Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "carcinoma".
2009 Dec 17
Help with Merge - unexpected loss of factor level
...ot;tumourA" "tumourEXP" "int" "stain" "tumourPERC" "branch"
> levels(tma$tumourA)
[1] "DCIS" "LN Metastasis" "Normal" "Primary Invasive Carcinoma"
#split into cancer and normal tissue
> tma1<-subset(tma, tumourA=="Primary Invasive Carcinoma")
> tma2<-subset(tma, tumourA=="LN Metastasis")
> tmaN<-subset(tma, tumourA=="Normal")
#size of datasets
> dim(tma1)
[1] 587 9
> dim(tma2...
2007 Dec 09
Getting estimates from survfit.coxph
...n events median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL
136 96 6 6 8
# predict a curve for a patient: (these are the answers I really want
to extract)
> survfit(surv.results$cox, newdata=data.frame(onset=50, ic.duration=10, simple.msa=c('MSA','Not MSA'), autoimmune=F, carcinoma=F))
Call: survfit.coxph(object = surv.results$cox, newdata = data.frame(onset = 50,
ic.duration = 10, simple.msa = c("MSA", "Not MSA"), autoimmune = F,
carcinoma = F))
n events median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL
[1,] 136 96 8 7 11
[2,] 136 96 3...
2007 Aug 27
validate (package Design): error message "subscript out of bounds"
Dear R users
I use Windows XP, R2.5.1 (I have read the posting guide, I have
contacted the package maintainer first, it is not homework).
In a research project on renal cell carcinoma we want to compute
Harrell's c index, with optimism correction, for a multivariate
Cox regression and also for some univariate Cox models.
For some of these univariate models I have encountered an error
message (and no result produced) from the function validate i
Frank Harrell's Design...
2012 Jan 17
Reference for dataset colon (package survival)
Dear R team, dear Prof. Therneau,
gives me only a very rudimentary source (only a name). Is there a
possibility to get a reference to the clinical trial these data
are taken from?
Many thanks in advance. With best wishes,
Matthias Gondan
2012 Jan 03
...y performing kinase exon sequencing. More specifically, we are performing sequencing on 1) 400 samples from the NEO-ALTTO study to find alterations associated with resistance to HER2 targeted therapies; 2) at least 200 colorectal samples and 300 breast cancers (triple negatives and invasive lobular carcinomas) to detect alterations frequently occurring in these patient populations. A very strong feature of all these datasets is that matched controls are available to ensure high accuracy in variant calling. The goal is to detect genomic alterations associated with response to therapy and cancer subtypes...