Displaying 13 results from an estimated 13 matches for "capire".
2003 Apr 09
can't use both controllers...
when two calls are active on controller 2, chan_capi won't use controller 1.
this is with AVM C2
-- Executing Goto("SIP/torgeir-b476", "capiring|BYEXTENSION|1") in new
-- Goto (capiring,90044875,1)
-- Executing Dial("SIP/torgeir-b476",
"CAPI/22545066:bBYEXTENSION|120|Ttr") in new stack
== data = 22545066:b90044875
2003 Apr 24
new mgcp patch errors
see below
I tried to call 98013356 from the following phone (from mgcp.conf)
host =
context = default
inbanddtmf = 1
callerid = 22545062
line => aaln/1
Console output:
== Spawn extension (capiring, 9988001133335566, 1) exited non-zero on
-- MGCP mgcp_hangup(MGCP/aaln/1@iptlf03-1) on aaln/1@iptlf03
-- Delete connection 4
2003 Apr 24
core dump in capi somewhere
hi, klaus
Console output:
-- Registered SIP '' at port 12410 expires 1200
-- Executing Goto("SIP/ola-5a9c", "capiring|BYEXTENSION|1") in new stack
-- Goto (capiring,81520400,1)
-- Executing Dial("SIP/ola-5a9c", "CAPI/22545079:bBYEXTENSION|120|Ttr") in
new stack
== data = 22545079:b81520400
== capi request
2006 Jul 06
Bug test di Rails
salve a tutti,
sentite, non riesco a capire i test automatizzati di Rails.
Secondo il libro, il ciclo di vita di un test prevede che per ogni
metodo ( che sarebbe in pratica un test da eseguire ) si verificano
sempre 3 eventi:
1) la cancellazione di tutti i record della tabella in esame
2) il caricamento di tutti i dati di test elencati n...
2011 May 30
Forward routed network bridge on system's vlan
...brctl show
bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces
br0 8000.6c626dd7518e no eth0
virbr0 8000.000000000000 yes
virbr1 8000.5cd998b14c4d yes eth1.111
Why manually is possible to make things work? What am I ignoring?
Thanks a lot,
Mia Mamma Usa Linux: Niente ? impossibile da capire, se lo spieghi bene!
rasca at miamammausalinux.org
2011 Sep 07
How to dedicate a NIC for VM traffic without assigning it an IP
I am testing out a new server with RHEL6 running KVM. We have a few
NICs on the server, one of which we would like to dedicate to network
traffic to/from the virtual guests. Is it possible to do this without
assigning an IP address to the NIC? We're currently doing something
like this with Vmware Server, HP's HPVM for HP-UX/IA, and IBM's
PowerVM for AIX.
albert chin (china at
2012 Mar 08
Setting the default Hypervisor
...to set the default uri to be qemu:///system? I looked
into /etc/default/libvirt-guests and /etc/default/libvirt-bin but I was
not able to find an options (setting URIS= does not work).
I'm on Debian Squeeze with backports.
Thanks a lot,
Mia Mamma Usa Linux: Niente ? impossibile da capire, se lo spieghi bene!
rasca at miamammausalinux.org
2012 Apr 04
Bare libvirt web interface
already exists. I saw projects like http://karesansui-project.info and
https://fedorahosted.org/virt_web but maybe there is something easier
and more focused to obtain just the informations I need.
Thanks to all of you for your suggestions,
Mia Mamma Usa Linux: Niente ? impossibile da capire, se lo spieghi bene!
rasca at miamammausalinux.org
2012 Jun 25
Is it possible to in live migration?
Hi all,
In live migration using shared memory, there would be a following step
to input the password after typing:
migrate --live vm_name qemu+ssh://Destination_IP/system.
. I wonder if it is possible to include the password in the URI so that the
password procedure can be avoided?
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2012 Apr 12
No way to obtain guest's cpu and mem usage?
ps aux | egrep "[/]usr/libexec/qemu-kvm.*libvirt.*" | awk '{print $3"/"$4}'
on the hypervisor? These are related to the kvm process, and the kvm
process IS the virtual machine... Or not?
Thanks to everybody,
Mia Mamma Usa Linux: Niente ? impossibile da capire, se lo spieghi bene!
rasca at miamammausalinux.org
2012 Apr 16
What does cpu_time returned by virDomainGetCPUStats mean?
hi, everyone.
I find an 'interesting' thing involving virDomainGetCPUStats(). I
call it for cpu usage consumed by a domain and get a array of
virTypedParameter. My system is 2-core and hyperviser return 1
parameter per cpu. So the contents of the array is like this.
.fiedl = "cpu_time"
.type = 4
.value.ul = 51640610899
2010 Nov 04
Problem booting Microsoft Windows KVM virtual machine
...'d also followed the steps described here:
to use fixmbr and the operation succeed, but the error on the vm is
still the same.
What should else i check?
Raoul Scarazzini
Mia Mamma Usa Linux: Niente ? impossibile da capire, se lo spieghi bene!
mobile: +393281776712
rasca at miamammausalinux.org
2012 Jan 16
Quota is not working (Debian Squeeze - Dovecot 1.2)
...or example I'm using sieve for the spam filter,
and the SPAM is correctly put in the .SPAM dir.
I turned on debug on dovecot, but I can't see if the query in some way
Can you please help me to understand what am I doing wrong?
Mia Mamma Usa Linux: Niente ? impossibile da capire, se lo spieghi bene!
rasca at miamammausalinux.org