search for: bbox

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 111 matches for "bbox".

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2003 May 25
surprising behaviour of "bgroup": sets all in greek letters (PR#3099)
....0 patched (2003-05-25)) > diff -u ./plotmath.old ./r-patched/src/main/plotmath.c --- ./plotmath.old 2003-05-25 17:47:23.000000000 +0200 +++ ./r-patched/src/main/plotmath.c 2003-05-25 17:49:38.000000000 +0200 @@ -2075,10 +2075,12 @@ delim2 = DelimCode(expr, CADDDR(expr)); bbox = RenderElement(CADDR(expr), 0); dist = max(bboxHeight(bbox) - axisHeight, bboxDepth(bbox) + axisHeight); - bbox = RenderDelim(delim1, dist + extra, draw); + if (delim1 != '.') + bbox = RenderDelim(delim1, dist + extra, draw); bbox = CombineBBoxes(bbox, RenderEleme...
2013 Feb 21
error with bbox for k12hat (splancs) bivarite k-function
Hello, I am trying to conduct a bi-variate ripley's k using the k12hat function in the splancs package (found here Although, I receive an error when getting to the bboxx part of the code: poly <- list(x=c(fire4$X, nar4$X), y=c(fire4$Y, nar4$Y)) plot(seq(5,80,5), sqrt(k12hat(fire4), as.points(nar4), bboxx(bbox(as.points(okpoly))), seq(5,80,5))/pi) - seq(5,80,5), xlab="distance", Error: unexpected ',' in "bboxx(bbox(as.points(poly))),&qu...
2004 Aug 12
truly object oriented programming in R
...ouble diameter; //maximum distance from center to anywhere within the bounding box private int numOfPoints; //number of source data points in the bounding box private Kdnode left, right; public Kdnode(double[][] points, int split_dim, int [][] sortedIndices, double[][] bBox) { //bBox: the bounding box, 1st row the lower bound, 2nd row the upper bound numOfPoints = points.length; int d = points[0].length; center = new double[d]; for(int j=0; j<d; j++) center[j] = (bBox[0][j]+bBox[1][j...
2011 Dec 07
How to scale arrows to approximately fill a plot region?
...(x,y), but that is not necessarily so. There must be some general, perhaps approximate solution for this problem, but I can't see it. Below is a simple test case. I found the approximate solution, scale <- 14 by trial and error. [I'm ignoring aspect ratio, because that determines the bbox I calculate from the plot.] set.seed(123135251) x <- 2 + 5* rnorm(50) y <- 5 + 2* rnorm(50) plot(x,y) # get bounding box of plot region, in data coordinates bbox <- matrix(par("usr"), 2, 2, dimnames=list(c("min", "max"),c("x", "y"))) #...
2012 Mar 16
ggmap crash
...= c(as.numeric(rmc$latitude)) > siteLon = c(as.numeric(rmc$longitude)) > sites <-, siteLon, '')) > lats <- c(floor(min(siteLat))-10, ceiling(max(siteLat))+10) > lons <- c(floor(min(siteLon))-10, ceiling(max(siteLon))+10) > map <- GetMap.bbox(c(min(siteLon)-5, max(siteLon)+5), c(min(siteLat)-5, max(siteLat)+5), maptype='satellite') [1] ",-9.011888&zoom=5&size=640x640&maptype=satellite&format=png32&sensor=true" > lonr <- c(map$BBOX$ll[2]...
1997 Apr 24
R-alpha: Postscript bug ...
...p, "%hd", &(metrics->CharInfo[nchar].WX)); p = SkipToNextKey(p); if(!MatchKey(p, "N ")) return 0; p = SkipToNextKey(p); if(!MatchKey(p, "B ")) return 0; p = SkipToNextItem(p); sscanf(p, "%hd %hd %hd %hd", &(metrics->CharInfo[nchar].BBox[0]), &(metrics->CharInfo[nchar].BBox[1]), &(metrics->CharInfo[nchar].BBox[2]), &(metrics->CharInfo[nchar].BBox[3])); #ifdef DEBUG printf("nchar = %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", nchar, metrics->CharInfo[nchar].WX, metrics->CharInfo[nchar].BBox[0], metrics-&g...
