Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20 matches for "browsevignett".
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2007 Jun 01
HTML vignette browser
...nette() currently produces a listing of available vignettes, but
these are not clickable. Since R has a browseURL() function, it seems
natural to have a version that produces HTML with clickable links.
Here's an attempt at that:
browseVignettes(package = "grid")
etc. Perhaps some variant of this could be added to R.
Comments welcome.
2012 Jul 03
Problem in vignette packaging of Sweave in utils package
In ?Sweave, it refers to Sweave User Manual. In the doc folder of
utils package, I see "Sweave.pdf".
However, I can't find it from within R
> vignette("Sweave User Manual")
Warning message:
vignette ?Sweave User Manual? not found
> browseVignettes("utils")
No vignettes found by browseVignettes("utils")
> library(help=utils)
does not refer to any vignettes.
The vignette does not appear in the main page for utils in help.start().
I checked the source code for the Sweave vignette, but I don't see
anything wrong...
2020 Nov 01
vignettes present in 2 folders or won't work
cp vignettes/*.pdf* inst/doc
Rscript -e "devtools::document()"
mkdir inst/extdata/sources_vignettes
cp sources_vignettes/*/*.Rnw inst/extdata/sources_vignettes
Rscript -e "devtools::build(vignettes = FALSE)"
That works fine, the vignettes show up using browseVignettes() after
installing the package the normal way.
However, after building, the tar.gz contains each pdf corresponding to a
vignette twice: once in vignettes and once in inst/doc (which is obvious,
when reading the Makefile).
>From the reading of "Writing R Extensions" and other materi...
2020 Nov 01
vignettes present in 2 folders or won't work
...df* inst/doc
> Rscript -e "devtools::document()"
> mkdir inst/extdata/sources_vignettes
> cp sources_vignettes/*/*.Rnw inst/extdata/sources_vignettes
> Rscript -e "devtools::build(vignettes = FALSE)"
> That works fine, the vignettes show up using browseVignettes() after
> installing the package the normal way.
> However, after building, the tar.gz contains each pdf corresponding to a
> vignette twice: once in vignettes and once in inst/doc (which is obvious,
> when reading the Makefile).
> From the reading of "Writing R E...
2009 Mar 16
vignette index not linked into HTML help system for package
This happened on two independent computers (WinXP Prof. SP3, German)
with R-devel compiled from sources svn rev. 48125 resp. 48128
It's the same for my own and also for more prominent packages as well
(e.g. grid).
The vignettes and the index.html files exist and vignette() as well as
browseVignettes() work as expected.
I have not found anything about this in NEWS or "Writing R extensions",
which says:
"At install time an HTML index for all vignettes is automatically
created from the \VignetteIndexEntry statements unless a file index.html
exists in directory inst/doc. This...
2011 Jun 13
cause 'memory not mapped'
OS : Redhat linux
Cpu : intel xeon X5570
Memory : 26Gb
OS : Ubuntu
Cpu : intel q6600
Memory : 8Gb
Loading required package: Biobase
Loading required package: methods
Welcome to Bioconductor
Vignettes contain introductory material. To view, type
'browseVignettes()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
'citation("Biobase")' and for packages 'citation("pkgname")'.
Loading required package: gcrma
Loading required package: preprocessCore
Attaching package: 'affyPLM'
The following object(s) are masked from 'packa...
2020 Nov 01
vignettes present in 2 folders or won't work
...ript -e "devtools::document()"
> > mkdir inst/extdata/sources_vignettes
> > cp sources_vignettes/*/*.Rnw inst/extdata/sources_vignettes
> > Rscript -e "devtools::build(vignettes = FALSE)"
> >
> > That works fine, the vignettes show up using browseVignettes() after
> > installing the package the normal way.
> >
> > However, after building, the tar.gz contains each pdf corresponding to a
> > vignette twice: once in vignettes and once in inst/doc (which is obvious,
> > when reading the Makefile).
> >
> > From...
2010 Jul 05
Help reg Genome view
I have a set of genes and its chromosomal physical position in a text file.
I want to view those genes in the chromosome using R package GenePlotter.
Could any one please tell how to view this.
Thanks in advance.
Yours sincerely,
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Jun 29
Problem on loading annotation for BioC - error: RS-DBI driver: (error in statement: near "s": syntax error)
...tersect, lapply, Map, mapply, mget,
order, paste, pmax, pmax.int, pmin, pmin.int, Position, rbind, Reduce,
rep.int, rownames, sapply, setdiff,
table, tapply, union, unique
Loading required package: Biobase
Welcome to Bioconductor
Vignettes contain introductory material; view with 'browseVignettes()'.
