search for: case_manager_id

Displaying 13 results from an estimated 13 matches for "case_manager_id".

2006 Feb 08
DRY methodology
because I am a grasshopper... Now that I can sort my ''list'' there a logical way of not repeating myself to having essentially the same list view with multiple sorts? i.e. def list_cl # ordered by clients last name @placement_pages, @placements = paginate( :placements, :include => [:client], :order_by =>
2006 Jan 25
select list generated from table
Have 2 tables - clients & case_managers class Client < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :case_manager end app/views/clients/_form.html contains line... <p><% collection_select("client", "case_manager_id", \ case_manager.find_all, "name", "id") %></p> and this line generates error... undefined local variable or method `case_manager'' for #<#<Class:0xb7b93f84>:0xb7b93b88> What should the collection_select statement look like for it to populate...
2006 Jan 28
finishing a lookup value
I have a form...2 tables and using auto_complete table clients id case_manager_id foreign key case_manager_id to case_manager(id) table case_manager id name my app/views/clients/_form.rhtml includes which works (finally!) <%= text_area_auto_complete_for :case_manager :name %> and now in clients_controller.rb def create @client =[:client]) I need to...
2006 Feb 06
linked table confusion
...WHERE (case_managers.placement_id = 4) LIMIT 1 which makes sense in that I don''t have a ''placement_id'' column in case_managers table. But case manager has many placments so I did create a join table - case_managers_placements in which there are 2 fields... placement_id case_manager_id and foreign keys for both fields to their respective tables then I inserted 1 record, for the placement with the proper placement_id and case_manager_id for the join... I still get the above error. How does one work through this situation? Craig
2006 Jan 30
Lookup from related tables
...I have 2 tables... clients belongs_to: case_managers case_managers has_many: clients When entering new clients, I need to have some type of select box that allows me to pick the case_manager (by name) so that the ''id'' field from the case_manager table is inserted into clients.case_manager_id field. I cannot figure out how to do that with either auto_complete or select functions. This isn''t exactly covered in Agile book. Can anyone point me to an example of how this is done? Thanks Craig
2006 Feb 07
second table column data lift
have placements, clients and case_managers tables with relationships Trying to create new placement record...case_manager_id field exists in clients table. I need the value from related clients record in placements table in placements_controller.rb def create @placement =[:placement]) case_manager_id = Client.case_manager_id # this doesn''t work if flash[:notice] =...
2006 Jan 26
selecting from dynamic pop-up list populated by a table
...or adding/editing clients as I am pretty sure that I have the necessary things set up for relationship between the two tables. class Client < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :case_manager end app/views/clients/_form.html contains line... <p><% collection_select("client", "case_manager_id", \ case_manager.find_all, "name", "id") %></p> and this line generates error... undefined local variable or method `case_manager'' for #<#<Class:0xb7b93f84>:0xb7b93b88> What should the collection_select statement look like for it to populate...
2006 Apr 02
foreign keys and migrations
Hi: I''m looking to get a point clarified which i''m sure is obvious to everyone else but I haven''t been able to find the answer to. i''ve tried searching through the forums and the api pages and haven''t found anything. Is there a way with migrations to set up foregin key relationships? (beyond putting in the relevant foregin_id attributes) Is
2006 Feb 21
Validations continued
I simply can''t figure this out. I have been reading and re-reading Agile book and - all sorts of validation methods and still, it doesn''t work. Controller code def create @client =[:client]) if! flash[:notice] = ''Client was successfully created.'' redirect_to :action =>
2006 Feb 03
Because I''m very slow - trying to use console
I can''t see how to use variables so I am using console to test things out... clients table - a column named first_name My very brief console session... >> clients = Client.find_by_sql("select * from clients where first_name = FN") ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: RuntimeError: ERROR C42703 Mcolumn "fn" does not exist Fparse_expr.c L1034
2006 Mar 25
foreign keys on migration
...ADD CONSTRAINT clients_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)'' execute ''ALTER TABLE ONLY users ADD CONSTRAINT users_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)'' # set up foreign key restratints for PostgreSQL execute ''ALTER TABLE ONLY clients ADD CONSTRAINT fk_cp_case_manager FOREIGN KEY (case_manager_id) REFERENCES case_managers(id)'' execute ''ALTER TABLE ONLY placements ADD CONSTRAINT fk_cp_client FOREIGN KEY (client_id) REFERENCES clients(id)'' execute ''ALTER TABLE ONLY placements ADD CONSTRAINT fk_cp_facility FOREIGN KEY (facility_id) REFERENCES facilit...
2006 Jan 30
general questions
Agile book lacks some basic information, perhaps I need to learn ruby as I am lacking information - some basic things - especially debugging. The following are stupid newbie questions and any portion of them answered would be great. 1. If I am viewing a page from app/views/clients/ and on this page, I want to put a ''link_to'' directive to say app/views/case_managers... how do I
2006 Jan 25
Lookup pattern in Ruby
Hi folks, I''m curious how a lookup with a large group of values would be handled in Rails. For example, I have a (contrived) AnimalType filtering a list of many Animals--more than can be presented comfortably in a dropdown box. Therefore I need to either redirect to another screen to select an animal (returning after the selection is made), or show a dialog--modal or otherwise--to