Displaying 20 results from an estimated 38 matches for "bioinformatique".
2000 Apr 18
R : 3D graphics
I am looking for a package that allow to plot 3D set of points (x, y, z) ?
Can someone help me to find it ?
thank for help
Anne BADEL-CHAGNON Email:badel at urbb.jussieu.fr
Equipe de Bioinformatique Mol?culaire, Universite Paris 7
Tour 53, 1er etage, case 7113 Tel :
75251 Paris cedex 05 Fax :
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2003 Jun 25
Markov chain simulation
Does anybody know a function to simulate a Markov chain given a
probability transition matrix and an initial state ?
Philippe Hup?
Institut Curie - Equipe Bioinformatique
26, rue d'Ulm - 75005 PARIS France
+33 (0)1 42 34 65 29
Philippe.Hupe at curie.fr <mailto:Philippe.Hupe at curie.fr>
2008 Sep 03
optimizing speed of calculation (recursive product)
...time( for (i in 1:(M-1)) {C <- C* c(a[i],a[i+1])} )
By the way, I'm using R-2.7.2 on Win XP and/or Fedora Linux.
Thank's in advance for any hints,
Wolfgang Raffelsberger
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wolfgang Raffelsberger, PhD
Laboratoire de BioInformatique et G?nomique Int?gratives
1 rue Laurent Fries, 67404 Illkirch Strasbourg, France
2014 Feb 24
Error gdata and gplots packages
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] gplots_2.12.1 gdata_2.13.2
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] bitops_1.0-6 caTools_1.16 gtools_3.3.0 KernSmooth_2.23-10
Elodie Chapeaublanc
IE Bioinformatique
?quipe Oncologie Mol?culaire
Institut Curie - UMR 144 - CNRS
26 rue d'Ulm - 75248 Paris Cedex 05
Tel: +33 1 56 24 63 57
Email: elodie.chapeaublanc at curie.fr
2005 Jan 21
* creating vignettes ... ERROR
...file there is a line with the following:
file:line:error style messages enabled
it is just the summary of the option used when running pdflatex and then
an error is systematically reported.
If you have any idea where the problem comes from?
Philippe Hup?
UMR 144 - Service Bioinformatique
Institut Curie
Laboratoire de Transfert (4?me ?tage)
26 rue d'Ulm
75005 Paris - France
Email : Philippe.Hupe@curie.fr
T?l : +33 (0)1 44 32 42 75
Fax : +33 (0)1 42 34 65 28
2004 Dec 21
aggregate and median
...gate with the median function but I
get the following error:
Error in FUN(X[[1]], ...) : Argument "INDEX"
When I replace median by mean, it works perfectly
Can someone tell me where the problem comes from?
I am running R 2.0.0 on SunOS 5.9
Philippe Hup??
UMR 144 - Service Bioinformatique
Institut Curie
Laboratoire de Transfert (4??me ??tage)
26 rue d'Ulm
75005 Paris - France
Email : Philippe.Hupe at curie.fr
T??l : +33 (0)1 44 32 42 75
Fax : +33 (0)1 42 34 65 28
2005 May 04
error with the function GOHyperG from GOstats package
Error in mget(x, env = GOTERM, ifnotfound = NA) :
recursive default argument reference
In fact first I tried this function with my locusId ' list (with affymetrix hgu133plus2), but I had the same error...
Any help is appreciated
Sabrina Carpentier
Service Bioinformatique
Institut Curie - Bat. Trouillet Rossignol (4e étage)
26 rue d'Ulm - 75248 Paris Cedex 5 - FRANCE
Tel : +33 1 42 34 65 21
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Nov 28
alternatives to traditional least squares method in linear regression ?
[8] base
other attached packages:
[1] svSocket_0.9-5 svIO_0.9-5 R2HTML_1.58 svMisc_0.9-5 svIDE_0.9-5
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] tools_2.6.0
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wolfgang Raffelsberger, PhD
Laboratoire de BioInformatique et G?nomique Int?gratives
1 rue Laurent Fries, 67404 Illkirch Strasbourg, France
Tel (+33) 388 65 3300 Fax (+33) 388 65 3276
wolfgang.raffelsberger at igbmc.u-strasbg.fr
2009 Sep 24
how to make a function recognize the name of an object/vector given as argument
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
Thank's in advance,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wolfgang Raffelsberger, PhD
Laboratoire de BioInformatique et G?nomique Int?gratives
1 rue Laurent Fries, 67404 Illkirch Strasbourg, France
Tel (+33) 388 65 3300 Fax (+33) 388 65 3276
wolfgang.raffelsberger (at) igbmc.fr
2009 Mar 10
require() is not giving TRUE / FALSE statements ?
...other attached packages:
[1] RODBC_1.2-4 svSocket_0.9-5 svIO_0.9-5 R2HTML_1.59
svMisc_0.9-5 svIDE_0.9-5
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] tools_2.8.1
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wolfgang Raffelsberger, PhD
Laboratoire de BioInformatique et G?nomique Int?gratives
1 rue Laurent Fries, 67404 Illkirch Strasbourg, France
Tel (+33) 388 65 3300 Fax (+33) 388 65 3276
wolfgang.raffelsberger (at) igbmc.fr
2003 Sep 11
how to insert a double quote with the paste function?
