search for: atention

Displaying 16 results from an estimated 16 matches for "atention".

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2008 Sep 10
Samba + NFS + APACHE + PHP5 + Symfony
...owner in the samba server. In other words, when the apache user write some data, the samba user cannot edit this data and vice-versa. It's a little hard to explain, so i tried to make as easy as possible to show the problem. I apreciate some help to solve this problem. Thanks for your atention Att. F?bio da Silva J?nior - Laborat?rio de Computa??o Aplicada - G10 Laborat?rio de Redes UNIVALI - Universidade do Vale do Itaja?
2007 Sep 01
[patch] sftp-server basepath [yet another]
...some acl scipts at .ssh/authorized keys. Main usage of this patch is to NOT allow a user who mounted a floppy access other mounted media from another user. Usage: sftp-server -b <path> My page includes this path: And it is attached too. Thanks for atention Bruno Ribas -- Bruno Ribas - ribas at C3SL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: sftp-server.c.patch Type: text/x-diff Size: 1369 bytes Desc: not available Url : http://lists.mindrot....
2011 Mar 14
Serial Date
...I found that function 'serialNumber' of package 'cxxPack' transform a class object in this format, but without time fraction. But I can't find nothing to do the inverse way, transform serial date format in a POSIX class, for exemple. Since now, thanks for your time and atention. All best, Raoni Associate Researcher Fish Passage Center UFMG, Brazil. "Fica proibido o uso da palavra liberdade, a qual será suprimida dos dicionários e do pântano enganoso das bocas. A partir deste instante a liberdade será algo vivo e transparente como um fogo ou um rio, e a sua...
2006 Jul 11
Patch for Java app and Compiz
...great, but I can't use the "@", "#", etc...I read some post about this and say that a solution is do a "xmodmap = /usr/share/xmodmap/xmodmap.<somelanguaje>", but all files on that directory make my keyboard layout even worse, any ideas tips?? Thanks for your atention... Mauricio P.D: I'm a OpenGl developer and I very interesting in work on Xgl-Compiz, I also have some window/pluggins ideas and I'm working on implementing some of them (only as separated opengl test), and I wonder how can I integrate this ideas with compiz??, is this posible?? Thanks...
2008 Mar 11
messages from mle function
Dears useRs, I am using the mle function but this gives me the follow erros that I don't understand. Perhaps there is someone that can help me. thank you for you atention. Bernardo. > erizo <- read.csv("Datos_Stokes_1.csv", header = TRUE) > head(erizo) EDAD TALLA 1 0 7.7 2 1 14.5 3 1 16.9 4 1 13.2 5 1 24.4 6 1 22.5 > TAN <- function(edad,f,c,a,d) (1/sqrt(f))*log(abs(2*f*(edad-c)+ 2*sqrt((f^2)*((edad-c)^2)+f*a)))...
2010 Feb 17
crhon compile directive faul in version x64, in Intel i7?
==> CRASH INSTALLING PACKAGES CHRON IN: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2800GHz ==> IT'S COMPILED DIRECTIVE WRONG? REGARD YOUR ATENTION ==> I RUN: SO:Linux x86_64 Fedora release 12 (Constantine) ==> AND RECEIVE NEXT MESSAGENS IN INSTALLING: > install.packages() Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session --- Warning in install.packages() : arg...
2012 Jan 10
Samba4 error joining W2003 DC", line 416, in join_add_ntdsdsa ??? ctx.DsAddEntry([rec]) ? File "/usr/local/samba/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/samba/", line 379, in DsAddEntry ??? raise RuntimeError("DsAddEntry failed") The only thing that calls my atention is that instead of asking for CANAL4\administrador password is asking WORKGROUP\administrador. Any Ideas? Thanks,
1999 Jul 02
R-0.64.2 vs Spls 5.0
...the new version of Splus 5.0 (for unix including Linux)? The current version of S-PLUS for Unix/Linux is 5.1. This is not being pedantic: its memory management is much better than 5.0. It is likely that 5.1 has not yet reached European distributors, but it is imminent. > I must pay particular atention to the efficiency > with large datasets and, more generally speaking, > to the efficiency with memory management. > I use Splus since version 3.x (on Unix) and now > use Splus 4.5 for Windows (which gives me tons > of memory problems). I'm considering whether > going on with S...
2012 Jan 23
Samba 4 member of AD, help
...a/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/samba/", line 416, in join_add_ntdsdsa ??? ctx.DsAddEntry([rec]) ? File "/usr/local/samba/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/samba/", line 379, in DsAddEntry ??? raise RuntimeError("DsAddEntry failed") The only thing that calls my atention is that instead of asking for CANAL4\administrador password is asking WORKGROUP\administrador. Any Ideas? Thanks,
2005 Oct 03
Symantec ghost and CentOS 3.4/4.0
Anyone have any experience getting ghost to do a successful image with CentOS, Fedora, or RHEL? It worked great with RH9, but now a days I find it nearly impossible to get it to work properly. Any tips would be helpful. We spin up a large number of servers on a weekly basis and it would be nice to just be able to image them. Thanks, -Drew -------------- next part -------------- An HTML
2008 Feb 09
Is wine reporting the right value for MaxVertexBlendMatrices ?
...s/d3d9/directx.c The result: MaxVertexBlendMatrices runs the same path as Windows does, the odd '0xfe' vertexes are not generated and the models work are now shown as expected My apologies for the long post, but I thought it would be handy to tell the full story to justify calling your atention on this - d3dx9_30 ConvertToIndexedBlendedMesh shows an 'odd' behavior when MaxVertexBlendMatrices capabilites in D3DCAPS9 is 0 - Is wine reporting the right value for MaxVertexBlendMatrices ??? As it seems the game works flawlesly in wine when it's hacked to be 4 (I don't know...
1999 Jul 10
R,S,Octave,Matlab:SUMMARY > Dear R makers and users: > > After reading the FAQ and the comments on the > comparison between R and S, I still have an important > (at least for me) question: How is R compared > to the new version of Splus 5.0 (for unix including Linux)? > > I must pay particular atention to the efficiency > with large datasets and, more generally speaking, > to the efficiency with memory management. jsekhon at 1. I've found Splus 5.1 for LINUX to have far worse memory management than Splus 3.x. There are several key memory bugs listed in the release...
2005 Aug 18
Closing information leaks in jails?
Hello, I'm wondering about closing some information leaks in FreeBSD jails from the "outside world". Not that critical (depends on the application), but a simple user, with restricted devfs in the jail (devfsrules_jail for example from /etc/defaults/devfs.rules) can figure out the following: - network interfaces related data, via ifconfig, which contains everything, but the
1999 Jul 02
R-0.64.2 is released (well, mostly)
I've rolled up R-0.64.2.tgz a moment ago. However, due to a configuration error with the new machine at Auckland, it is not up for FTP from there just yet. In any case, you shouldn't get it from Auckland, but wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site near you within a day or two. For those who are too curious to wait, I've put a copy in
1999 Jul 02
R-0.64.2 is released (well, mostly)
I've rolled up R-0.64.2.tgz a moment ago. However, due to a configuration error with the new machine at Auckland, it is not up for FTP from there just yet. In any case, you shouldn't get it from Auckland, but wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site near you within a day or two. For those who are too curious to wait, I've put a copy in
2005 Aug 09
Too slow computer?
Hello! I''ve put some questions on this list some weeks ago and I''ve got good answers. Thank you! Now I''ve finished my (beautyful) script and I ran it on my router... About my script: It routes packages based on their destination on the Internet. I have about 1650 preffered destination networks listed in some file. The script read this file and marks every package for