search for: category_name

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 21 matches for "category_name".

2006 Jan 08
sorting issue
I''ve got the following setup: category (hm) <-> (bt) activity An activity has an amount, date, location, note, and category. I''m sorting my activities table by category_id (foreign key in activity), but how do I sort it by category_name instead? Basically I just need category_name in the result set. Here''s what I have now: @all = Activity.find(:all, :order => ''category'') How do I grab the category_name column from Category so that it is part of @all? Thanks! -- Posted via http://www.ruby-forum...
2006 Apr 21
How access to the tables whitout a model
i have a table called Products whit a model product, but in the view i need show the category od the product, but whitout a model of categories... -- Posted via
2006 Jul 28
Im making forum and i have problem with paths. Here is code: With this code, it works. But its a bit weird to use so many paths function. For every path i need to make new function. So can you suggest me something. Tables are like here: -- Posted via
2006 Jul 07
Search on data accross many tables, linked by belongs_to
I am using Ferret and acts_as_ferret, as my search back-end for my Rails project. I have a question about using acts_as_ferret on a main table that is linked to other tables by foreign keys. Is there a way to include the information linked by the belongs_to keyword in the search results ? As an example, let''s say I have a main table ''posts'':
2005 Jul 22
A Bit Baffled By text_field
...oint I''ve lost perspective. It''s probably something simple but I can''t see it anymore. I have a component that looks like this: <% for advertiser_category in @advertiser_categories %> <li> <%= text_field ''advertiser_category'', ''category_name'', :class => "category" %><br/> <%= link_to advertiser_category.category_name, {:action=> ''edit'', :id => advertiser_category}, "class" => "rec" %> </li> <% end %> When this renders, the text fields are e...
2006 Feb 01
to_param() / url generation Question
I''m trying to implement the to_param method to allow url generation to be in the format of /:category_name/:article_permalink (as discussed on page 299 of Agile Web Development With Rails). I expect that I need to override/implement the to_param method and have it return the category_name for the category model and the article_permalink for my article model, but I haven''t had any luck in d...
2010 May 13
Routing - newbie question about shorting the url
Hi Right now I have my url showing as the following: http://localhost/categories/italian/recipes/special-pasta-sauce I would like it to be: http://localhost/categories/italian/special-pasta-sauce (or even http://localhost/italian/special-pasta-sauce) my category model has_many :recipes and my recipes model belongs_to :category (for the purposes of my test project a recipe can only belong to one
2006 May 11
Find By ID
Hi folks, Newbie with ruby on rails but very excited by the features provided by the framework ;) Suppose I''ve got a table ''Company'' and a table ''Category'' Company belongs to a category but I will retrieve the Catagory in the Company list? It seems that I don''t have the basic ruby wau of thinking to get this easily. Can someone help?
2006 Jun 19
Trying to delete from a unordered list using ajax
...ot;text/javascript"></script> <form action="/home/add" method="post" onsubmit="new Ajax.Request(''/home/add'', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, parameters:Form.serialize(this)}); return false;"> Category: <input id="category_name" name="category[name]" size="30" type="text" /> <input name="commit" type="submit" value="Add" /> </form> <ul id="categories"> <li id="a7">a7 [<span><a href="#&qu...
2007 Nov 09
Problem with stemming and AAF
...}, :care => { :boost => -2 }, :manufacturer_name => { :boost => 1, :store => :yes }, :collection_name => { :boost => 1, :store => :yes }, :category_name => { :boost => 0 } }, :remote => true, :analyzer => ) Straight forward, no errors. But also no results. Searching for chairs returns only results for that word, not chair or chairs. I know the actu...
