I''m sure I''m missing something completely obvious here, so I
someone can point me in the right direction!
I''ve implemented a basic search with AAF, which works as expected;
running a ferret drb server, and using will_paginate to page results.
The code in my search_controller.rb:
search_text = params[:query] || " "
@products = Product.find_with_ferret(search_text, :page =>
params[:page], :per_page => #$ItemsPerPage, :limit => $ItemsPerPage,
:offset => $offset)
@results_pages = Product.paginate_search(search_text, :page =>
params[:page], :per_page => $ItemsPerPage)
The next step was to implement stemming, which seemed straightforward
enough. I created the stemmed_analyzer.rb file in the lib directory,
as follows:
require ''rubygems''
require ''ferret''
class StemmedAnalyzer < Ferret::Analysis::Analyzer
include Ferret::Analysis
def initialize(stop_words = ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS)
@stop_words = stop_words
def token_stream(field, str)
And added the call to the analyzer in my model file:
acts_as_ferret( :fields => { :name => { :boost => 1,
:store => :yes },
:product_number => { :boost => 2 },
:description => { :boost => 0,
:store => :yes },
:care => { :boost => -2 },
:manufacturer_name => { :boost => 1,
:store => :yes },
:collection_name => { :boost => 1,
:store => :yes },
:category_name => { :boost => 0 }
:remote => true,
:analyzer => StemmedAnalyzer.new )
Straight forward, no errors. But also no results. Searching for chairs
returns only results for that word, not chair or chairs. I know the
actual analyzer works, as when I explicity call it as follows, it
returns the correct root words to the log files:
search_terms = StemmedAnalyzer.new.token_stream(nil, params[:query])
while token = search_terms.next
puts token
Like so: Search for "chairs tables" returns
but the front end throws up on me with a:
TypeError (wrong argument type DRb::DRbObject (expected Data))
I''m fully confused. I''m sure it''s something obvious
that I''m just not
seeing, and after beating my head against this for two days, I''m
hoping someone can point it out to me! Or at least get me moving in
the right direction. Thanks for any help!
If you can''t be a good example, then you''ll just have to be a
horrible warning.