Displaying 20 results from an estimated 334 matches for "biostatistician".
2007 May 14
JOB: Biostatistician/Statistical Programmer/Data Analyst
Biostatistician/Statistical Programmer/Data Analyst
The Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology, University
of Rochester Medical Center is seeking a Biostatistician/Statistical
Programmer/Data Analyst to assist with several center-wide immunology
and infectious disease research studies. The bi...
2007 May 14
JOB: Biostatistician/Statistical Programmer/Data Analyst
Biostatistician/Statistical Programmer/Data Analyst
The Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology, University
of Rochester Medical Center is seeking a Biostatistician/Statistical
Programmer/Data Analyst to assist with several center-wide immunology
and infectious disease research studies. The bi...
2016 Mar 16
JOB: Closing soon! Biostatistician - Perspectum Diagnostics Ltd (Oxford) and University of Westminster (London)
Dear all,
Perspectum Diagnostics Ltd (Oxford, UK) and the University of Westminster (London, UK) are recruiting a Biostatistician as part of Innovation UK?s Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP). The successful candidate will be based at Perspectum?s office in Oxford and be responsible for analysing clinical and liver MRI imaging data from the UK biobank to support product development. The candidate will receive a generous tra...
2017 Nov 21
Data Scientists, Biostatisticians and Bioinformaticians (LMU Munich)
We are currently looking for Data Scientists, Biostatisticians and
Bioinformaticians for the Data Analysis Group at the newly founded Data
Integration Center at the Institute for Medical Information Processing,
Biometry and Epidemiology, LMU Munich.
The tasks of the Data Analysis Group include the development and
of new techniques for data ana...
2008 Jul 03
Biostatistician Positions at Vanderbilt University
We have openings for biostatisticians at all levels: B.S., M.S.,
Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and full Professor. Details
are at http://biostat.mc.vanderbilt.edu/JobOpenings
Frank E Harrell Jr Professor and Chair School of Medicine
Department of Biostatistics Vanderbilt Universi...
2013 Apr 29
R consultant/biostatistician sought for short term project
We are looking for a capable biostatistician or epidemiologist with sufficient exposure and knowledge of R in order to translate a series of legacy code into R compatible syntax files and perform statistical analyses on an as needed basis.
-- Translation of legacy syntax from Stata .do files into reproducible R compatible...
2010 Sep 15
Biostatistician position, Austria
Dear all,
My company located in Innsbruck, Austria, has an opening for a
biostatistician. If you have any interest, feel free to contact me or Dr
Markus Speiser (markus.speiser*at*biocrates.com).
Best regards,
Biostatistician (m/f)
Job Description
BIOCRATES Life Sciences AG is a leading metabolomics company using a
mass-spectrometry based technology...
2013 Sep 18
Job: Biostatistician (m/f) - Schwenningen, Germany
Dear all,
we have an open position for a research assistant for Biostatistics in a
project focusing on patient (instance) specific statistical learning
methods. Application deadline is September 27th 2013. Details can be
found at
2008 Nov 21
Dendrogram labels
Is there any way to change the orientation of the labels on the end of the dendrograms to horizontal rather than vertical? If so, how can I do that.
Patrick Richardson
Biostatistician - Program of Translational Medicine
Van Andel Research Institute - Webb Lab
333 Bostwick Avenue NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
ph. 616.234.5787
This email message, including any attachments, is for th...{{dropped:9}}
2003 Oct 09
New Department of Biostatistics, Multiple Job Openings
...gram in biostatistics that
will train outstanding collaborative scientists and will focus on the
methods of modern applied statistics.
The department currently has 9 PhD faculty members and plans to double
in size over the next two years, continuing to add a significant
number of faculty and staff biostatisticians after that. Besides a
graduate program, a statistical data coordinating center will be
created. We are excited about the future and seek outstanding
biostatisticians who will help us to bring our goals to fruition.
There are openings at all levels: full profes...
2004 Feb 25
LOOCV using R
Can someone help me with performing leave-out-one cross validation using
R (model built is a Cox model)? Thanks.