2012 Jul 12
trellis margin sizes in absolute units
...s my general idea. My question is, is it possible to achieve that full control with trellis graphics? I have tried with the *.paddings parameters, but it seems to me that the margins are still larger than I have set them. Here is my example code: (mp is a SpatialPixelsDataFrame) xlim <- c(.96*bbox(mp)[1, 1], 1.02*bbox(mp)[1, 2]); ylim <- c(.992*bbox(mp)[2, 1], 1.005*bbox(mp)[2, 2]); b <- 1; t <- 2; # b, t : should be bottom and top figure margins l <- 1; r <- 6; # l, r : should be left and right figure margins asp <- mapasp(data=mp, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim); # I have set the w...
2003 Sep 18
Place a graphic into an R-plot
I have a graphic image in a file (say a *.jpeg or *.png file) and want to put it into a plot. I have segmented the plot area by means of the layout function and successfully plotted my data in the appropriate segments. I cannot find how to put my graphic image onto the same plot. Searching the archives has shed little light on my challenge. Many thanks in anticipation. Gordon > version
2006 Apr 11
Incompatible update to splancs
>From version 2.01-17, splancs, a package for spatial point pattern analysis, depends on package sp. Because both packages have defined a bounding box function bbox(), the bbox() method in sp has been given priority, and the default object for dispatch is an array with two or more columns (as in splancs until now). However, the deprecated splancs function returned a non-closed rectangle of coordinates, rather than the 2x2 matrix returned by sp bbox(). Conseq...
2006 Apr 11
Incompatible update to splancs
>From version 2.01-17, splancs, a package for spatial point pattern analysis, depends on package sp. Because both packages have defined a bounding box function bbox(), the bbox() method in sp has been given priority, and the default object for dispatch is an array with two or more columns (as in splancs until now). However, the deprecated splancs function returned a non-closed rectangle of coordinates, rather than the 2x2 matrix returned by sp bbox(). Conseq...
2012 Jan 09
Open Street map problem
Dear all, I would like to use R to create a map , with some points with no copyright. I am trying to use the open street map interface of Rgooglemaps package. It seems that I am getting internal server error source('make2DaysMaps.R') [1] ",40.69983,-73.98622,4072595&scale=20&format=png" versuche URL ',40.69983,-73.98622,4072595&scale=20&format=png' Fehler in download.file(url, destfile, mode = "wb", quiet = FALSE) :   kann URL...
2009 Jan 27
Windows, gsview: corrupted bbox of .e?ps graphics
...nding box of the graphic is corrupted-- i.e., the bounding box I see cuts off the top half of the figure. See: for the example produced below. This does view OK with gv on linux, however, the usual tool I use on linux to find new, tight bbox won't work on this file: %psfixbb -l agree-MS-bugged.eps psfixbb: Probloem with new %%BoundingBox: -4 -4 616 796 What caused this was an example from vcd, that I wanted in .eps form. What I got from my usual method of Save as Postscript was not at all pleasing--- font sizes in the .ps imag...
2006 Jun 12
Pdf::Witer question
Does anyone knows how to embed Type1 font with PDF::Writer? I read manual, tried everything but nothing seems to work (The font ''FontName'' contains a bad /BBox error on PDF). any help or hint would be really appreciated, Bojan Mihelac -- Bojan Mihelac Informatika Mihelac, Bojan Mihelac s.p. | -> tools, scripts, tricks from our code lab:
2009 May 18
S4 method dispatch and namespaces: why is default method selected
...t;plot", signature(x="pixmap", y="missing")) Method Definition: function (x, y, ...) { .local <- function (x, y, xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE, asp = 1, ...) { x = as(x, "pixmapIndexed") X <- seq(x at bbox[1], x at bbox[3], by = x at cellres[1]) Y <- seq(x at bbox[2], x at bbox[4], by = x at cellres[2]) image(x = X, y = Y, z = t(x at index[nrow(x at index):1, , drop = FALSE]), col = x at col, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, axes = axes, asp = asp, ...) } ....
