search for: bibentries

Displaying 19 results from an estimated 19 matches for "bibentries".

2012 Aug 06
bibtex::read.bib -- extracting bibentry keys
I have two versions of a bibtex database which have gotten badly out of sync. I need to find find all the entries in bib2 which are not contained in bib1, according to their bibtex keys. But I can't figure out how to extract a list of the bibentry keys in these databases. A minor question: Is there someway to prevent read.bib from ignoring entries that do not contain all required fields?
2018 May 13
BUG: 'bibentry' methods change default bibstyle
Hi, Some 'bibentry' methods have the side effect of changing the default bibstyle. Background: tools::bibstyle() defines and registers bibtex styles for formatting 'bibentry' objects. It optionally (and by default) sets a default style. It is also used to get a particular style. The last feature of bibstyle() is used in 'bibentry' methods defined in packages
2011 Jan 07
print.citation, small bug?
Hi, I use Sweave extensively in my consulting work. When submitting reports to the scientists I work with I like to use the citation function to reference any packages I use, to give proper acknowledgement. I noted in the documentation that a citation inherits from bibentry, and indeed, > citr<- citation() > class(citr) [1] "citation" "bibentry" However, following
2019 May 29
Making a package CITATION file from BibTeX
Dear Colleagues, I would like to provide a CITATION file for my package nat.nblast [1]. I have the correct citation in BibTeX format [2]. How can I convert this BibTeX to the format needed by R for a package CITATION file (I have a lot of other packages needing citations ...). I think what I need is the opposite of RefManageR::toBiblatex [3]. This seems like it should be a common need, so I
2014 May 22
citEntry handling of encoded URLs
The following citEntry includes a url with %3A and other encodings citEntry(entry="article", title = "Software for Computing and Annotating Genomic Ranges", author = personList( as.person("Michael Lawrence" )), year = 2013, journal = "{PLoS} Computational Biology", volume = "9", issue =
2019 May 29
Making a package CITATION file from BibTeX
On Thu, 30 May 2019, Dr Gregory Jefferis wrote: > Dear Colleagues, > > I would like to provide a CITATION file for my package nat.nblast [1]. > > I have the correct citation in BibTeX format [2]. How can I convert this > BibTeX to the format needed by R for a package CITATION file (I have a > lot of other packages needing citations ...). (1) You can use read.bib() from the
2011 Dec 16
R package BibTex entries: looking for a more general solution
Back in 2010 I raised this issue, and there was some discussion, The goal, then, as now is to have a way to produce a bibtex-clean .bib file (i.e., not requiring manual editing except in unusual circumstances) reflecting installed packages for use in writing where one often needs/wants to cite all packages used in a given
2017 Apr 19
c documentation after change
In R 3.4.0 RC, argument list of 'c' as S4 generic function has become (x, ...) . However, "S4 methods" section in documentation of 'c' (c.Rd) is not updated yet. Also, in R 3.4.0 RC, 'c' method of class "Date" ('c.Date') is still not explicitly documented.
2015 Oct 07
authorship and citation
On 07/10/2015 1:39 PM, Tim Keitt wrote: > On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 11:29 AM, Spencer Graves <spencer.graves at >> wrote: > >> Another example: The "Author" of the Ecdat package is Yves Croissant < >> yves.croissant at>. I'm the Maintainer. At some >> point, I may add my name to the list of Authors but I
2023 Apr 21
[Rd] R 4.3.0 is released
The build system rolled up R-4.3.0.tar.gz (codename "Already Tomorrow") this morning. This is a major update, containing many new features and bug fixes. The list below details the changes in this release. You can get the source code from or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you. Binaries for various
2023 Apr 21
[Rd] R 4.3.0 is released
The build system rolled up R-4.3.0.tar.gz (codename "Already Tomorrow") this morning. This is a major update, containing many new features and bug fixes. The list below details the changes in this release. You can get the source code from or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you. Binaries for various
2013 Apr 03
R 3.0.0 is released
The build system rolled up R-3.0.0.tar.gz (codename "Masked Marvel") this morning. The list below details the changes in this release. You can get the source code from or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you. Binaries for various platforms will appear in due course. For the R Core Team Peter Dalgaard
2013 Apr 03
R 3.0.0 is released
The build system rolled up R-3.0.0.tar.gz (codename "Masked Marvel") this morning. The list below details the changes in this release. You can get the source code from or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you. Binaries for various platforms will appear in due course. For the R Core Team Peter Dalgaard
2016 Sep 26
Undocumented 'use.names' argument to c()
By "an argument named 'use.names' is included for concatenation", I meant something like this, that someone might try. > c(as.Date("2016-01-01"), use.names=FALSE) use.names "2016-01-01" "1970-01-01" See, 'use.names' is in the output. That's precisely because 'c.Date' doesn't have 'use.names', so
2010 Oct 15
R 2.12.0 is released
I've rolled up R-2.12.0.tar.gz a short while ago. This is a development release which contains a number of new features. Also, a number of mostly minor bugs have been fixed. See the full list of changes below. You can get it from or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you. Binaries for various platforms will appear in
2010 Oct 15
R 2.12.0 is released
I've rolled up R-2.12.0.tar.gz a short while ago. This is a development release which contains a number of new features. Also, a number of mostly minor bugs have been fixed. See the full list of changes below. You can get it from or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you. Binaries for various platforms will appear in
2010 Nov 03
R package BibTex entries: looking for a more general solution
== Summary == * Problem: BibTeX entries extracted from R packages via citation() require too much manual editing to be of general use. * Proposal: Date: fields should be made mandatory in package DESCRIPTION files, perhaps beginning with warnings from R CMD check * Proposal: Package authors should be encouraged to use a (new) Contributors: field in the DESCRIPTION file rather than packing all
2012 Mar 30
R 2.15.0 is released
The build system rolled up R-2.15.0.tar.gz (codename "Easter Beagle") at 9:00 this morning. This is the first release of the 2.15 series and contains several new features and changes; see the list below for details. You can get the source code from or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you. Binaries for various
2012 Mar 30
R 2.15.0 is released
The build system rolled up R-2.15.0.tar.gz (codename "Easter Beagle") at 9:00 this morning. This is the first release of the 2.15 series and contains several new features and changes; see the list below for details. You can get the source code from or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you. Binaries for various