Displaying 20 results from an estimated 60 matches for "biostr".
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2009 May 10
In C, a fast way to slice a vector?
Suppose in the following code,
PROTECT(sr = R_tryEval( .... ))
sr is a RAWSXP vector. I wish to return another RAWSXP starting at
position 13 onwards (base=0).
I could create another RAWSXP of the correct length and then memcpy
the required bytes and length to this new one.
However is there a more efficient method?
Saptarshi Guha
2007 Jan 28
Dear List,
I tested the example in the reposTools vignette:
Loading required package: tools
Repository", "http://biowww.dfci.harvard.edu/~jgentry/","newRepos");
Error in rep.int(colnames(x), nr) : unimplemented type 'NULL' in 'rep'
Could someone help me out with this one?
I'd appreciate all help....
I am
2008 Jul 15
counting number of "G" in "TCGGGGGACAATCGGTAACCCGTCT"
Any better solution than this ?
sum(strsplit("TCGGGGGACAATCGGTAACCCGTCT", "")[[1]] == "G")
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Jun 24
how to group a large list of strings into categories based on string similarity?
I want to group a large list (20 million) of strings into categories
based on string similarity?
The specific problem is: given a list of DNA sequence as below
2009 Jan 09
Pack and Unpack Strings in R
Dear all,
Does R has any function/package that can pack
and unpack string into bit size?
The reason I want to do this in R is that R
has much more native statistical function than Perl.
Yet the data I need to process is so large that it
required me to compress it into smaller unit -> process it -> finally
recover them back again into string with new information.
In Perl the
2011 Jun 15
R string functions
What I want to do is to count the percentage of each letter in the string,
what string functions can I use to count the number of each letter appearing
in the string?
For example, the letter "A" appeared 6 times, letter "T" appeared 5 times,
how can I use a string function to get the these number?
2012 Oct 26
G-test function in the stats package or on CRAN?
The Biostrings package (Bioconductor) contains a function (g.test(),
not exported) that does a G-test. It was originally written by Peter
Hurd. See:
Peter Hurd's implementation of g.test() looks very much like the
implementation of st...
2013 Jun 27
Read a text file into R with .Call()
...he only problem is that "mkChar" will make every foo string into a global CHARSXP cache. When I have a huge amount of file to read, the CHARSXP cache use too much memory. I do not know whether there is any other way to SET_STRING_ELT without the mkChar operation. I know I cam refer to the Biostrings pakcage's way of readDNAStringSet, but that is a bit complicated I have not full understood it.
Any help will be appreciated!!
2006 Aug 29
Bioconductor installation errors
...ndices ...
* DONE (RColorBrewer)
* Installing *source* package 'Biobase' ...
** libs
/usr/lib/R/bin/SHLIB: line 115: make: command not found
ERROR: compilation failed for package 'Biobase'
** Removing '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/Biobase'
* Installing *source* package 'Biostrings' ...
** libs
/usr/lib/R/bin/SHLIB: line 115: make: command not found
ERROR: compilation failed for package 'Biostrings'
** Removing '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/Biostrings'
Could you give me some advice about how to fix the errors?
Weigong Ge...
2012 Apr 26
Memoize and vectorize a custom function
My goal is simple: calcuate GC content of each sequence in a list of
sequences. I have figured out how to vectorize, but all my attempts at
memoization failed.
Can you show me how to properly memoize my function?
There is a StackOverflow post on the subject of memoization, but it does not
help me:
2008 Dec 15
install.packages and dependency version checking
...s is revealing a number of
(A) We do not check versions when loading namespaces, ahd the namespace
registry does not contain version information. So that for example
Depends: R (>= 2.7.0), Biobase, methods, RCurl
Imports: XML (>= 1.98-0), IRanges, Biostrings
will never check the version of namespace XML that is loaded, either
already loaded or resulting from loading this package's namespace. For
this to be operational we would need to extend the syntax of the imports()
and importsFrom() directive in a NAMESPACE file to allow version
2010 Jul 08
package installation for Windows 7
> biocLite()
Using R version 2.11.1, biocinstall version 2.6.7.
Installing Bioconductor version 2.6 packages:
[1] "affy" "affydata" "affyPLM" "affyQCReport"
[5] "annaffy" "annotate" "Biobase" "biomaRt"
[9] "Biostrings" "DynDoc" "gcrma" "genefilter"
[13] "geneplotter" "GenomicRanges" "hgu95av2.db" "limma"
[17] "marray" "multtest" "vsn" "xtable"
Please wait...
Warning in install.packages(pkgs = p...
2010 May 31
after updating biomaRt cannot connect any more
...d my command syntax and got the following message:
> library(help=biomaRt)
Warning messages:
1: package 'JavaGD' was built under R version 2.9.0 and help may not work correctly
2: package 'Biobase' was built under R version 2.9.0 and help may not work correctly
3: package 'Biostrings' was built under R version 2.9.0 and help may not work correctly
4: package 'IRanges' was built under R version 2.9.0 and help may not work correctly
5: package 'CORNA' was built under R version 2.9.0 and help may not work correctly
6: package 'GEOquery' was built...
2010 Jan 05
Align two protein sequences using BLAST
Dear R users,
I would like to align two protein sequences using BLAST
(bl2seq). The question is whether this programm have been
implemented in R.
Thank you for your help,
2009 Mar 29
Recent setClass fails where previous succeeded
...For more context, the actual code adds arguments to initialize and
expects them to be provided by calls to 'new'; 'new' is not exposed
directly to the user but via a constructor that always provides
appropriate arguments. A specific example occurs when trying to
install the package Biostrings v 2.11.44 from the Bioconductor devel
Martin Morgan
Computational Biology / Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
1100 Fairview Ave. N.
PO Box 19024 Seattle, WA 98109
Location: Arnold Building M2 B169
Phone: (206) 667-2793
2013 Oct 24
advise on Depends
This is about the new note
Depends: includes the non-default packages:
‘BiocGenerics’ ‘Biobase’ ‘lattice’ ‘reshape’ ‘GenomicRanges’
‘Biostrings’ ‘bumphunter’
Adding so many packages to the search path is excessive and importing
selectively is preferable.
Let us say my package A either uses a class B (by producing an object that
has B embedded as a slot) from another package or provides a specific
method for a generic defined in anothe...
2016 Feb 18
R Package Installation Ignores libPaths Setting
Good day,
If the library path is changed with .libPaths, the command
install.packages("/nb/dario/Biostrings_2.39.9.tar.gz", repos=NULL)
fails with
** testing if installed package can be loaded
Error : package ?S4Vectors? required by ?Biostrings? could not be found
running library(S4Vectors) followed by sessionInfo() after the error shows that the package can indeed be found by R
2013 Apr 19
Sequence analysis
I am trying to look at the similarities between a number of
sequences, for example i am trying to see how similar "ababbbassdaa" is to
"addffggssbbsbbs" I was wondering is the some way for me to see how similar
they are in terms of, for example, number of a's, number of b's, how often a
and ab are consecutive, how often abab is together etc.
Any advice
2010 Apr 15
sequence clustering and assembly
Dear all,
please could you suggest any R functions or packages (or external programs),
a. take as input a large number (> 10 000) of short 20-30 nt sequences, and
sequence assembly, to reconstruct larger (extended) 30-50 sequences ?
b. take as input a larger number of sequences (100 000 - 1 mil) and cluster
sequences in distinct classes based on the sequence similarity ?
2008 Feb 23
counting sequence mismatches
I have 2 columns of short sequences that I would like to compare and count the number of mismatches and record the number of mismatches in a new column. The sequences are part of a data frame that looks like this: