search for: barcol

Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches for "barcol".

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2011 Feb 04
problem barplot width
...and I have tried to use it to change the width of the bars e.g. width=c(0.01,0.01,0.01), but it does not do what I want. Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. # some data d<-c(-4.227684e-04,2.012307e-04,4.085164e-05) s<-c(3.588785e-05,9.133071e-05,2.072433e-05) # barplot colour barcol<-c("#6E8B3D","#FFB90F","#8B0000","#6E8B3D","#FFB90F","#8B0000","#6E8B3D","#FFB90F","#8B0000") # create barplot barplot(d,col=barcol,ylim=c(min(d-s*1.25),max(d+s*1.25)),space=0.1) thanks in advance for yo...
2013 Feb 19
introducing jitter in overlapping graphs using ggplots (plotmeans). Also sciplot.
...r. I have looked at the helpfiles. PACKAGE GGPLOT: library(gplots) par(family="serif",font=1) plotmeans(TN ~ STATION, data =Data2007, bars=TRUE, p=0.95, pch=1, cex=0.8, n.label=FALSE, mean.labels=FALSE, barwidth=1.5, barcol="black", connect=TRUE, xlab="Station", ylab = expression(paste("TN (",mu, g~L^{-1}, ")"))) par(new=T) plotmeans(TN ~ STATION, data =Data2008, bars=TRUE, p=0.95, pch=2, cex=0.8, lt...
2010 Sep 27
conditional assignment of colors in xyplot()
...I color the bars according to their sign (red < 0, blue > 0) # conditional on the value of S2 < .025 - in which case color them gray? # Initially, I tried to pass a character vector specifying colors, # which does not achieve the desired result: library(lattice) library(latticeExtra) df1$barcols <- ifelse(df1$S1 <.025, "gray", ifelse( df1$S2 > 0, "blue","red")) ctp <- xyplot(S2 ~ F2 | F1 + F3, data=df1, as.table=TRUE, ylim=c(-10,10), panel = function(x,y){ panel.barchart(x,y,horizontal=FALSE, o...
2006 Oct 16
set linetype with plotCI
Dear R-list, I'm iterating several calls to plotCI [gplots], like so: plotCI( x = xvals.f[sorted], y = yvals.f[sorted], xlim = c(xmin, xmax), ylim = c(ymin, ymax), pch = plot_symbols[graph_idx], type = "b", lty = plot_linetypes[1], col = plot_colors[graph_idx], barcol = plot_colors[graph_idx], uiw = NA, xlab = "", ylab = "", add = (plot_cnt > 0) ) This works fine, the result is four graphs exactly like I want them. Except for one thing, the lty is not used. I understand this is because plotCI uses the lty argument for the uiw bars which...
2013 Feb 11
How to plot doubles series with different location using plotCI
...meric(tab1$value2) ##mean and error first data series tmp <- split(tab1$value1,tab1$typo) means <- sapply(tmp, mean) stdev <- sapply(tmp, sd) n <- sapply(tmp,length) ciw <- qt(0.975, n) * stdev / sqrt(n) ##plotting first data series plotCI(x=means,uiw=stdev, col="red", barcol="red", lwd=3, pch=18, cex=2, xaxt="n", yaxt="n",  ylab='benefit',xlab='typo', yaxs = 'i',ylim=c(0,8)) axis(side=1, at=1:3, labels=names(tmp), cex=0.7)   ##mean and error second data series tmp <- split(tab1$value2,tab1$typo) means <- sa...
2002 Dec 27
RSvgDevice & sapply(plotmeans)
...= "lightblue", fg = "white", onefile=T, xmlHeader=TRUE) #par(bg="lightblue",ann=T) plt <- function(x) { plotmeans(h2[,x] ~ h2$V174,ylab=names(h2)[x],xlab="InglehartIndex",mean.labels=T, connect=list(1:2,3:4,4:5),ccol="red",pch=7,barwidth=1,barcol="black") title("Mittelwert-Plots Allbus 1998") } sapply((2:ncol(h2)),plt) Thanks for advance christian
2008 Jan 29
how do i creat multiple back to back histograms?
Een ingesloten tekst met niet-gespecificeerde tekenset is van het bericht gescrubt ... Naam: niet beschikbaar Url:
2006 Jan 16
Hi I am sure that this question has been asked before ... appologies in advance This - which comes out very nicely - better than the commercial stuff. plotmeans (cdpy~Dodefordpy, Data = Dataset, connect = False, minbar = 1, mean.labels = FALSE, col = "blue", barwidth = 1.5, barcol = "red", ci.label = FALSE, xlab="Onset", pch = 15, par(las =2)). Only one snag I want to order the X axis by the way it is sorted in the data not by the n size group categories. The data are sorted by the Dodefordpy categories - not mumeric - confering to the way I'd like...
2001 May 24
New Package: gregmisc
I've thrown a couple of useful functions into a new package "gregmisc" and uploaded them to Here's DESCRIPTION: Package: gregmisc Description: Misc Functions written/maintained by Gregory R. Warnes Title: Greg's Miscellaneous Functions Version: 0.1 Date: 2001/05/24 Depends: R Maintainer: Gregory R. Warnes
2009 Aug 12
A function for plotting a boxplot with added dot and bars (for mean and SE) - please help improve my code
..., mean(c(1,12/ max(nchar(new.names)) )) ), ...) } } else { boxplot(tmp, ...) } # else - make boxplot without them # adding the points and the bars points(means, col = 'red', pch = 19) if(require(gplots) & plot.CI) { plotCI(x=means, uiw=ciw, col="white", barcol="blue", xaxt="n" , add = T) } if(print.mean) { <- rbind(round(means,3),round(ciw,3), n) rownames( <- c("means:", "SE's:", "N") print(t(
2008 Oct 23
VEC Operator in R
Can anyone please tell whether there is any R function to act as "VEC" and "VECH" operator on Matrix? Yes of course, I can write a user-defined-function for that or else, I can put dim(mat) <- NULL. However I am looking for some R function. Your help will be highly appreciated. Regards, -- View this message in context:
2010 May 15
barplot: invalid 'xlim' value
...nterest me: # Draw the histograms for (i in 1:length(ages)){ par(new = TRUE) xmin <- -ages[i] + xlim[1] xmax <- xlim[2] - ages[i] ser <- freqs[, i+1] ser <- ser/max(ser) * barscale barplot(ser, horiz = TRUE, axes = FALSE, xlim = c(xmin, xmax), ylim = ylim, col = barcol, space = 0) } When I try something similar with the code below, I get the error: "Error in plot.window(xlim, ylim, log = log, ...) : invalid 'xlim' value" However, I can successfully use the the xlim and ylim data to plot points, no R complaints (see code below that creates pur...