David Verbel, MPH
Senior Biostatistician
Aureon Biosciences
28 Wells Avenue
Yonkers, NY 10701
Phone: (914) 377-4021
Fax: (914) 377-4001
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2006 Sep 29
if then else
What is the correct form to write statement meaning:
if (a==1) {b=2; c=3}; else {b=0; c=0};
Thank you
Jue Wang, Biostatistician
Contracted Position for Preclinical & Research Biostatistics
PrO Unlimited
(908) 231-3022
2014 Mar 20
Individual contributors and team leaders positions in Nonclinical Statistics at Johnson & Johnson
...nterested, the links below contain
descriptions and a path to apply. Thank you for your consideration,
and please feel free to forward this to any professionals in your
network you feel may be a good match.
Bill Pikounis
Head, Nonclinical Statistics & Computing at Johnson & Johnson
Senior Biostatistician: http://bit.ly/OeBKZd
Principal Biostatistician: http://bit.ly/OeAKV0
Biostatistician: http://bit.ly/OeBlpJ
Director: http://bit.ly/OeCtJK
2012 Jul 13
alternate tick labels and tick marks with lattice xyplot
...-log10(data$Pvalue), type="l", xaxt="n", main="Result",
xlab="Chromosome", ylab=expression(paste(-log[10]," p-value")))
axis(1, v1,labels=FALSE )
axis(1, v2, seq(1:3), tick=FALSE, cex.axis=.6)
Can this be done with lattice xyplot?
Leah Preus
Roswell Park Cancer Institute
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2003 May 30
Extracting Vectors from Lists of Lists Produced by Functions
byrow = FALSE, dimnames = NULL)
for (i in 1:length(measure)){
Charles E. White, Biostatistician
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
503 Robert Grant Ave., Room 1w102
Silver Spring, MD 20910-1557
301 319-9781
WRAIR Home Page: http://wrair-www.army.mil/
2004 Feb 27
question about if else
...() == NULL
> r = ifelse(c()==NULL, c(), c(1,2)) ### why this line does not
> r ### result in error -
logical(0) ### 'c()==NULL' is not TRUE
and not FALSE ?
Svetlana Eden Biostatistician II School of Medicine
Department of Biostatistics Vanderbilt University
2004 Feb 27
...> iNonNA = (c(1:(length(z1))))[(!(is.na(cV)))]
> iFalse
[1] NA NA 5 NA
> iNonNA
[1] 2 3 5
> iFalseFalse = intersect(iFalse, iNonNA)
> iFalseFalse
[1] 5
> i2 = (c(1:(length(z1))))[( (cV==FALSE)&&(!(is.na(cV))) )]
> i2
Svetlana Eden Biostatistician II School of Medicine
Department of Biostatistics Vanderbilt University
2007 Jun 05
Lines to plots with a for-loop
for(i in levels(fHCGB$code)) with(subset(fHCGB,code==i),
plot(pooledPlateIntra, type="b", ylim=ylim, xlab=code, ylab="CV%")
points(fHCGB$limitVarC,type="b", col="green")))
But run into errors. How can the lines be added?
Taija Saanisto
Quality assurance, Process Development
PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences / Wallac Oy
Phone: +358-2-2678 741
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2010 Mar 16
Retrieving latitude and longitude via Google Maps API
...ading the coordinates in R
and merging them back into the data frame I want to use. It'd be nice
to be able to do it all in one script, but I'm not comprehending the API
thing very well.
I'm using R 2.9.1 on Windows XP. Any suggestions or pointers?
Benjamin Nutter | Biostatistician | Quantitative Health Sciences
Cleveland Clinic | 9500 Euclid Ave. | Cleveland, OH 44195 |
(216) 445-1365
P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
Cleveland Clinic is ranked one of the top hospitals
in America by U.S.News &...
2006 Nov 17
Getting R and .Rdata together again
...the blue R, but double-clicking on them only produces a micro-second
display of a DOS window and disappears. How do I get R and .Rdata back
together again? (Of course, I can still access my .Rdata files by
starting up R and parading down my folder tree, but this is no fun.)
Joseph F. Lucke, PhD
Center for Clinical Research and Evidence-based Medicine
Department of Pediatrics
School of Medicine
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Voice: 713-500-5651
Email: Joseph.F.Lucke@uth.tmc.edu
Postal Mail: PO Box 20708, Houston, TX 77225-0708
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