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2003 Nov 13
Couple of Questions for Australian Users!
Just a couple of questions for Aussie users/resellers!
I have only just started to look at asterisk a couple of weeks ago and
have found some very intresting discussions and some useful info on what
can and can?t be done with it and technology.
The questions i have is,
Are there people using it is Aussie?( I would say yes so prob...
2003 Sep 26
FCC/Euro/Aussie approvals on TE410P
I just got back from Boston where we completed testing of the TE410P for
FCC, Euro, and Australian approvals, and I'm happy to say we passed all
our approvals (including Q.921 and Q.931 layers, i.e. libpri as well as
surges) for both telco and leased line applications. Hopefully we'll have
the official documents soon, but I know there are a lot of you out there
that are happy to hear
2006 May 11
What happened to Aussie Hosts
Hi everyone,
A couple of days ago there were 5 or 6 RoR Hosting companies listed, but
today there are only two...
What happened ?
cheers, Dave
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2004 Sep 03
arima et graphique
bonjour, je rencontre quelques soucis au niveau de l'utilisation des
fonctions arima.forecast/predict; en effet elles sont dites inconnues alors
que j'ai bien install?? et charg?? le package "ts". Aussi, j'aimerai savoir
comment visualiser le graphique des pr??visions avec arima et celui des
donn??es brutes dans la m??me fen??tre.
Tout en vous souhaitant bonne r??ception de ce mail, je vous remercie
2007 Apr 14
=question sur wxruby2
Bonjour, je voulais savoir si wxruby2 est intégré à l''interpréteur ruby?
Que veut dire $0 ?
wxruby-users mailing list
2008 May 21
Search a string and modify it in a .txt file
I could also use such a function to modify the format of the date to replace the ":" by something which can be used in a Directory/file name.
Thanks you for your time and for your future help =)
Vous aussi b?n?ficiez d'1 Go de stockage gratuit en ligne avec Voila
2005 Feb 04
AU caller ID with Sipura SPA-3000
...ser ID" and any
"PSTN CID Number Prefix" I have configured.
I have adjusted "PSTN Ring Thru Delay" to 10 as I realise caller ID is
not presented until the second ring in oz. I have also verified that
caller ID is enabled on the line (with an analogue LCD handset).
Has any aussie out there had success getting the SPA-3000 to pass
caller ID to Asterisk?
The only settings I havn't played with yet is "Caller ID Method" (on
the Regional tab). It is set to the default of "Bellcore (N.Amer,
China)" which I beleive is correct.
2005 May 14
Need some help
...that can link this to freebsd security offically.
I can confirm that it is stable and running on v5.x FreeBSD now, and
have no idea how long it has been around.
Drew B.
Independant Security analysis,for Aussies.
Security researcher/expert,threat-focus,Freelance.
2007 Apr 16
langage R
je vous écris pour savoir si vous aviez trouver réponse pour l'écriture du test de Newman & Keuls sous R car j'en ai aussi besoin
merci encore
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Jul 13
AUSTEL Certified
Is digium gear AUSTEL approved?
$25,000 fine for using equpment not approved by the Aussie gov't.
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2003 Dec 01
Re: Asterisk European Tour: was RE: * Party in Paris
...stolen was my (apparently irreplacable)
> copyleft shirt (yellow/gold with large blue backwards (C) symbol on front
> and GPL preamble on back) which no amount of effort has managed to find a
> replacement for and it's *that* part i've never really gotten over.
> Mark
Well the Aussie's recently announced an additional travel warning for The Netherlands due to the increased level of petty crime although I feel it was a little extreme. The petty crime problem is very much specific to Amsterdam and foreign crims come into the city specifically to target tourists and their val...
2005 Jul 21
Asterisk and IP500 / IP600 Boot RoM
Does anybody have the latest Boot ROMs for the IP500 and IP 600 Polycom
I have one of each and can't find the Boot ROM v 3 anywhere to download.
I would also love a good sample phone.cfg and sip.cfg files from an
Aussie asterisk user to look at.
Also the ip500 is having problems trying to load the bootrom 2.6.2 ? Any
Kind regards
Michael Felder
IT Medic Australia Pty. Ltd.
