Displaying 17 results from an estimated 17 matches for "bertalanffy".
2012 Sep 10
More help need on Von Bertalanffy Growth Curves
..., 2009L, 2011L, 2008L, 2012L, 2010L, 2008L)), .Names = c("Length",
"Age", "Cohort", "Year"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
BLG=read.csv("BLGa.csv", header=T)
$ Von Bertalanffy Growth Model$
# provide starting values
svCom <- list(Linf=199.8132, K=0.5631745, t0=-1.960147)
svCom <- vbStarts(Le...
2010 Sep 29
fitting model to resampled data
...Now, the problem that I am now stuck with is incorporating a growth model
into the three new datasets to estimate growth parameters. Since there are
now three new datasets I want to get three new estimates of the growth
parameters, essentially one from each new dataset.
I am using the von Bertalanffy growth model. Here is my code:
par<-list(Linf=700, K=0.20, to=-0.1)
#these are the starting values for parameters
vb<-nls(Length~Linf*(1-exp(-K*(Age-to))), start=par, data=???) #this is
the growth model with the parameters estimated with non linear least
squares (nls)
I t...
2008 Sep 02
All -
I have data:
TL age
388 4
418 4
438 4
428 5
539 10
432 4
444 7
421 4
438 4
419 4
463 6
423 4
and I'm trying to fit a simple Von Bertalanffy growth curve with program:
#Creates a Von Bertalanffy growth model
VonB=nls(TL~Linf*(1-exp(-k*(age-t0))), data=box5.4,
start=list(Linf=1000, k=0.1, t0=0.1), trace=TRUE)
#Scatterplot of the data
plot(TL~age, data=box5.4, pch=19, xlab="Age (yr)", ylab="Total length (mm)")
2001 Mar 28
fitting growth curves
Cynthia M. Jones wrote a paper (Fitting growth curves to retrospective
size-at-age data, Fisheries Research 46(2000):123-129; abstract at
http://www.elsevier.nl/gej-ng/10/19/44/70/24/37/abstract.html)where the
SAS procedure MIXED, Macro NLINMIX (Littell et. al., 1996)was used to
estimate the von Bertalanffy growth function parameters assuming that
data from the same fish are repeated-measures with autoregressive
correlation structure and fitting with a nonlinear repeated-measures
Is there any similar procedure that I can use in R?
Antonio Olinto
2005 Jan 27
weighting in nls
...utlined on p 244 of MASS (or at least I'm trying to).
Thus, I'm using mean data with heteroscedasticity so I'm weighting by n/ variance, where the variance is well known from a large data set. This weighting factor is available as the variable 'novervar'.
The function is a von Bertalanffy curve of the form weight~(a*(1-exp(-b*(age-c))))^3. Thus I'm entering the command in the form:
Can anyone suggest what I'm doing wrong? I seem to be folowing the instru...
2012 Sep 04
Comparing Von Bertalanffy Growth Curves
I am trying to compare Vbert growth curves from several years of fish data. I am following the code provided by: http://www.ncfaculty.net/dogle/fishR/gnrlex/VonBertalanffy/VonBertalanffy.pdf. Specifically the section on VBGM Comparisons between groups.
This code is pretty cut and dry. I am able to run it perfectly with the "fake" data that is provided. But when I run it with my own data I get stuck with this line:
fitGen <- nls(vbGen,data=LMB,start=s...
2003 Jun 02
Help - Curvature measures of nonlinearity
Dear colleagues,
Von Bertalanffy model is commonly adjust to data on fish length (TL) and age (AGE)
TL= Linf*(1-exp(-K*(AGE-t0)). Linf, K and t0 are parameters of the model.
One main goal of the growth study is the comparison of growth parameter estimates between sexes of the same species, or estimates from different populations....
2010 Apr 16
piecewise nls?
I am looking into fitting a so-called double von Bertalanffy function to fish length-at-age data. Attempting to simplify the situation, the model looks like this ...
