Displaying 20 results from an estimated 120 matches for "bonferroni".
2009 Feb 02
wilcoxon test with bonferroni correction
I need to run a wilcoxon (Mann-whitly, in fact) test with bonferroni
correction, as I am running 10 consecutive wilcoxon test not
independent, and I know that bonferroni will partially correct for
this problem, but I have no idea how to do it with R, I have been
looking in the archive but couldn't understand how to do it.
The format I am using at the mo...
2006 Sep 11
Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test with Bonferroni's correction
Dear all,
I am trying to run Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test with Bonferroni's
correction. I have two lists: l0, l1:
mapply(function(x,y)wilcox.test(x,y)$p.value, l0, l1)
How do I run Bonferroni's correction on mapply? Any help is much apperciated.
2005 Mar 11
Bonferroni simultaneous confidence intervals for multiple regression
I'm having no luck figuring out how to find Bonferroni simultaneous confidence intervals to obtain a family of estimates in R. Does anyone know how to do this?
Thank you!
2012 Aug 29
Bonferroni correction for multiple correlation tests
Please can someone advise me how I can adjust correlations using bonferroni's correction? I am doing manny correlation tests as part of an investigation of the validity/reliability of a psychometric measure.
Help would be so appreciated!
2005 Jul 14
Partek has Dunn-Sidak Multiple Test Correction. Is this the same/similar to any of R's p.adjust.methods?
The Partek package (www.partek.com) allows only two selections for Multiple
Test Correction: Bonferroni and Dunn-Sidak. Can anyone suggest why Partek
implemented Dunn-Sidak and not the other methods that R has? Is there any
particular advantage to the Dunn-Sidak method?
R knows about these methods (in R 2.1.1):
> p.adjust.methods
[1] "holm" "hochberg" "hommel" &quo...
2009 Jul 27
calculating p-values from t-values for a Bonferroni adjustment
I am performing a sequential bonferroni adjustment on the results of an
ANCOVA but the equation I have for calculating p-values from the t-values is
not working. I can't seem to find it anywhere else. This is the code I have
now: 2*(1-pt(t,df)) where t=t-value and df=degrees of freedom from the
ANCOVA. Is there an error in the code?...
1998 Jul 16
R-beta: Re: Post-hoc tests
Here's a Bonferroni-corrected multiple one-sample t-test that I wrote
some years ago. It took a while to get it into R, as na.omit doesn't
seem to handle vectors and I had to write a quick kludge (na.remove).
Another more general point was that I discovered that the help page for
t.test gives the name "para...
2010 Sep 05
bonferroni en R
Hola a todos/as
estoy analizando un diseño factorial con una variable intrasujeto y una inter-sujeto. Ambas resultan significativas en el anova y quiero hacer un análisis por pares, pero aún no sé como puedo hacerlo en R. Me interesan ambos Bonferroni y Tukey. ¿Alguien podría indicarme?
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1998 Jul 14
Are post-hoc tests being developed for R?
Is anyone working on multiple comparisons of means or post-hoc tests
(ie: Tukey, Bonferroni) for R? I saw in the winter 98' archives of the R
mailing lists that these tests had not been implemented yet, I was just
wondering if I could look foward to having them. ;-)
I also looked through the contributed packages and didn't see anything
that offered such tests.
I guess I could che...
2010 Sep 06
Resumen de R-help-es, Vol 19, Envío 5
...avor, edite la
> linea del asunto (subject) para que el texto sea mas especifico que:
> "Re: Contents of R-help-es digest...". Además, por favor, incluya en
> la respuesta sólo aquellas partes del mensaje a las que está
> respondiendo.
> Asuntos del día:
> 1. bonferroni en R (Miguel Lázaro)
> 2. Re: bonferroni en R (Jorge Ivan Velez)
> 3. Re: bonferroni en R (Olivier Nuñez)
> 4. Re: bonferroni en R (Olivier Nuñez)
> 5. distintos resultados en SPSS y R (Miguel Lázaro)
> 6. Re: distintos resultados en SPSS y R (Carlos J. Gil Bellosta )
2009 Apr 01
How to set the number of multiple comparisons (Bonferroni-Holm)
...of a dataset, which
resulted in rejection of the null hypothesis (Kruskal-Wallis-test = H-test).
In order to find out which sample means actually are statistically
different, we want to do multiple comparisons with the Wilcoxon rank sum
test (= U-test); the p-level should be corrected according to
Bonferroni-Holm. Thus we decided to use the following R syntax:
pairwise.wilcox.test (x, g, p.adjust.method = "holm", paired = FALSE)
Since there are 22 sample means in the dataset, lots of comparisons are
possible and the Bonferroni-Hom correction method would apply very low
p-levels. Since we ar...