To cite Bioconductor, see
'citation("Biobase")', and for packages 'citation("pkgname")'.
Loading required package: org.Hs.eg.db
Loading required package: DBI
Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for
'hugene10sttranscriptcluster.db', d...
2013 Jun 19
str and s3 classes
Hi all,
Because str uses the generic version of length and names, it's
currently very easy to create objects that break str:
a <- structure(list(1:5), class = "a")
length.a <- function(x) 2L
b <- structure(list(1:5), class = "b")
names.b <- function(x) character()
These are obvious toy examples, but it is a real problem if you want
to create
2020 Nov 02
vignettes present in 2 folders or won't work
...kage. I think that documents under inst/doc are a
> bit hard to find if package authors do not create (possibly many) links
> to them in Rd files or vignettes.
What I'd suggest is that you write a "browseDocs" function that displays
them in some nice format (similar to "browseVignettes"). Maybe CRAN
would choose to add a new category listing its results, but at a
minimum, you could very easily add a vignette called "Other documents"
that contains a list of links. It wouldn't be as prominent as
"Vignettes" on CRAN, but you could make the displ...
2011 Sep 13
GO & Protein Complex Analysis for Homo sapiens
Dear All,
I need to fetch GO ontologies for Homo sapiens with their mappings to
corresponding Uniprot identifiers. I would be using this information to
compare result from a clustering algorithm with existing protein complexes.
This would be a test to check how the clustering algorithm accurately
captures GO terms with respect to the known protein complexes. Can anyone
suggest a simple workflow
2014 Nov 13
Changing style for the Sweave vignettes
As a user, I am always annoyed beyond measure that Sweave vignettes
precede the code by a command line prompt. It makes running examples
by simple copying of the commands from the vignette to the console a
pain. I know the idea is that it is clear what is the command, and
what is the output, but I'd rather precede the output with some kind
of marking.
Is there any other solution possible /
2010 Apr 27
ShortRead with BWA
Dear folks,
Please welcome a newbie both to R and the mailing list :). I am
currently working on a sequencing project, and heard about R as well as
some of its packages for next gen sequencing, and decided to give it a
try. Starting with ShortRead, I found a document
which does mention
2020 Nov 01
vignettes present in 2 folders or won't work
On 01/11/2020 2:57 p.m., Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> The closest to a canonical reference for a static vignette is the basic blog
> post by Mark at
> https://www.markvanderloo.eu/yaRb/2019/01/11/add-a-static-pdf-vignette-to-an-r-package/
> which I follow in a number of packages.
> Back to the original point by Alexandre: No, I do _not_ think we can do
2010 May 27
Methods to explore R data structures
I'm very confused about R structures and the methods to go with them. I'm
using R for microarray analysis with Bioconductors. Suppose without reading
the documentations, what's the best way to explore a data structure when you
know nothing about it?
I am currently using is() / class() to see what the object is. str() /
attributes() to probe inside the object, and
2010 Jul 06
Could not find createData function
I am using "*Maanova* package" to do anova. I have created *datafile* with
probeID as the first column, which is a tab limited text file and also
created *designfile*. I have created *readma object* which is named as abf1.
>From that readma object, i have to create data object by using
*createData*function and also i hav to create model object by using
*makemodel* function,
2013 Apr 01
missing exported methods when compiling vignettes in R 3.0.0 RC
A new problem has cropped up with compiling vignettes for my package BayesFactor. I'm not sure when it started, but I can tell you it didn't occur on R 2.15.3, and it does on 3.0.0 RC (2013-03-31 r62463) (session info is at the bottom of this message).
I have defined methods for which.min and which.max for a class (I've defined both S3 and S4 methods for the class
2008 Apr 22
R 2.7.0 is released
...n as.octmode() to create objects such as file
o as.POSIXlt() is now generic, and it and as.POSIXct() gain a
'...' argument. The character/factor methods now accept a
'format' argument (analogous to that for as.Date).
o New function browseVignettes() lists available vignettes in an
HTML browser with links to PDF, Rnw, and R files.
o There are new capabilities "aqua" (for the AQUA GUI and quartz()
device on Mac OS X) and "cairo" (for cairo-based graphics
o New function check...
2008 Apr 22
R 2.7.0 is released
...n as.octmode() to create objects such as file
o as.POSIXlt() is now generic, and it and as.POSIXct() gain a
'...' argument. The character/factor methods now accept a
'format' argument (analogous to that for as.Date).
o New function browseVignettes() lists available vignettes in an
HTML browser with links to PDF, Rnw, and R files.
o There are new capabilities "aqua" (for the AQUA GUI and quartz()
device on Mac OS X) and "cairo" (for cairo-based graphics
o New function check...