2007 Aug 06
acts_as_ferret cross model index not updating
Does anyone know how do you get acts_as_ferret to automagically update non-standard fields? I''ve followed Rails Envy''s tutorial ( to get aaf working across different models. And once the index is built it searches fine. In my (main) model, I''ve put: acts_as_ferret :fields => [ :name,
2006 Mar 12
HABTM selection conditions
Hi, I am currently trying to learn RoR and there is something I cannot figure out. I have two models: Article and Category, that are HABTM-linked. Everything works fine if I want to select all articles corresponding to a category, with something like @articles = @category.find(@params[:id]).articles However, I have a ''published'' field in my ''articles''
2006 Jan 02
Paginate with joins messing with id
...URI: @topic_pages, @topics = paginate :topics, :joins => "INNER JOIN categories ON topics.category_id =", :conditions => ["topics.is_deleted != 1 AND categories.safe_name = ?", params[:category_name]], :order_by => "topics.is_sticky DESC, DESC", :per_page => 20 Then, on my topics listing page I try this: for topic in @topics link_to h(topic.title), :action => ''show'', :id => t...
2013 Nov 10
accepts_nested_attributes_for how, example
I have following tables with following models: users(id, role_id) *has_many :entries* categories(id, category_name) *has_many :entries* entries(id, category_id, user_id) *belongs_to :user, belongs_to :category, has_one :storage* storages(id, title, content, entry_id)* belongs_to :entry*, *has_one :vote* votes(id, count, storage_id) *belongs_to :storage* Now, when user create new entry(t...
2006 Aug 11
Avoiding adding duplicates to has_many collection?
Since there''s no ''exists?'' method for a has_many collection, is there an easier way to avoid adding duplicates to a collection? (I assume obj.items << item would add duplicates if repeatedly called.) Right now I do: category = Category.find_or_create_by_name(category_name) directory.categories << [ category ] if directory.categories.find(:first, :conditions=>[''category_id=?'',]).nil? YUCK. Sure would be nice if there was a ''collection#exists?(id)'' or ''collection#exists?(obj)''. Joe -- P...
2006 Apr 09
select helper question
...Category", :foreign_key=>"category_id" end And scaffolded the controller with the generator. I modified the _form.rhtml for creating and updated to this: <%= error_messages_for ''category'' %> <!--[form:category]--> <p><label for="category_name">Name</label><br/> <%= text_field ''category'', ''name'' %></p> <p>Abspeichern unter:<br/> <%= select ''category'',''parent_category'', Category.find_all.collect {|p| [,]} %&gt...
2007 Jul 30
Rails/MSSQL error
...n I try to save text with japanese characters: DBI::DatabaseError: Execute OLE error code:80040E14 in Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Line 1: Incorrect syntax near ''20070730''. HRESULT error code:0x80020009 Exception occurred.: INSERT INTO categories ([category_name], [updated_at], [created_by], [updated_by], [description], [created_at]) VALUES(''費用区分'', ''20070730 13:57:25'', 1001, 1001, ''Expense '', ''20070730 13:57:25'') I have done all of the thing needed that makes rails support for unicode...
2006 Feb 07
scope problems testing a helper method that calls link_to()
..._helper.rb I''ve got a method called ''party_link()¨: def party_link(party) link_to party.full_name, { :controller => ''contacts'', :action => ''view'', :category => party.category_name, :id => }, :class => ''a2'' end It takes a Party object (person, organization...) and returns an HTML link to that party''s contact page. Simple enough. And it appears to work well enough from the browser. We...
2006 Jan 02
Selecting conditionally from HABTM
Hello, I was wondering whether there is a nice Rubyesque way of selecting from a pair of HABTM models where one of them is inherited from another object. Here is the situation: I have a ''posts'' table from which ''replies'' and ''articles'' are inherited. Articles have_and_belong_to_many categories, but neither posts nor replies do (it just does
2018 Jan 03
DNS logging for TLD queries?
On 1/2/2018 2:50 AM, Denis Cardon wrote: > Hi LingPanda101, > > >>     Is it possible to filter DNS queries for specific TLD's using the >> internal logging system? My IPS/IDS alerts me when a suspicious TLD is >> being queried. However I'm only able to see the DC as the source.  >> Thanks. >> >> Ubuntu 14.04 Samba 4.7.3. > > First you