2009 Oct 23
Bonferroni with unequal sample sizes
I have run an ANOVA on 4 treatments with unequal sample sizes (n=9,7,10 and 10). I want to determine where my sig. differences are between treatments using a Bonferroni test, and have run the code:
pairwise.t.test(Wk16, Treatment, p.adf="bonf")
I receive an error message stating that my arguments are of unequal length:
Error in tapply(x, g, mean, na.rm = TRUE) :
arguments must have same length
Is there a way to run this test even with unequal samp...
2012 Oct 19
Post Hoc tests for ANOVA
I was trying to figure out how to do post-hoc tests for Two Way ANOVAs and
found the following 2 approaches:
a. Do pairwise t-tests (bonferroni corrected) if one finds significance with
the ANOVA.
b. Do TukeyHSD on an aov model
Running the data set given in the first...
1999 Nov 25
...'m battling
to follow what this code exactly does (especially the last bit). How
would I link it to the ANOVA results? What sort of output would
these functions give me - adjusted p values? How would I then
interpret these?
I'd really appreciate any help!!!
Code for Bonferroni, Holm and Hochberg post hoc tests:
p.adjust.holm <- function(p, n=length(p)) {
##n <- length(p)
r <- rank(p)
index <- order(p)
qi <- p*(n+1-r)
for (i in 2:length(p)) {
qi[index[i]] <- max(qi[index[i+1]])
list(adjp=pmin(qi, 1), p=p, method="...
2013 May 06
Comparaciones multiples lmer
Lo primero muchas gracias a todos por vuesta habitual ayuda. Llevo meses
con las funciones lmer, pero tengo un problema no se como plantear unas
comparaciones multiples una vez demostrado que el factor tiene diferencias
Tengo multiples opciones,
Solución A: una es hacer un bonferroni a saco (pero eso me chirria ya que
tego muchos datos)
Solución B: Otra es utilizar glht, pero esa opción no me convence del todo.
Solución C: Otra es intentar imitar este articulo cosa que he sido
incapaz(tabla 1)
2006 Jul 11
Multiple tests on 2 way-ANOVA
dimnames = list(c("A", "B"), c("C.1", "C.2", "C.3")))
# cm1 = contrast matrix for main effects
v1 <- csimint(estpar=c(100, 6, 5), df=4*n-3, covm=cov1*sigma^2/n, cmatrix=cm1, conf.level=0.95)
The adjusted p-values are almost the Bonferroni p-values.
If I understood right: You need not to adjust for multiple testing
on main effects in a 2x2 factorial design
assuming the absence of interaction.
I do not think that there is a bug,
I want to understand, why multcomp does adjust for multiple tests
having all information about the des...
2003 Oct 21
explaining curious result of aov
...only corresponding to groups 5 and 6. This is, of course,
equivalent to a t-test. I now get an F of 142.3 with 1 and 3 degrees of
freedom and a null probability of 0.001. I know that multiple
comparisons changes the model-wise error rate, but even if I did all 15
comparisons of the 6 groups, the Bonferroni correction to a 5% alpha is
0.003, yet the Bonferroni correction gives conservative rejection
How can such a result occur? Any clues would be helpful.
Bill Shipley
Associate Editor, Ecology
North American Editor, Annals of Botany
Département de biologie, Université de Sher...
2000 Aug 03
multiple comparison tests & simultaneous multiple plots
...Hi Rer's,
I have two questions for you:
I am trying to complete a multiple comparison test after completing a
one-way ANOVA on some data. I think this is pretty reasonable.
aov(MetricSubset ~ GeneNameFactor)
Error in meanplot.R(c(3258, 3780, 3968, 2577, 8831, 2501, 2586, 2679, :
couldn't find function "pairwise.t.test"
I also looked at the R function
I am not sure how p.adjust with multiple comparisons.
Does R support multiple comparison...
2012 Feb 02
Error con package agricolae
...Hasta ahora todo marcha bien, pero cuando intento hacer las comparaciones multiples con LSD obtengo un error. Lo declare de la siguiente forma:
Comparacion1 <- LSD.test(ANAVAR,"A*B*C",DFerror=6213,MSerror=0.01619,p.adj="bonferroni",group=T)
Comentaros tambien que declare p.adj="bonferroni" pues los datos son desbalanceados.
Agradezco cualquier sugerencia que podais dar
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2008 Apr 04
pairwise.t.test for paired data
...47625121599, -10.6664750811034,
21.3346023277454, 4.99216977422232)
Then I do the tests
> pairwise.t.test(d,n,p.adjust="bonf",paired=F)
Pairwise comparisons using t tests with pooled SD
data: d and n
x y
y 0.092 -
z 0.326 1.000
P value adjustment method: bonferroni
Assuming the data are paired:
> pairwise.t.test(d,n,p.adjust="bonf",paired=T)
Pairwise comparisons using t tests with pooled SD
data: d and n
x y
y 0.092 -
z 0.326 1.000
P value adjustment method: bonferroni
I have no indication that the test is taking...