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2024 Sep 22
store list objects in data.table
...their responses. My data is organized in a data.table.? My goal is to perform analyses according to some groups.? The results of analysis are objects.? If these objects could be stored as elements of a data.table, this would help downstream summarizing of results. Let me try another example. carsdt <- setDT(copy(mtcars)) carsdt[, unique(cyl) |> length()] #[1] 3 carsreg <- carsdt[, .(fit = lm(mpg ~ disp + hp + wt)), by = .(cyl)] #I would like a data.table with three rows, one each for "lm" object corresponding to cyl value carsreg[, .N] #[1] 36 #Here each component of...
2024 Sep 22
store list objects in data.table
Well, you may have good reasons to do things this way -- and you certainly do not have to explain them here. But you might wish to consider using R's poly() function and a basic nested list structure to do something quite similar that seems much simpler to me, anyway: x <- rnorm(20) df <- data.frame(x = x, y = x + .1*x^2 + rnorm(20, sd = .2)) result <- with(df,