2005 Jun 11
italic (PR#7932)
Full_Name: G. Grothendieck Version: R version 2.1.0, 2005-05-14 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( This code: > plot(1:10) > text(5,5,lab=expression(italic(22*"33"))) has the effect of italicizing 33 (which is a character string) but not 22 (which is not). I would have thought that both, not just 33, would be italicized. I had previously posted about this
2011 Aug 02
SSO's availability
...thority ? Wat I mean is that I would like to do this only one linux's computer.... And the last one of my questions : Could you help me ? Thanks In advance for all of your answers, Kindly -- Fr?d?ric B?rard 61, All?e du Clos de Champereux 45160 OLIVET frederic.berard at <mailto:frederic.berard at>
2011 Apr 25
Defining origin for rotation in RGL device
Hi all, How can I tell RGL to set the center for the rotation to the origin of the coordinate system (0,0,0). It seems that the default is to use the center of the display not the origin of the coordinate system. open3d() lines3d(c(0, 1), c(0,0), c(0,0)) lines3d(c(0,0), c(0, 1), c(0,0)) lines3d(c(0,0), c(0,0), c(0, 1)) TIA Mark ??????????????????????????????????????? Mark Heckmann Blog:
2009 Mar 30
Warning messages in Splancs package :: no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
...ands_Crime\\Redlands_Crime") library(foreign) library(splancs) auto_xy<-read.dbf("Auto_theft_98.dbf") rob_xy<-read.dbf("Robbery_98.dbf") auto.spp<-as.points(auto_xy$x/1000, auto_xy$y/1000) rob.spp<-as.points(rob_xy$x/1000, rob_xy$y/1000) image(kernel2d(auto.spp, bbox(auto.spp), h0=4, nx=100, ny=100), col=terrain.colors(10)) pointmap(auto.spp, col="red", add=TRUE) I would need to analyze the relationship betweeb the two Shapefiles, but I am receiving the following warning message and a blank output Xrange is 1827.026 6796.202 Yrange is 1853.896 68...
2023 Oct 13
rnrfa package problems
...t;BNG") ## osg_parse seems to be built into the rnrfa package so I don?t know why it doesn?t work? Then this bounding box code works but doesn?t seem to capture any stations although rubric says that it should capture stations in mid Wales - the tibble is empty # Define a bounding box. bbox <- list(lonMin = -3.76, latMin = 52.43, lonMax = -3.67, latMax = 52.48) The ggmap code following gives an error ? this may be because the bbox data is empty but I?m not sure The needed packages are loaded: library(ggmap) library(ggrepel) m <- get_map(location = as.numeric(bbox), mapty...
2014 Apr 24
Assert crash with latest HG ddf374a36057
...d5974 "`!r\267,\a" #6 0xb76b7aef in mailbox_transaction_begin (box=0xb935ff38, flags=flags at entry=(unknown: 0)) at mail-storage.c:1836 trans = <optimized out> __FUNCTION__ = "mailbox_transaction_begin" #7 0xb7387da2 in virtual_backend_box_sync_mail_set (bbox=<optimized out>, bbox=<optimized out>) at virtual-sync.c:105 trans = <optimized out> #8 0xb7388b50 in virtual_backend_box_sync_mail_set (bbox=0xb9318058, bbox=0xb9318058) at virtual-sync.c:388 No locals. #9 virtual_sync_index_rec (sync_rec=0xbfed5ac8, ctx=0xb939d988) at...