P: 03 9557 2213
F: 03 9557 2214
M: 0419 568 217
E: Michael@ITMedic.com.au <blocked::mailto:Michael@ITMedic.com.au>
2008 May 28
Search&replace string?
...ig_file, "Param_array[i] = something", "Param_array[i] = Vallue_array[i]")
I hope I have been clear enough. If not, don't hesitate to ask me more details!
Thank you for your help.
Have a good day!
Vous aussi b?n?ficiez d'1 Go de stockage gratuit en ligne avec Voila
2004 Aug 06
DirectShow filter for Speex
...ces par un codec ACM).
J'ai donc une premiere version de ces filtres. Il y a deux filtres,
l'encodeur et le decodeur. Pour l'instant l'encodeur supporte seulement
une entree format PCM 8khz 16bits et il encode en narrowband avec les
parametres speex par defaut. Le decodeur est aussi fixe à ces
parametres. Le fichier .exe attache au mail installe la dll contenant
les filtres dans windows/system32 et configure le registry. Pour tester
les filtres, j'utilise l'outil graphedt.exe qui est inclu dans le sdk
DirectX. Le fichier .zip contient le code source du filtre qui doi...
2004 Sep 13
PABX & VOIP Gateway
I'm researching the possibility of using VOIP (SIP) with an existing
PABX system. Ideally, the setup would be to dial an outside line through
the PABX (that would actually link to the the VOIP gateway).
At this point I would prefer not to purchase a hardware-based VOIP
gateway. I would prefer to use a software-based gateway for research &
testing purposes. Could anyone please
2002 Jul 06
Aide sur samba
m'orienter et m'aider sur un sujet concernant
"l'authentification linux des sessions windows".Ainsi
on me demande de concevoir et de mettre en oeuvre un
syst?me permettant aux utilisateurs windows d'avoir
acc?s aux ressorces linux et que les utilisateurs
linux puissent aussi avoir acc?s aux ressources
windows.Mis avant tout ceux-ci doivent ?tre
authentifier par un contr?leur principal de domaine
qui est donc une machine linux.
Si avec samba cela n'est pas possible,proposez-moi les
outils qui peuvent m'aider pour resoudre mon probl?me
Je suis vraiment accabl? e...
2005 Aug 25
question sur R
...elève à l'ENSAI Rennes et je suis actuellement en stage de fin
j'ai une question sur R
en fait lorsque le simule 2 lois normales qui sont mes 2 variables
explicatives continus
- une avec que des valeurs > 0 (ou que <0) X1
- l'autre peut prendre aussi bien des valeurs <0 ou >0 X2
et que je regresse le rating (facteur ordonné) sur X1 ca marche alors que
sur X2 ca ne marche pas : il m'indique l'erreur suivante
Re-fitting to get Hessian
Error in svd(X) : infinite or...
2002 Jul 05
Linux printer shows in Net Neighborhood, but "No Access"
Hello all,
Been using Samba for a looooonnnng time, and with great success I might
add. This is the first time in EVER that I've needed to ask ANYTHING
regarding it, so easy is it to config and admin. Kudos to the Aussie that
wrote it. Even if he initially thought it was Pathworks... 8-)
ANYWAY... I've never really been able to use Samba as a print server. For
some reason, when I add a printer to my Linux box (and having the standard
[Printers] section in my smb.conf file), I SEE the printer in my Netwo...
2006 May 29
Install Other OS under DOMU
...4 and i would like install other version on domU.
Thanks by avance
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2001 Apr 11
smbpasswd 2.0.7-3 matters (with smbpasswd & smb.conf...)
...en double
exemplaire :
getsmbfilepwent : Malformed Lanman password entry
(non hex chars)
Et ce, ? chaque fois que j'ajoute une entr?e, donc ?
la fin j'ai 16 lignes de ce type. Il n'y a pas eu de
probl?me pour la premi?re entr?e (SERVEUR$).
Mon smbpasswd me semble correct, mon smb.conf
Ils sont joints.
Quelqu'un a-t'il d?j? eu ce genre de probl?me ?
A l'aide !!! Je suis totalement bloqu? dans mon
Damien Persohn dpersohn@ifrance.com
PS : config du serveur
Bi-Pentium III 1 GHz, Linux 2.2.19, Samba 2.0.7-3