Displaying 20 results from an estimated 333 matches for "arma".
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2005 Jun 14
using forecast() in dse2 with an ARMA model having a trend component
...9;t find any trace
of my previous attempt in the archive.)
I'm having trouble with forecast() in the dse2 package. It works fine
for me on a model without a trend, but gives me NaN output for the
forecast values when using a model with a trend. An example:
# Set inputs and outputs for the ARMA model fit and test periods
arma.fit.input <- c(105.3332, 105.3573, 105.3113, 105.1493, 105.1209,
105.2111, 104.9161,
105.3654, 105.4682, 105.6789, 105.6297, 106.0155,
105.8454, 105.4322,
105.6062, 106.0739, 106.1109, 105.4470, 104.9739,
105.3427, 105.4305,...
2009 Mar 06
modifying a built in function from the stats package (fixing arima) (CONCLUSIONS)
Thanks a lot to everybody that helped me out with this.
In order to edit arima in R:
or alternatively:
This is not contained in the "Introduction to R" manual.
A "productive" fix of arima is attached (arma coefficients printed out and
error catched so that it doesn't halt parent loops to search for candidate
Note 1: "productive" means I'm a beginner in R so there is probably a better
way to print the error message and fill the output arguments (I only return
NA in aic...
2003 May 16
Hi there,
Does anyone know how to predict ARMA? It doesn?t have either predict or forecast methods. I found couple of packages called fbasic and fseries at http://www.itp.phys.ethz.ch/econophysics/R/, which has ?arma.predict? in it, but it doesn?t seem to be working. Any help in this regard would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
2011 Dec 05
RcppArmadillo compilation error: R CMD SHLIB returns status 1
Dear all,
running the example by D. Eddebuettel (http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com/blog/2011/04/23/) I get an error message. Specifically, the R code I was taking from the above example is
code <- '
arma::mat coeff = Rcpp::as<arma::mat>(a);
arma::mat errors = Rcpp::as<arma::mat>(e);
int m = errors.n_rows; int n = errors.n_cols;
arma::mat simdata(m,n);
simdata.row(0) = arma::zero...
2009 Jul 15
storing lm() results and other objects in a list
LinearModel1.res <- residuals(linearModel1)
LinearModel2.res <- residuals(linearModel2)
LinearModel3.res <- residuals(linearModel3)
LinearModel4.res <- residuals(linearModel4)
LinearModel5.res <- residuals(linearModel5)
#hmmm bolt on linearModel[x] as linearModel[x]$arma.fit?
arma1.fit <- auto.arima(LinearModel1.res)
arma2.fit <- auto.arima(LinearModel2.res)
arma3.fit <- auto.arima(LinearModel3.res)
arma4.fit <- auto.arima(LinearModel4.res)
arma5.fit <- auto.arima(LinearModel5.res,stepwise=T,trace=T)
#Ok what is left over after Regression and ARIMA...
2007 Oct 22
Newbie help: Data in an arma fit
I'd like to fit an ARMA(1,1) model to some data (Federal Reserve Bank
interest rates) that looks like:
30JUN2006, 5.05
03JUL2006, 5.25
04JUL2006, N <---- here!
05JUL2006, 5.25
One problem is that holidays have that "N" for their data. As a test, I
tried fitting ARMA(1,1) with...
2005 Dec 23
dse package problems
The following object(s) are masked from package:stats :
acf simulate
> library("dse2")
> AR <- array(c(1, 0.5, 0.3, 0, 0.2, 0.1, 0, 0.2, 0.05, 1, 0.5, 0.3), c(3, 2,
+ 2))
> MA <- array(c(1, 0.2, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 1, 0.3), c(2, 2, 2))
> arma <- ARMA(A = AR, B = MA, C = NULL)
> data.arma.sim <- simulate(arma)
> data.arma.sim
output data:
Error: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?
2004 Oct 25
output processing / ARMA order identification
Dear R users,
I need to fit an ARMA model. As far as I've seen, EACF (extended ACF)
is not available in R.
1. Let's say I fit a series of ARMA models in a loop. Given the
code/output included below, how do I pull 'Model' and 'Fit' (AIC)
from each summary() so that I can combine them into an array/data
2009 Oct 22
arima crashes too
Another pathological test.
arima does not crash for that series that crashes arma:
arima(c(2.01, 2.22, 2.09, 2.17, 2.42), order=c(1,0,0))
However, arima crashes for this:
arima(c(1.71, 1.78, 1.95, 1.59, 2.13), order=c(1,0,0))
arima seems pretty consistent in its crashing behaviour, since crashing for
one series means crashing for all affine series:
lets.crash.arima <- c...
