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Displaying 20 results from an estimated 24 matches for "cexrow".

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2012 Oct 01
Reading labels for very large heatmaps
Hello, I have a large (919 X 919), hierarchically clustered heatmap that I would like to read the labels off of. I have tried saving the figure in pdf format and enlarging it until I can see the labels, but if I make the labels small enough to read (so that they don't overlap) using cexRow and cexCol, they do not appear in the pdf. The limit seems to be anything below cexRow or Col = 0.06. Is there a way to have smaller labels visible in the pdf? Is this an issue with resolution? I could get by with just a quarter of the heatmap (i.e. half of a row and half of a column) so that t...
2009 Apr 07
heatmap.2 no reordering of the columns and rows
...uot;,"yellow","darkgreen"),space="Lab", bias=1.5) heatmap.2(matrix, Colv=1:ncol(matrix), dendogram="row", hclustfun=function(m) hclust(m,method="complete"),col=cp(25),scale="none",trace="none",keysize=1,margins=c(5,12), cexCol=1, cexRow=1) q() The alternative that i tried to avoid the reordering was heatmap.2(matrix, Rowv=NULL, Colv=NULL, col=cp(25), scale="none", trace="none", keysize=1, margins=c(5,12), cexCol=1, cexRow=1) But the above command doesnt generate the heatmap. So could anyone let me...
2010 Oct 06
Change font type for rows on Heatmap
Hi, I would like to change the font type (to courier) of my rows labels when I plot a heatmap with R. I have used cexRow=0.7 to modify the size but didn't find anything regarding font type. heatmap(as.matrix(cebpa50), margins=c(5,10) , Colv=NA , scale="column", col=col4, cexRow=0.7) Thanks, Ben
2009 May 16
Modificando heatmaps
...#39;,1:30,sep="") colnames(x) <- paste(''Muestra_'',1:8,sep="") # Mapa require(gplots) heatmap.2(x, key=TRUE, symkey=TRUE, keysize = 0.9, col= rev(heat.colors(30)),"none", trace="none", cexCol=1, cexRow=.7, xlab=''Muestra'') Cómo podrán ver, en la parte superior izquierda hay un recuadro con los textos "Color Key" y "Value". Alguien sabe cómo eliminarlos? Muchas gracias por su ayuda, Jorge Ivan Velez PS: No necesariamente el heatmap debe realizarse con la...
2004 Nov 11
Row labels are skewed in 'heatmap' (PR#7358)
...on 1.8.1 OS: Irix64 Submission from: (NULL) ( I've made a script look like this: exp <- read.table("graph/") exp <- as.matrix(exp) postscript("graph/") heatmap(exp,scale="none",cexCol=0.4,cexRow=0.2,col=custom,margins=c(5,5)) The row labels on the output PostScript file are skewed vertically downwards - in fact more than the height of 2 rows! I have roughly 200 rows and 4 columns in my dataset. It is therefor very difficult to see which label goes to which row
2010 Sep 08
saving heatmaps in graphical format that can be edited in graphic editor tool
...rary("RSvgDevice") > jpeg("Heatmap.jpg", height=6+2/3, width=6+2/3, units="in", res=1200) > heatmap.2(mydatamatrix, Rowv=as.dendrogram(hr), Colv=as.dendrogram(hc), > dendrogram="both", scale="row", col=brewer.pal(3, "YlOrRd"), cexRow=0.01, cexCol=0.01, trace="none","none", key=TRUE, keysize=1.5, margin=c(5,8),RowSideColor=mycolhr, ColSideColor=mycolhc) > I would like to save the file in a graphical format that can be edited later in any image editing program (like corel). is...
2010 Sep 08
saving heatmaps in graphical format that can be edited in graphic editor tools
...> library("RSvgDevice") > jpeg("Heatmap.jpg", height=6+2/3, width=6+2/3, units="in", res=1200) > heatmap.2(mydatamatrix, Rowv=as.dendrogram(hr), Colv=as.dendrogram(hc), dendrogram="both", scale="row", col=brewer.pal(3, "YlOrRd"), cexRow=0.01, cexCol=0.01, trace="none","none", key=TRUE, keysize=1.5, margin=c(5,8),RowSideColor=mycolhr, ColSideColor=mycolhc) > I would like to save the file in a graphical format that can be edited later in any image editing program (like corel). is...
2011 Apr 11
heatmap clustering dendrogram export
Hi, I am a beginner for R. I had use gplots to generate a heatmap as following: >heatmap.2(matrix, col=topo.colors(75), dendrogram="column", Rowv=FALSE, trace="none", key=TRUE, keysize=0.8,"none", cexRow=0.2, cexCol=0.6) It work well. It generate heatmap whith rcolumn clustering dendrogram and I can export a very nice graph. But I don not know how to export the column clustering dendrogram out. Because I want to get the dendrogram for next step analysis. If I can export it as the newick format (or...
2011 Oct 18
...] 6 105 0 0 6 and call: ##------------ Heatmap -------------- library(RColorBrewer) rc <- grey((nrow(x):1)/nrow(x)) heatmap(data.matrix(x[,1:4]), Rowv=NA, Colv=NA, scale='none',labCol=NULL, revC=TRUE, col = brewer.pal(9,'Greys'), ylab='time',margins=c(6,5), cexRow=1.5, cexCol=1.5, RowSideColors = rc) I end up with something like attached 'heatmap'. How can I change my call to: 1) most important: there are black strips on the right-hand side, these are the row numbers packed one on another. How to put there time points over, say, 500 sec epochs (1,5...
