Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1092 matches for "colline".
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2007 Aug 11
LumenVox Speech Recognition
Hello All,
While looking for solution to solve my Callback DTMF problem, I came
across LumenVox Speech Recognition software.
Has anyone tried out? Need some feedback before I purchase it... Please
2009 Dec 29
de-latinisation of the web - http://blog.collins.net.pr/2009/12/de-latinisation-of-web.html
UPDATE - This is really really bad - check out the paypal phishing
example on my blog already using Cyrillic characters
Please forward to everyone in a position to stop ICANN, i cant believe
they didn't think of this in advance.
Dean Collins
Cognation Inc
dean at cognation.net
<mailto:dean at
2006 Apr 17
Has anyone heard anything about these guys? Anyone seen anything like
It's seems very cool, basically uses GPRS as a digital overlay on your
mobile phone for additional functionality such as presence and IM though
I'm sure they have some other functionality (voicemail access, call
announce etc) coming down the pipeline.
Any thoughts,
2009 May 14
FW: [Dean Collins] Joint BarcampNYC4 sessions?
I know this is a global list but anyone on the asterisk list going to
I'd like to organize at least two sessions on asterisk (newbie/advanced)
so if anyone reading this is coming to http://barcamp.org/BarCampNYC4
shoot me an email to pre-organise.
Dean Collins
Cognation Inc
dean at cognation.net
<mailto:dean at cognation.net> +1-212-203-4357 New York
2005 Jun 01
FW: TellMe pay-as-you-go? - UPDATE
As some of you know I've been trying to facilitate an involvement with
www.tellme.com <http://www.tellme.com/> speech recognition tools and
Asterisk. See www.studio.tellme.com <http://www.studio.tellme.com/>
There have been a number of people who are already integrating the two
and utilizing Tellme as an ASP to deliver speech recognition to their
asterisk applications.
2012 Feb 07
nested route not receiving :id parameter within controller spec
I''ve got a share method in my controller, and I have the following spec:
describe PostsController do
describe "#share" do
it "doesn''t blow up" do
post :share, :id => @post.id
# ... etc
And... It blows up!
1) PostsController#share shares
Failure/Error: post :share
2011 Jun 06
rake 0.9.0 activated error + debugger not working?
Hi everyone,
I am using rvm, and when I try to do rake spec, I get:
"You have already activated rake 0.9.0, but your Gemfile requires rake 0.8.7.
Consider using bundle exec."
... Is there a way to get around this so I don''t have to do bundle exec rake spec each and every time?
Also, I tried throwing ''debugger'' into one of my specs and I get:
2008 Apr 03
Web page to show online extensions?
Has someone written a web page (preferably PHP) that simply shows what
extensions are currently online?
Thank you.
2009 Jun 26
Unable to install Solaris 10 Update 7 Dom-U
uname -a
SunOS i7 5.11 snv_114 i86pc i386 i86xpv
The box is a core i7 with 6GB of RAM.
The command
virt-install --name 10u7 --ram 1024 --hvm --file /guests/10u7
--os-type=solaris os-variant=solaris10 --location
get as far as opening the VNC client, when I select Solaris from grub,
the OS starts to boot then panics, closing the session. So I
2007 Dec 06
"Happy Birthday Asterisk"
Sorry if this dupes, didn't seem to post to the list when I emailed it a
few hours ago.
Dean Collins
Cognation Pty Ltd
dean at cognation.net
+61-2-9016-5642 (Sydney in-dial).
From: Dean Collins
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2007 2:49 PM
To: 'Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion'
Subject: "Happy
2012 Nov 30
Fw: quantreg installation and conflicts with R 2.15.2
Just noticed that I get a similar error about object 'kronecker' in
"Matrix" package when trying to load "lme4". So this is a more pervasive
Brian S. Cade, PhD
U. S. Geological Survey
Fort Collins Science Center
2150 Centre Ave., Bldg. C
Fort Collins, CO 80526-8818
email: brian_cade@usgs.gov
tel: 970 226-9326
----- Forwarded by Brian S
2012 Feb 13
stale records with integration testing?
I was writing an integration test for my user signup form (with
capybara), and found that my test was failing due to a validation error:
"email is already taken". I''m a bit confused because I thought when I
run "rspec spec/some_spec.rb", the test database would be wiped clear?
Is that not the case?
Patrick J. Collins
2005 Mar 02
CentOS-4 i386 errata: Critical firefox security update
https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2005-176.html refers:
This update has been rated as having critical security impact by the
CentOS Security Response Team.
The following updated file has been uploaded and is currently syncing to
the mirrors:
You may update you CentOS-4 i386 installations by running the command:
yum upgrade
Johnny Hughes
2009 Aug 12
Twitter is Suing me!!!
This isn't asterisk related but I figure several developers on this list
have built apps for Twitter (or other 3rd party API's).
Just found out a few hours ago I'm being sued by Twitter
Feel free to tweet this link ( www.MyTwitterButler.com/I'm_Being_Sued
<http://www.mytwitterbutler.com/I'm_Being_Sued> ) or forward on the
link to any journalists you know.
2005 Jan 28
FW: FAQ missing info? Asterisk@home V 0.4
Just installed V 0.4 of asterisk@home
Programmed up 3 sip budgetone extensions, they call call each other
Tried to dial '9' for an outside line through an X100P to a packet8 ATA
but got 'all circuits are busy now'.
Here is the console output.
== Spawn extension (from-internal, h, 1) exited non-zero on
-- Executing
2012 May 07
Has anyone used a Dell with a PERC H310?
I''m trying to configure a DELL R720 (not a pleasant experience) which
has an H710p card fitted.
The H710p definitely doesn''t support JBOD, but the H310 looks like it
might (the data sheet mentions non-RAID). Has anyone used one with ZFS?
2005 Oct 12
subsetting with by() or other function??
I think I must be missing something obvious, but I'm having trouble
getting a data transformation to work on groupings of data within a data
frame (csss3) as defined by 2 factors (population, locid). The data are
sorted by year within locid within population and I want to lag another
variable (dbc), i.e, shift them down by 1 row replacing the first row with
NA, within groups defined by
2005 Dec 20
Matthew Collins/Seminole is out of the office.
I will be out of the office starting 12/20/2005 and will not return until
I''m out of the office and will return on Monday, the 22nd of March. If you
have an emergency, please call 407.665.0311
2007 May 02
Re: RE: Digital Phones (Dean Collins)
Dear Collins;
But what the cards that I can use it for these digital
phones (if available)?
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
2012 May 07
Statistical power of correlations.
My apologies for the statistical naivete of my question but...
Is there an established method or calulating the statistical power of a
correlation test? And if so is there a method in R for it?
Thank you,
Collin Lynch.