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2004 Apr 16
plug-in for cep 2.1
I´d like to know if there is a plug-in for cep where i can see *.ogg files since I know it is way better than mp3 or similars. Thank you! _________________________________________________________________ Charla con tus amigos en línea mediante MSN Messenger: <strong>attached mail follows:</strong><hr noshade> <HEAD><META
2007 Aug 13
Extract part of vector
Dear R-users, How do I extract numbers between asp?P= and &VID from my txt vector? I have tried grep function with no luck. txt <- c("", "", "
2005 Jul 26
Rails VS ASP 2.0 on IIS and Windows 2003 server
I''m working in a complex web app that could have 1000+ users within the next year. It must be run on Windows 2003. Current db is SqlServer 2000. Company is deciding between Rails and ASP 2.0. I''d like to get some feedback on which would be the best to develop in. ( I prefer Rails :) 1. Will Rails be stable in that environment? Will it work with IIS? 2. Is it better for
2012 Nov 23
buildworld with clang breaks because no cc
I am doing a buildworld with clang on amd64 9.1-PRERELEASE #2 r242867. In /etc/src.conf I have "WITHOUT_GCC= yes". Compile progresses up to below then breaks: ===> usr.bin/xlint/xlint (all) ===> usr.bin/xlint/llib (all) lint -cghapbx -Cposix /asp/src/usr.bin/xlint/llib/llib-lposix lint -cghapbx -Cstdc /asp/src/usr.bin/xlint/llib/llib-lstdc ===> lib/clang/libllvmx86codegen (all)
2011 May 04
what happens when I store linear models in an array?
I've got a bunch of similar datasets, all of which I've fit to linear models. I'd like to easily create arrays of a specific parameter from each linear model (e.g., all of the intercepts in one array). I figured I'd put the model objects into an array, and then (somehow) I could easily create corresponding arrays of intercepts or residuals or whatever, but I can't the
2012 Jan 04
ASP running on a Linux Machine
Good morning all, I currently have a website that was written in ASP back in 1999. The system is currently running Windows 2003 Server with MsSQL. Before everyone flames me for being in the wrong place, I was wondering if there is a way to allow centos to run old ASP code? I know years ago this wasn't possible without a program like ChiliASP, but noow I heard rumor that apache might have
2009 Aug 08
ASP Pages?
I have a friend that hosts a few basic ASP pages. some simple links and plays a few media files with Windows Media Player. Is there any way I can host his site on my Linux Server? Without re- writing it for him.... -jason
2003 Dec 14
contour() should handle the asp parameter
Hi all, To my knowledge, the current version of contour.default() does not handle the 'asp' parameter. This can be embarassing when displaying eg geographical maps, etc... Submitted to the opinion of more experienced R programmers, contour.defaut() function should be changed according to the followings: line 7: add = FALSE,asp=NA,...) line 33: plot.window(xlim, ylim,
2003 Nov 26
wishlist item: symbols() to accept asp argument? (PR#5328)
Here is a potential wishlist item for adding an argument (asp) to symbols(). The following code produces a postscript file with two pages; both should show a circle of radius 2 units. Horizonal and vertical arrows are drawn to check that the circle is of the correct radius; in the first plot, the circle is wrong. To fix this, I found that I needed to first set up the plot bounds, using xlim,
2007 Mar 25
controlling panel.width and panel.height in viewports
...r way but struggling to exert fine control over their appearence. There are two conditions: (a) I only want the levelplot to appear (I don't want axes, colour key, etc) in the viewport and (b) I want the levelplot to expand to the maximum allowable space in the viewport while observing the aspect ratio of the plot. Condition (a) is OK, but (b) is giving me trouble. A toy example is: library(lattice) library(grid) x <- 1:10 y <- 1:10 grid <- expand.grid(x=x, y=y) grid$z <- grid$x*grid$y asp.ratio.1 <- 2 asp.ratio.2 <- .5 asp.ratio.3 <- 1 test.1 <- levelplot(z~...
