Displaying 20 results from an estimated 78 matches for "bookstore".
2006 Jun 18
ActiveRecord Help - Not finding Data
...d am having a problem trying to retrieve data
from my database. Here is the code from my controller:
def index
zip = params["zip"]
@zip1 = Zipcode.find(:first, :conditions => ["zip = ?", zip])
lat = @zip1.latitude.to_f
long = @zip1.longitude.to_f
radius = 50
@bookstores = Bookstore.find_by_sql ["SELECT * FROM bookstores WHERE
zipcode IN (
FROM zipcodes
WHERE degrees(acos(
sin( radians(zipcodes.latitude) )
* sin( radians(?))
+ cos( radians(zipcodes.latitude))
* cos( radians(?))
* cos( radians(zipcodes.longitude - ?) )
) ) * 69.09...
2006 Jul 19
Model Validation - with a twist
...ome more validation (using google to verify the address is real) before
saving the whole thing.
The link if @bstore.valid? just renders the action add but doesn''t show
the nice error messages saying the field was blank. Any ideas?
Here''s my code so far:
def create
@bstore = Bookstore.new(params[:bookstore])
if @bstore.valid?
addresscheck = params[:bookstore][:address] + " " +
params[:bookstore][:city] + ", " + params[:bookstore][:state] + " " +
address2 = ''q='' + addresscheck
2005 Jul 20
Mahler's Book - New Project
...le PBX replacement project using
Asterisk, and I'm just breaching the iceberg of information that's
available. I typically like to have something thick with pages in front
of me. Mahler's book was the first one to come up and it seems like a
good place to start. However, the big name bookstores tell me it'll
take up to three weeks, and this project simply can't endure that wait.
Does anyone know where it's possible to get a paper copy *quickly*?
#2, I'm planning to interface Asterisk with a Norstar MICS via PRI. Can
anyone recommend a reference book or site more suited...
2006 Jul 13
Nested Data
I currently have a database with a table called bookstores. Within that
table are columns such as bookstore name, city, state, and zip code.
What I''d like to do is display the City and then every store name for
that city underneath it.
- Store 1
- Store 15
Another City
- Store 2
- Store 5
etc. I''ve seen act_as_tree...
2004 Apr 27
Mixed Effects Models in S and S-Plus book
Anybody know where I can get the Pinheiro/Bates book?
I can't find a bookstore w/ stock and the publisher
says they don't know when they'll have it again.
2004 Nov 11
Business software for Linux
I am hoping to find a inventory management program suitable for
something like a bookstore or other 1-5 person smb. The software
would need to be able to accept inputs from wireless handheld
scanning devices for entry into the system. It must also work
with their windows based PoS computer. Any suggestions would be
highly appreciated.
My "Foundation" verse:...
2003 Dec 03
Reprint of "The Official Samba-3 HOWTO and Reference Guide"
...oliday printing season and a glitch at the
printer delayed the 2nd printing much longer than any of us would have
liked--believe me, we are not happy with the situation.
The good news is that the 2nd printing should reach our warehouse tomorrow.
Amazon, B&N, Borders, and *most* local technical bookstores should receive
copies by early next week. If you are interested in this title, I would
recommend placing an order on Amazon now, or going to your local bookstore
by late next week, as demand is so great that we will be out of stock again
before we've fulfilled all bookstore's stocking orde...
2011 May 31
Geokit query with multiple models involved
My database structure consists of Store, Book, BookStore and Address
as below.
class Store < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :book_stores
has_many :books, :through => :book_stores
has_many :addresses
acts_as_mappable :through => :addresses
class Address < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :store
class Book <...
2002 Jul 20
An easy & great contribution to yourself, family, neighborhood and society
If you are personally interested in more information about the availability of the book and wish to request an Internet link, this section (within ---- signs) is for you. Otherwise you may skip this section.
The book is available from many fine on-line bookstores, traditional bookstores, book wholesalers, book dealers, etc.
For your convenience, I herewith provide you with a link directly to the book page in the shopping directory of Yahoo!, the world's No. 1 Internet directory (Some bookstores there offer great discounts [for a limited time]):
2003 Jul 13
To You as a Nicer Person
...ontents may help solve problems that the Western culture cannot.
The book's merit and importance have been recognized and praised by many experts, elected public officials, and world leaders.
As a result of popular demand, the book has been a top "Featured Item" in some top on-line bookstores in some subjects, such as "Personal Practical Guides" in "Nonfiction" and "Reference", "Conduct" in "Health, Mind & Body", "Life skills guides", ...
"The book will also be effective for violence prevention for the whole socie...
2006 Jul 31
Ruby Cookbook
Ruby Cookbook is out. I browsed the book today at the bookstore. It looks very good with a section
on Rails. There is no review on Amazon yet. Did anyone get a chance to review this book?