2006 Nov 07
Comparison between GARCH and ARMA
...) on this:
The estimated parameters are given below:
garch(x = r)
a0 a1 b1
4.746e-06 6.837e-02 8.877e-01
Now it is straightforward to transform Garch(1,1)
to a ARMA like this:
r[t]^2 = w + (alpha+beta)*r[t-1]^2 + beta*(h[t-1] -
r[t-1]^2) - (h[t] - r[t]^2)
= w + (alpha+beta)*r[t-1]^2 + beta*theta[t-1] +
So if I fit a ARMA(1,1) on r[t]^2 I am getting
following result;
arma(r^2, order=c(1,1))
arma(x = r^2, order = c(1, 1))
2008 Aug 20
arma: what is the meaning of Pr(>|t|)?
In the summary of the output of arma, there's a number Pr(>|t|), however, I
don't know what is its meaning - at least, it doesn't _seem_ to be a
Student's t distribution.
Reproducible test case:
x <- c(0.5, sin(1:9))
reg <- arma(x, c(1,0))
arma(x = x, order = c(1, 0)...
2011 Oct 12
ARMA and prediction
I am running an ARMA model to run forecast for changes in S&P 500 prices.
My ARMA calculations look as follows
armacal <- arma( spdata, order = c(0,4), lag = list(ma = c(1,2,4)) )
arma(x = spdata, order = c(0, 4), lag = list(ma = c(1, 2, 4)) )
ma1 ma2 ma4 i...
1999 Nov 14
bug in arma.sim (PR#322)
Dear Sir,
I think I found a bug in the function arma.sim, which is defined in
the help page of the function filter:
arma.sim <- function(n, ar = NULL, ma = NULL, sigma = 1.0)
x <- ts(rnorm(n+100, 0, sigma^2), start = -99)
if(length(ma)) x <- filter(x, ma, sides=1)
if(length(ar)) x <- filter(x, ar, method="recursive&quo...
2009 Apr 29
arma model with garch errors
Dear R experts,
I am trying to estimate an ARMA 2,2 model with garch errors.
I used the following code on R 2.9.
Series/exports/goods1.csv"), start=c(1992,1), frequency=12)
garchFit(formula.mean= ~arma(2,2),formula.var=~garch(1,1),...
2011 May 08
Hello,Could somebody tell me what is the difference between theese 3 calls of functionsarma(x,order=c(1,0)), arima(x,order=c(1,0,0)) ar(x,order=1)?I expected same residuals of theese three models,but unexpectably for the first two R requiredinitial value of something (what?)...Thanks in advance!
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2004 Feb 12
How to predict ARMA models?
Hi all,
I am fitting an ARMA(1,(1,4)) model.
y(t) = a*y(t-1) + e(t) + b1*e(t-1) + b4*e(t-4)
> arma1.14 <- arma(series, lag=list(ar=1, ma=c(1,4)),
+ include.intercept = F, qr.tol = 1e-07)
works fine:
ar1 ma1 ma4
0.872 -0.445 0.331
I want to forecast 50 periods....
2006 Aug 14
ARMA(1,1) for panel data
Dear List,
I am new to TS-Modeling in R. I would like to fit an ARMA(1,1) model
for a balanced panel, running Y on a full set of unit and year dummies
using an arma(1,1) for the disturbance:
where: e_it=d*e_it-1+u_it+q*u_it-1
How can I fit this model in R? arma() does not seem to take covariates
(or I don't understand how to...
2008 Mar 21
tseries(arma) vs. stats(arima)
The "arma" function in the "tseries" package allows estimation of models
with specific "ar" and "ma" lags with its "lag" argument.
For example: y[t] = a[0] + a[1]y[t-3] +b[1]e[t-2] + e[t] can be estimated
with the following specification : arma(y, lag=lis...
2010 Aug 23
Fitting a regression model with with ARMA error
I want to fit a regression model with one independent variable. The error
part should be fitted an ARMA process.
For example,
y_t = a + b*x_t + e_t where e_t is modelled as an ARMA process.
Please let me know how do I do this in R. What code should I use?
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2013 Apr 08
Maximum likelihood estimation of ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(1,1)
Following some standard textbooks on ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(1,1) (e.g. Ruey
Tsay's Analysis of Financial Time Series), I try to write an R program
to estimate the key parameters of an ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(1,1) model for
Intel's stock returns. For some random reason, I cannot decipher what
is wrong with my R program. The R package fGarch alread...