search for: colonial

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 108 matches for "colonial".

2005 Sep 19
factor as seq() in for loop
Dear all, I would like to use the values in vegaggr.BLMCMR02$colony str(vegaggr.BLMCMR02) `data.frame': 1678 obs. of 3 variables: $ vegtype : Factor w/ 27 levels "2010","2020",..: 3 4 5 19 4 5 19 5 $ colony : Factor w/ 406 levels "0","1","10","100",..: 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 $ Totvegproparea: num 0.00055 0.03956 0.95705
2010 Aug 19
GLMM random effects
Hello, I have a couple questions regarding generalized linear mixed models specifically around fitting the random effects terms correctly to account for any pseudo-replication. I am reading through and trying to follow examples from Zuur et al. Mixed Effects Models and Extensions in Ecology with R, but am still at bit unsure if I am specifying the models correctly. Background information: Our
2011 Oct 27
Proc Mixed to R
Hi All, I'm working with some SAS code to analyze an experiment set up as follows: 66 subjects (colonies) treated with a random treatment (1-8) and measured at three time points. The data structure looks like: input colony tmt y1 y2 y3; y=y1; date=*1*; output; y=y2; date=*2*; output; y=y3; date=*3*; output; datalines; 1
2004 Mar 10
Map of British Colonial America 1775
Does anyone have suggestions about how to produce a map of British Colonial America 1775? At that time, Great Britain had 26 colonies in the Americas, including Bermuda, several Caribbean islands, "Quebec" (extending then almost to New Orleans), Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Belize, and the 13 that declared independence in 1776. I've reviewed the &qu...
2010 Mar 18
Pedigree / Identifying Immediate Family of Index Animal
I have a data frame containing the Id, Mother, Father and Sex from about 10,000 animals in our colony. I am interested in graphing simple family trees for a given subject or small number of subjects. The basic idea is: start with data frame from entire colony and list of index animals. I need to identify all immediate relatives of these index animals and plot the pedigree for them. We're
2012 May 04
Binomial GLM, chisq.test, or?
Hi, I have a data set with 999 observations, for each of them I have data on four variables: site, colony, gender (quite a few NA values), and cohort. This is how the data set looks like: > str(dispersal) 'data.frame': 999 obs. of 4 variables: $ site : Factor w/ 2 levels "1","2": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 ... $ gender: Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1":
2002 May 15
Devices not appearing/Manually add devices to Browse List ?
I'm not quite sure whether this is a plain browsing problem, or a wins problems, or ... I had wins running on one machine (Samba(2.0.5a)/SCO Unix), but my main file server on another (Samba (2.2.1a)/Linux). I moved the wins support to the Linux server, and at the same time I made the Linux server the Domain Master Browser, but now some devices have dissapeared from the network. The devices
2009 Jul 07
How to re-order panels and y-axis values in trellis display using lattice
Hi, I have been trying to re-order several items in a trellised barchart display in lattice, but can't seem to figure it out. ###sample code, Stage and Colony have 2 and 3 levels respectively. barchart(Activity ~ Percent | Stage + Colony, data = Percent.df, horizontal = TRUE, layout = c(2,3), xlab = "Percent Time Engaged in Activity", ylab = "Activity") This
2008 Jan 29
Random and fixed effect model with a covariate
Dear All, I wonder if anyone can please offer any advice on a model including 2 fixed effects and 1 random effect, as well as a covariate? The experimental design is as follows: I have a two by two factor design, where the two factors, Age (A) and Group size (G), both have 2 levels (old or young, and 1 or 3 respectively), and I am interested in the effect of these factors upon a continuous
2003 Feb 26
SCO OpenServer 5.0.6a and missing
I've downloaded Samba 2.2.6 (binaries) from SCOs Skunkware site, but when I try and run smbclient I get a message : dynamic linker : smbclient : error opening /usr/local/lib/ Killed I've checked and there is no (or libncurses.<anything> for that matter) on the system. I've also failed to find anything relevant in either the list archive or SCOs
2012 Mar 29
[xapian] GSoC - Learning to Rank, Introduction and some Ideas
Hello, I am Mudit Raj Gupta, fourth year student of M.S. (Hons.) Chemistry and B.E. (Hons.) Electronics and Instrumentation at BITS-Pilani ( I am interested in *Machine Learning and Computaional Intelligence*. I have an interest in implementing various existing algorithms and developing modified/new algorithms related to machine learning and computational
2008 Jul 14
Analysis of poorly replicated array data
Greetings, I have "inherited" a cDNA macroarray dataset that is structured as follows. Three different stressors were tested. For each stressor, there are two treatments (control and stressed). For each treatment, two biological replicates exist, and these are paired (i.e., there is a stressed array for colony A and a control array from this same colony). For one of these samples,
2012 May 03
Simple plot loop
Trying to plot multiple lines from a simple matrix with headers (eight observations per column). I will be doing a number of these, with varying numbers of columns, and do not want to enter the header names for each one (I got frustrated and just wrote them out, which did work). Data reads fine, first plot is fine, but when i use the code at the bottom for a for i loop it tells me that x and y
2009 Dec 24
Multiple CHOLMOD errors when attempting poisson glmm
Hello, I have been attempting to run a poisson glmm using lme4 for some time now and have had a lot of trouble. I would say 9 times out of 10 I receive the following warning: CHOLMOD warning: %h Error in mer_finalize(ans) : Cholmod error `not positive definite' at file:../Cholesky/t_cholmod_rowfac.c, line 432 My data are counts of microbe colony forming units (CFUs) collected from
2011 Sep 22
comparing mixed binomial model against the same model without random effect
Hi everybody, If I am correct, you can compare a model with random effect with the same model without the random effect by using the nlme function, like this: no.random.model <- gls(Richness ~ NAP * fExp, method = "REML", data = RIKZ) random.model <- lme(Richness ~NAP * fExp, data = RIKZ, random = ~1 | fBeach, method = "REML")
2007 May 15
NOOB question RSPEC
...ance =, :dollars) end end class Money < Account attr_accessor :amount, :currency def initialize(amount, currency) @amount = amount @currency = currency end end But still can make it work. It does not pass the spec. Thanks ! -- Federico Brubacher Colonial Duty Free Shop -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2010 Mar 25
Basic graphs: something like groups, but where each plot has independent axis?
I am trying to graph weight data for our colony. We a data frame with Animal, Weight and Date. I'd like to display this data a series of simple xyplots. We only need to display these plots together, we do not need to make comparisons between animals. Each animal has been weighted over a different time period, so we do not want the same range for each X axis. Using the following, I can
2003 Apr 24
Anyone using Asterisks and a Quicknet Lineja ck in the UK?
I don't have any experience of your problem - but I thought this might help. <> The UK (and some of it's former colonies) use a system called 3-wire ringing. Some equipment from overseas requires an adaptor to make it work. I don't know if the LineJack is one
2004 Sep 08
Where are the ADOBE PS Drivers?
I downloaded the drivers from: 7.4MB Adobe Universal PostScript Windows Driver Installer 1.0.6 - English 5/23/2002 And installed the Generic Driver, shared the printer and went the the print$ share - none of the expected files were in there ... any ideas??? DEFPRTR2.BPD A 12188 Tue
2005 Mar 10
Order of Processing
It seems odd to me that the layout is processesed after the view. When I set a variable inside the view it does not have an impact on the layout file. But when I set it in the controller it does. Is this the way it works or is it possible that I am doing something wrong?