2009 Aug 24
Saving heatmaps as PDFs
...# generate heat map library(gplots) if (is.null(sample_output)) { pdf( "Heatmap.pdf") } else { pdf(file=paste("Heatmap_", sample_output, ".pdf", sep="")) } heatmap.2(as.matrix(my.dataM),Rowv=as.dendrogram(hr), Colv=as.dendrogram(hc),cexRow=0.01, cexCol=0.8, dendrogram="none", col=greenred(100), scale="row",key=TRUE, trace="none","none", symkey=FALSE, main=paste("Heatmap_", sample_output)) -------------- Thanks, Dorothy
2016 Apr 18
heatmap2 error key
...olv=FALSE, dendrogram = "none","none", key="TRUE", keysize = 2, key.xlab = "Log2FC", key.title = "key", cexCol=3.0, cexRow=2, lwid= c(0.4,1), lhei = c(0.1, 4), margins= c(50,80), symm=F,symkey=F,symbreaks=T, scale="none") > R.version _ platform x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 arch x86_64 os darwin13...
2006 Jan 23
lines() in heatmap()
...s and spend several hours with trial and error, but didn't find a correct way. It's all about lines in a heatmap to separate different data block from each other to underline the significance of the found clusters! The heatmap is build like that: heatmap(X, Rowv=NA, Colv=NA, symm=TRUE, cexRow=0.3, cexCol=0.3) I switched the dendrograms off, because I don't want the values sorted but in the way, I extracted them from the data. I tried to enter the lines that way: lines(c(14,14),c(0,187), col="green") That should appear as a line parallel to the x-axis, but there was no...
2008 Nov 17
...ead.table("chitekete.csv", header = T, row.names=1, sep=","); xcc <- cor(zcz); pdf("SIGA.pdf", height=10,width=9) heatmap.2(xcc, margins= c(9,9), col = bluered(64), trace=c("none"), breaks=c(seq(-1,1,1/32)), symkey=TRUE,"histogram", cexRow=1) I thank you all. Paul -- BEST Paul Murima
2007 Sep 05
problem formatting and positioning title in heatmap
...bounds and doesn't show up. I am outputting to pdf. Any help? Thanks, Mark heatmap(x = dataM, RowSideColors = RowSideColors, ColSideColors=ColSideColors, main = title, margins = c(50,50), scale= do.scale ,labRow=geneNames, labCol=colLabels, col = hmcol, cex.main = 1, cexRow = row.lab.mag, cexCol = col.lab.mag) > sessionInfo() R version 2.6.0 Under development (unstable) (2007-08-29 r42686) i686-pc-linux-gnu locale: LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8;LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8;LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8;LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8;LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8;LC_...
2012 Nov 07
Issues with Heat Map Images
...a[,2:5] heatdata_matrix <- data.matrix(heatdata) rownames(heatdata_matrix) = paste("Gene", 2:655) x11() data_heatmap <- heatmap.2(heatdata_matrix, col=redblue(75), scale="row", key=TRUE, symkey=FALSE,"none", trace="none", margins=c(10,10), cexRow=0.5) jpeg("Heatmap_bin17.jpeg", width=8, height=8, units="in", res=300, quality=100) The heat map looks like this (with red green coloring): <> I fixed the margin issues (not seen in image), but I would like...
2011 Apr 18
heatmap.2 - change column & row locations; angle / rotate
Hi Chakravarthy, [dont forget to Cc the list for useRs with the same Q.] If you're trying to reuduce the isze of your row or column labels, i think the following arguments of heatmap.2 {gplots} is what you want to adjust- 'cexCol' and 'cexRow'. Specifically on my question that you ask about, i found the BioC forum helpful: And in fact the phylotemp() function by default pretty much did exactly what i needed, available here: http://phylotemp.microeco.o...
2012 Mar 20
labeling rows in heatmap.2
...uot;, "PTH", "IGFBP2", "OPG", "IL1Ra", "TNFA"))) heatmap.2(abnr, breaks=c(0,0.05,0.1,0.25,0.35), col=brewer.pal(4,"Blues"), Rowv=FALSE, Colv=FALSE,symm=TRUE, key=TRUE,symkey=FALSE,"none", trace="none", cexRow=0.75, keysize=0.8, scale = "none", dendrogram="none",main='AbN') I would appreciate any response on this. Thanks sharad -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing lis...
2011 Jun 09
How to shift the heat map
...", # dendrograms to draw col=pal, # palette (see above) trace="none", # trace line (show distance) cexCol=cex_val, # size of column labels cexRow=cex_val, # size of row labels key=TRUE, # show the colour key keysize=cex_val, # key size"none", # superimpose "histogram" or a...
2009 Jul 21
problem with heatmap.2 in package gplots generating non-finite breaks
...eaks = tmpbreaks, xaxt Selection: 2 Called from: eval(expr, envir, enclos) Browse[1]> heatmap.func.R Error during wrapup: object 'heatmap.func.R' not found Browse[1]> ls() [1] "add.expr" "breaks" "cellnote" "cexCol" [5] "cexRow" "col" "colInd" "colsep" [9] "ColSideColors" "Colv" "ddc" "ddr" [13] "dendrogram" "densadj" "denscol" "" [17] &qu...
2004 Feb 16
labRow/labCol options in heatmap()
...lse rownames(x) if (is.null(labCol)) labCol <- if (is.null(colnames(x))) (1:nc)[colInd] else colnames(x) ... axis(1, 1:nc, labels = labCol, las = 2, line = -0.5, tick = 0, cex.axis = cexCol) axis(4, iy, labels = labRow, las = 2, line = -0.5, tick = 0, cex.axis = cexRow) To see an example, try a <- matrix(c(1,1,1,2,0,2), nrow=3) rownames(a) <- 1:3 x11() heatmap(a) x11() heatmap(a, labRow=rownames(a)) Is this really meant to work like this? - From the help of heatmap(), one might expect also user-supplied labels to be re-ordered together with the rows and...