2004 Apr 06
"Samba-3 by Example" now available
Hi All,
Thanks to everyone who has written wanting more information on when "Samba-3
by Example" by John Terpstra will be available. The good news is that it is
available right now through your local bookstore or online sites like
There are already a couple of very positive comments posted to Amazon. These
indicate that if you want to get Samba-3 up and running, you'll find the
book very useful. We certainly hope this is the case. Please send any
comments about the book to me and John....
2013 Jan 13
R error: system is computationally singular when building GMM model
I built the generalized method of moments model to estimate the sales rank
in the bookstore using plm package in R.
The equation is:
data1.gmm <- pgmm(dynformula(lnsales_rank ~ ln_price + avg_ham_rate +
avg_spam_rate + num_of_ham+ num_of_spam + ship_code2 +ship_code3
+ship_code4+ ship_code5+ ship_code6 + ship_ code7, lag = list(0, 0, 0,
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0), log =FALSE), data=data, e...
2004 Feb 18
Preview Samba-3 by Example book
Hi All,
I know there has been a lot of interest in John Terpstra's upcoming book,
"Samba-3 by Example: Practical Exercises to Successful Deployment." The book
is scheduled to print end of March and can be found at local bookstores by
early April.
In the meantime, John will be giving a talk at the BYU UNIX User's Group
tomorrow, Thursday, February 19th at 8PM, where he will be previewing the
book. For more information, go to http://uug.byu.edu/events.php?id=121
If you can't make it to this event, but would like to...
2004 Aug 19
Is R good for not-professional-statistician, un-mathematical clinical researchers?
...ome other computing environment.
My (highly motivated) students have never encountered anything like R. One frankly
"Do you feel (honestly) that a group of physicians (with two vets) clinicians will
be able to effectively use and actually understand R? If so, I will happily call this
bookstore and order this book [Venables and Ripley] tomorrow."
I am heavily biased toward R/S because I have used it since the first applied statistics
course I took. But I would love to give these students some kind of objective information
about the usability of R by non-statisticians--not just my o...
2007 Dec 28
WEBrick.. won't start and showing '/rails-2.0.2/lib/initializer.rb:159:in `require_frameworks': Could not find RubyGem jruby-openssl (>= 0.0.0) (RuntimeError)' errors
from /mnt/slash/home/akumar/jruby-1.1b1/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/
rails-2.0.2/lib/initializer.rb:156:in `process''
from /mnt/slash/home/akumar/jruby-1.1b1/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/
rails-2.0.2/lib/initializer.rb:49:in `run''
from /mnt/slash/home/akumar/bookstore/config/environment.rb:
19:in `run''
from /mnt/slash/home/akumar/bookstore/config/environment.rb:
19:in `require''
from /mnt/slash/home/akumar/jruby-1.1b1/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/
rubygems/custom_require.rb:27:in `require''
from /mnt/slash/home/akumar/j...
2006 Oct 25
[ADV] "Mongrel: Serving, Deploying, and Extending Your Ruby Applications" BOOK
Time for some all time pimpage folks.
Me and Matt Pelletier wrote a small PDF book on Mongrel entitled: "Mongrel: Serving, Deploying, and Extending Your Ruby Applications" since we really wanted you to know what it was about. It''s published by Addison Wesley Professional, has just over 100 pages of goodness, and is available for $14.99 at:
2008 Jan 19
Set Return Type XML in Prototype
var attlist=x.item(i).attributes;
var att=attlist.getNamedItem("category");
PHP code:
header("Content-Type: application/text; charset=utf-8");
$xml=''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<book category="Jewel Category 1">
<title lang="en">Everyday Italian</title>
<author>Giada De Laurentiis</author>
<book category="Jewel Category 2"...
2005 Feb 04
Rare Cases and SOM
...as a reference vector. Afterwards, because
the selection for the training is also random it is
also unlikely they are picked.
I've been trying to modify some of the other
parameters for the SOM also, but I would appreciatte
some input to keep me going until I receive the
reference books from my bookstore.
Are my suspictions right?
Should I be using the SOM for my study or should I
look somewhere else?
NOTE: I have no prior knowledge of whether the
datasets I want to analyse will have rare cases or not
or where they will be located.
1998 Nov 16
PB Mandeville can't be reached
...s not to be the case
So the transmission of the code would be appreciated a lot. Many, many
thanks for your offer.
Could i ask you for a little comment on Steve Selvin's publication? If
it's not available publicly in Germany within the next time, i probably
will try to get it via a bookstore at my own cost.
Ulrich Flenker
Institute of Biochemistry
German Sports University Cologne
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