...If I do the same thing with
paste paste("Hello ","\"World\"") it does not work since \" seems to be
not recognized. So what is the trick to do that.
Philippe Hup?
Institut Curie - Equipe Bioinformatique
26, rue d'Ulm - 75005 PARIS France
+33 (0)1 44 32 42 75
Philippe.Hupe at curie.fr <mailto:Philippe.Hupe at curie.fr>
2007 Jan 31
problem with compilation of R on Solaris 10 in x86
...l referencing errors. No output written to R.bin
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Thank's in advance for all hints how we could overcome this problem,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .
Wolfgang Raffelsberger, PhD
Laboratoire de BioInformatique et G?nomique Int?grative
1 rue Laurent Fries, 67404 Illkirch Strasbourg, France
Tel (+33) 388 65 3300 Fax (+33) 388 65 3276
wolfgang.raffelsberger at igbmc.u-strasbg.fr
2007 Oct 04
Problem with .libPaths & Rterm.exe (under Vista)
...could identify the libPath for a given
user and by which argument added to R.exe I could allow accessing these
libraries, too ?
Thanks? in advance,
Wolfgang Raffelsberger
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . .
Wolfgang Raffelsberger, PhD
Laboratoire de BioInformatique et G?nomique Int?gratives
1 rue Laurent Fries, 67404 Illkirch Strasbourg, France
Tel (+33) 388 65 3300 Fax (+33) 388 65 3276
wolfgang.raffelsberger at igbmc.u-strasbg.fr
1999 May 17
installing under IRIX 6.3
...rrect this?
Thanks in advance,
Eduardo Rocha
PS- I also tried the version 64.0, but had the same error.
Eduardo Rocha
Institut Pasteur, Unite Regulation de l'Expression Genetique &
Universite Paris VI, Atelier de Bioinformatique
erocha at abi.snv.jussieu.fr Tel/Fax:(33-1) 44 27 65 36 / 44 27 63 12
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
2000 Feb 18
: multiple discriminant analysis
I am looking for a "multiple discriminant analysis" function
It seems to be called DISCR in Splus, but I can't find it in R, and
Thank for your help
Anne BADEL-CHAGNON Email:badel at urbb.jussieu.fr
Equipe de Bioinformatique Mol?culaire, Universite Paris 7
Tour 53, 1er etage, case 7113 Tel :
75251 Paris cedex 05 Fax :
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2003 May 15
AW: error-prone feature?
> Well, that is in all good texts on R, together with the
> solution: drop=FALSE. See ?"[" for the on-line details.
OK. Thank you a lot. Now patched cclust and clustIndex
work fine for 1D case. BTW, why not to apply the "drop=F"
to these functions? I guess other users need 1D case as
kind regards,
Valery A.Khamenya
2003 May 19
Line plots with different symbols on the same line
my data is an ordered list of observations where each observation is either of condition "efficient" (coded as 1) or "non-efficient" (0) as e.g.
No. Obs Condition
1 1.1 0
2 1.2 1
3 1.4 1
4 1.5 0
5 2.5 1
My goal is to plot a single line with lty='o' but different symbols for either condition whenever condition is 1 or 0, i.e. on the x-axis the
2003 Jun 27
How to get pixel position of a plot
...nclude the jpeg image onto a html
page and get all the information about each point when the mouse button
is pressed. The indentify() can do it but on the window device...
Thanks for any idea.
Philippe Hup?
Institut Curie - Equipe Bioinformatique
26, rue d'Ulm - 75005 PARIS France
+33 (0)1 42 34 65 29
Philippe.Hupe at curie.fr <mailto:Philippe.Hupe at curie.fr>
2003 Jun 30
symbol size on a plot
...so that if I plot the
following rectangle :
rect(1.5,1.5, 1.5+SIZE1, 1.5+SIZE2) then the size of this square is
exactely the same as the one of the symbols that have been plotted.
Thanks for any idea.
Philippe Hup?
Institut Curie - Equipe Bioinformatique
26, rue d'Ulm - 75005 PARIS France
+33 (0)1 42 34 65 29
Philippe.Hupe at curie.fr <mailto:Philippe.Hupe at curie.fr>
2005 Jan 19
* creating vignettes ... ERROR
...is not of mode character
Error in buildVignettes(dir = ".") : Error: chunk 3
Error in pmatch(x, table, duplicates.ok) :
argument is not of mode character
Execution halted
I use R-2.0.1 under debian linux 2.6.9
Thanks for any idea
Philippe Hup?
UMR 144 - Service Bioinformatique
Institut Curie
Laboratoire de Transfert (4?me ?tage)
26 rue d'Ulm
75005 Paris - France
Email : Philippe.Hupe at curie.fr
T?l : +33 (0)1 44 32 42 75
Fax : +33 (0)1 42 34 65 28