2003 Aug 25
setting xlim and ylim with asp=1
In plot(), when using option asp=1 the xlim and ylim have no effect because they are changed changed in order to fill the whole plot region. Is there a way to automatically set xlim and ylim when asp has been set to 1? For example: #This is a box of the plot ranges I want: boxxy=rbind(c(-1,2),c(-1,-1),c(1,-1),c(1,2),c(-1,2)) #Without asp=1 I get what I want (i.e. I can't see the box because it
2004 Mar 19
asp=1 and aspect ratio
...="i",yaxs="i");abline(0,1) #not square (plotting region about 8cm by 9.5cm) If I wrap the above lines in postscript(file="", width=5,height=5) [...snip...] then still none of the plots is exactly right [either one or both corners are missed, or the aspect ratio off]. What am I missing? -- Robin Hankin Uncertainty Analyst Southampton Oceanography Centre SO14 3ZH tel +44(0)23-8059-7743 initialDOTsurname at (edit in obvious way; spam precaution)
2008 Oct 28
Recommended R books by XLSolutions Corporation
We've listed books we've recommended to our introductory R/R-PLUS courses attendees [1] If you'd like to recommend a book, email [2]sue at R-PLUS Rocks! R-PLUS Team 24 Hours Tech Support Think Fast, Think Big, Without The High Cost! [3]
2008 Jul 20
asp and ylim
...points(x, ybarv, pch=21, bg="white") points(x,y,pch=19,col="black") With asp=1, the value of ylim seems to be totally ignored, as in the above code. With asp not set, R plays close attention to the value of ylim. This is not intuitive behaviour, or is it? How can I set the aspect ratio, and simultaneously set the plot region? The aspect ratio is one number and the plot region is given by four numbers (xleft, xright, yleft, yright). Logically, these 5 numbers are independent of each other and arbitrary, provided xleft<xright and yleft<yright. This should give...
2009 Sep 25
xaxs disactivated when asp=1 in plots (PR#13971)
Full_Name: Fran?ois Birgand Version: 2.9.0 OS: windows xp Submission from: (NULL) ( When I type this sequence: x11() Ylim<-c(0,14) Xlim<-c(0,14) plot(0,0,xlim=Xlim,ylim=Ylim,col="white",main="",xlab="",ylab="",bty="n",xaxt="n",yaxt="n",xaxs="i",yaxs="i",asp=1)
2011 Feb 21
(no subject)
What is and how can i get it to work so i can load other data? > library(splancs) > area = 6*4 > lambda = 1.5 > N = rpois(1,lambda*area) > u = runif(N,-2,4) > v = runif(N,0,4) > plot(u,v,asp=1) > h = chull(u,v) > h = c(h,h[1]) > plot(u[h],v[h],"1",asp=1) Error in plot.xy(xy, type, ...) : invalid plot type '1' >
2006 Jan 25
web calendar component
I''m a RoR newbie coming from has a web calendar control ( . Is there something similar in the RoR world? -- Posted via
2007 Jul 19
ASP.NET AJAX Web Services and Prototype Version
I wanted to use a web service published with ASP.NET AJAX from Prototype Version It''s easier to call an ASP.NET AJAX web service by using an ASP.NET AJAX page with a proxy class, but I have an application which still has many Classic ASP pages and using Prototype seemed like a better idea than hand coding the the interactions, or figuring out how to include all the right ASP.NET
2005 Mar 05
Reverse plot axes with xlim=rev(range(x)) fails with asp=1
Dear R users, I would like to reverse the axes on some xy plots (for example to set the origin at the top left rather than the bottom left). I had planned to use something of the following form: plot(y=y<-c(20,4,5,6),x=x<-c(10,20,30,40),ylim=rev(range(y))) ie reversing ylim to reverse the y axis. This works fine however I also want to use the parameter asp=1 to ensure that equal
2006 Aug 02
College course on Ruby on Rails
Hello all, I am very happy to announce that registration for my new course entitled "Ruby on Rails Development" at my college is now open. We are offering this course as part of our LAMP certificate which is designed for working professionals who want to upgrade their skills. I think that it is a sign of Rails'' growing maturity that I was able to propose this and work it