... none of the clues inside the docs has given me the answer, i can't cast it, i can't converti t to POSIXlt because it is wrong class (as.POSIX** don't want to work...) What is the trick ?? Any ideas would be great thks COMTE Guillaume [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Mar 27
Error - pairs cointegrated trading
...= singular.ok, ...) : NA/NaN/Inf dans un appel ? une fonction externe (argument 4) De plus : Messages d'avis : 1: In storage.mode(v) <- "double" : NAs introduits lors de la conversion automatique 2: In model.matrix.default(mt, mf, contrasts) : la variable 'AXANY' est convertie en facteur 3: In model.matrix.default(mt, mf, contrasts) : la variable 'AXAP' est convertie en facteur 4: In, y, offset = offset, singular.ok = singular.ok, ...) : les arguments surnum?raires time sont ignor?s. Thanks for your help! -- View this message in context: http://n...
2014 Jan 08
CRAN rejects package because of write statement in Fortran
...recommened in writing R extensions rexit(message). I'm working with a very large legacy program which was developed over 16 years and I am reluctant to rewrite the entire error handling sections in R. I was wondering if anyone has gotten CRAN to accept a package with a Fortran write statement converting numbers to characters or if anyone has found another method for doing type conversion in Fortran without the "write" statement. Thanks for your help Marian -- View this message in context:
2008 Nov 19
Buggy trellis.focus() with xyplot in JavaGD ?
Hi: (Tried to find a bug report about this issue, but was unable to find it, let me know if this is a known issue) I have been working on an interface to highlight xyplot panels on mouse overs in JavaGD but I have stumbled with what seems to be a bug in trellis.focus. I am using JGR R 2.8 with lattice 0.17-15 Note: It's important to you use JGR to use the Java Graphics Device. *** To
2011 Feb 15
gList and gTree methods of grid::grobX
Dear all, In an attempt to draw fill patterns in grid graphics, I have encountered a behavior of grobX that I cannot understand from the documentation. Consider this, library(grid) ## gTree g1 <- gTree(children=gList( rectGrob(0.5,0.5, width=unit(0.8,"npc"), height=unit(2,"cm")), circleGrob(r=0.3)), vp=viewport(0.5,0.5)) ##
2009 Jun 26
gradient fill of a grid.polygon
Dear list, Following a recent enquiry, I've been playing with the idea of creating a colour gradient for a polygon, using the Grid package. The idea is to draw a number of stripes of different colours, using the grid.clip function. Below is my current attempt at this, library(grid) rotate.polygon <- function(g, angle=0){ # utility function, works fine matR <- matrix(c(cos(angle),
2003 May 22
grep, gsub, sub have problems with NA values (PR#3078)
In a string context, grep, gsub, sub are improperly treating NA (missing) as the string "NA", and returning unexpected results > grep("A", c(NA,"NA")) [1] 1 2 # expected: # [1] 2 > gsub("A", "X", c(NA,"NA")) [1] "NX" "NX" # expected # [1] NA "NX" > sub("A", "X",
2006 Feb 24
Read SAS .sd2 file into R?
Does anyone know how to import a SAS .sd2 file into R? I can't see anything in library(foreign). Thank you. Mark
2012 Oct 04
barplot with some 0 frequencies
Hi all, I am back with a new question ! I recorded the occurence of 4 differents event on 20 places for a given time period. Now, I want to do some barplot of the frequency of theses events for each place, so it should be easy. My problem is that I want to see the frequencies of the 4 events on my barplots even if the frequency of some of them is 0. How could I do that ? Thanking you in advance
2008 Jan 23
ROR Learning with Dating /Classified Site Development
Hi, I am falling in love more and more with RoR. I am looking for a Book/Tutorial which teaches me creating an excellent WebSite for dating and Classified. I am coming from .net community and now willing to grow more with ROR. We used to have few starterkits in .Net. Can any one provide me an excellent guideline, how is it possible. Is there any tutorial site, which offers scripts to study