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2023 May 31
scale_colour_viridis en ggplot2
De acuerdo a Bard; ? scale_colour_viridis_d: Esta función utiliza la paleta de colores "viridis" en una escala continua, donde los colores varían de forma suave y continua. Es adecuada para representar datos en los que se desea resaltar las variaciones sutiles en los valores de la variable. ? scale_colour_viridis_c: Esta función también utiliza la paleta de colores
2002 Feb 19
a good way of life
...k you all for your answers. One told me that in order to allow the students to upload/download from their home directories, FTP or something like that is a simple and easy choice. As domain logon and roaming profil is not needed and FTP can be logged, I'll use this. Another question for our brillants candidates : How to batch the creation of a Samba account ? I mean, everytime you create an account, a password is needed. I want the password to be generated randomly (not from a dictionnary but various lEttER/numbers mix) and then attributed to a user wihtout the root to enter it by hand and to...
2003 Apr 27
smbpasswd via cgi
using samba and ldap - redhat 7.3 trying to work on a short cgi to update samba password (it is a url with attributes username and password). I am not very good at all with perl, so if someone can take a quick ponder and help me out, that would be great. I think that it fails in theory however, because to change other users password, you need to be root ... So I was wondering if anyone knows
2023 May 31
scale_colour_viridis en ggplot2
Hola a todos: Alguién me podría explicar cuales son las diferencias entre las diferentes escalas de viridis en ggplot2, es decir en qué se diferencian scale-colour_viridis_d de scale_colour_viridis_c, scale_colour_viridis_b. Y cual es la diferencia entre scale-fiil-viridis_d de scale-fill_viridis_c y de scale_fill_viridis-b. He estado buscando la diferencia en internet y no he encontrado nada al
2011 Jul 18
1st Data Analysis Contest Using R - I Concurso de Análisis de Datos con R
1st Data Analysis Contest Using R - I Concurso de Análisis de Datos con R 1st Data Analysis Contest Using R Nestoria ( is a specialized web search engine platform in house prices. Nestoria y Lokku Labs aim to improve the understanding of the public of the value of its databases. The company aims to engage a few brilliant statisticians in the expectation that their
2008 Dec 11
package development
I'm making the move of the survival package from my own environment to, and have stumbled into a vacuum. The R Extensions manual has really nice instructions about how to lay out the directories, order the files, and run tests for DISTRIBUTION of a product, but I can't find anything on how to set up a reasonable DEVELOPMENT environment. In my local world, I had the .c and .s files in
2006 Feb 20
vif0.0/veth0 or eth0
When does vif0.0 get created? Is there some shell magic? I''m trying to figure out how to do a similar peth1/veth1 split for eth1. -- Nicholas Lee gpg 8072 4F86 EDCD 4FC1 18EF 5BDD 07B0 9597 6D58 D70C _______________________________________________ Xen-devel mailing list
2015 Aug 26
sprintf error: "only 100 arguments allowed"
Wouldn't it make sense to have this in the man page? The 8192-byte limitation for 'fmt' is mentioned but not this one. Thanks, H. On 08/25/2015 02:08 AM, Prof Brian Ripley wrote: > From the sources: > > #define MAXNARGS 100 > /* ^^^ not entirely arbitrary, but strongly linked to > allowing %$1 to %$99 !*/ > > > > On 22/08/2015 04:21, Martin
2005 Sep 14
Sending Emails via Cron
I''m developing an application using RoR that will generate enough email notifications that I don''t want them in the actual web application. So, I''m thinking about having an outgoing queue that a cron job would pick up and deliver. My question is if this is possible with a ruby script that uses ActiveRecord and ActiveMailer?
2015 Aug 24
Regalamos 1.000 vuelos a Canarias
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <!-- saved from url=(0057)file:///C:/Users/casas.a/Desktop/Vuelos%20Brillantes.html --> <html xmlns=""><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
2010 Mar 10
SSD Optimizations
I''m looking to try BTRFS on a SSD, and I would like to know what SSD optimizations it applies. Is there a comprehensive list of what ssd mount option does? How are the blocks and metadata arranged? Are there options available comparable to ext2/ext3 to help reduce wear and improve performance? Specifically, on ext2 (journal means more writes, so I don''t use ext3 on SSDs,