Y ~ f(X; a,b,c) if x < Z
Y ~ g(X; a,d,e) if x >= Z
* f and g are non-linear functions (the "traditional" "single" von Bertalanffy growth function),
* Y (leng...
2010 Feb 16
nls.lm & AIC
Hi there,
I'm a PhD student investigating growth patterns in fish. I've been using the minpack.lm package to fit extended von Bertalanffy growth models that include explanatory covariates (temperature and density). I found the nls.lm comand a powerful tool to fit models with a lot of parameters. However, in order to select the best model over the possible candidates (without covariates, with both covariates, or with only one of them)...
2010 Sep 30
getting the output after bootstraping
...mes and I want to get the
300 sets of parameter estimates and plot them in Excel.
Here is my code:
par<-list(Linf=700, K=0.3, to=-0.1) #starting
values for parameter estimates
vb<-nls(length~Linf*(1-exp(-K*(age-to))), start=par, data=small) #von
Bertalanffy growth mode
boo<- nlsBoot(vb, niter=300) #This
bootstraps my data 300 times and applies the growth model
I can get R to plot the 300 parameter estimates if I do the following
However, I have tried different print function options...
2009 Sep 24
Maximum likelihood estimation of parameters make no biological sense
I'm trying to estimate some parameters using the Maximum Likehood method.
The model describes fish growth using a sigmoidal-type of curve:
fn_w <- function(params) {
Winf <- params[1]
k <- params[2]
t0 <- params[3]
b <- params[4]
sigma <- params[5]
what <- Winf * (1-exp(- k *(tt - t0)))^b
2001 Dec 05
Non-linear random variables
I have a fisheries Ricker stock-recruitment non-linear model which I am
trying to code up in R (after failing in MATLAB). There are two fixed
parameters and a random environmental effect that is linked to a first order
lagged correlation fixed parameter.
Are there any examples of fitting this model I could follow?
Norm Good
Fisheries Biologist (Mathematician)
Southern Fisheries Centre
2006 Oct 17
Calculate NAs from known data: how to?
In a dataset I have length and age for cod. The age, however, is ony
given for 40-100% of the fish. What I need to do is to fill inn the NAs
in a correct way, so that age has a value for each length. This is to be
done for each sample seperately (there are 324 samples), meaning the NAs
for sampleno 1 shall be calculated from the known values from sampleno 1.
As for example length 55 cm
2006 May 24
I have great problems with my work in R.
I look for to model the growth of fish.
I have "Longitudinal data", a serie of repeated
measures for each individual.
Using the corresponding packages "nlme" in R.
I treat to fit to the data different growth functions,
wich were entered by me.
Unfortunately for no it was arrived at the
convergence, several error messages appeared.
2008 Feb 26
NLS -- multiplicative errors and group comparison
I am attempting to fit a non-linear model (Von Bertalanffy growth model)
to fish length-at-age data with the purpose of determining if any of the
three parameters differ between male and female fish. I believe that I
can successfully accomplish this goal assuming an additive error
structure (illustrated in section 1 below). My trouble begins when I
2001 Sep 07
fitting models with gnls
Dear R-list members,
Some months ago I wrote a message on the usage of gnls (nlme library) and here I come again.
Let me give an example:
I have a 10 year length-at-age data set of 10 fishes (see growth.dat at the end of this message) and I want to fit a von Bertalanffy growth model, Li= Linf*(1-exp(-k*(ti-t0))) where Li = length at age i, Linf= asymptotic length, k= curvature parameter, ti= age i, and t0= age of length 0.
I'd solved the problem using nls but the points are not independent. The length-at-age data are correlated for each fish because I'm f...
2012 Mar 11
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
New packages
* EffectStars (1.0)
Maintainer: Unknown
Author(s): Gunther Schauberger
License: GPL-2
The package provides functions to visualize regression models with
categorical response. The effects of the covariates are plotted with
star plots in order to allow for an optical