search for: arimas

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2003 Jan 09
using arima() function
HI, there, When i use R, i tried to use function arima(), it complains: Error: couldn't find function "arima" But when I type ""arima") ", I got arima() poped up.. arima(ts) ARIMA Modelling of Time Series arima.sim(ts) Simulate from an ARIMA Model arima0(ts) ARIMA Modelling of Time Series -- Preliminary
2008 Oct 15
Forecasting using ARIMAX
Dear R-helpers, I would appreicate if someone can help me on the transfer parameter in ARIMAX and also see what I am doing is correct. I am using ARIMAX with 2 Exogeneous Variables and 10 years data are as follows: DepVar Period, depVar, IndepVar1 Period, indepVar1, IndepVar2 Period, indepVar2 Jan 1998,708,Jan 1998,495,Jan 1998,245.490 Feb 1998,670,Feb 1998,421.25,Feb 1998,288.170 Mar
2009 Jan 21
forecasting issue
Hello everybody! I have a problem when I try to perform a forecast of an ARIMA model produced by an auto.arima function. Here is what I'm doing: c<-auto.arima(fil[[1]],start.p=0,start.q=0,start.P=0,start.Q=0,stepwise=TRUE,stationary=FALSE,trace=TRUE) # fil[[1]] is time series of monthly data ARIMA(0,0,0)(0,1,0)[12] with drift : 1725.272 ARIMA(0,0,0)(0,1,0)[12] with drift
2009 Mar 08
ARIMA second order differencing problem
Hi, I have been using this site ( to help me with some ARIMA modelling in R. Unfortunately the methods mentioned do not appear to work with second order differencing; arima(*, 2, *). I have used some dummy data to illustrate my point. When I use the xreg=... method, the estimate of intercept is *way* off. This can be seen by the high s.e but I
2010 Sep 06
how do I transform this to a for loop
arima1 = arima(data.ts[1:200], order = c(1,1,1)) arima2 = arima(data.ts[5:205], order = c(1,1,1)) arima3 = arima(data.ts[10:210], order = c(1,1,1)) arima4 = arima(data.ts[15:215], order = c(1,1,1)) arima5 = arima(data.ts[20:220], order = c(1,1,1)) arima6 = arima(data.ts[25:225], order = c(1,1,1)) arima7 = arima(data.ts[30:230], order = c(1,1,1)) arima8 = arima(data.ts[35:235], order = c(1,1,1))
2008 Sep 16
Warning messages after auto.arima
Dear R-helpers. Would appreciate if someone can explain the warning messages below, after auto.arima. I couldn't find any clue in the archived help. Also, how do I retrieve the AICs of each tried model in auto.arima? The purposes are (1) to output to a text file, and (2) to find the 2nd best model by finding 2nd lowest AIC instead of eyeballing thru the value at the console
2009 Oct 22
arima crashes too
Another pathological test. arima does not crash for that series that crashes arma: arima(c(2.01, 2.22, 2.09, 2.17, 2.42), order=c(1,0,0)) However, arima crashes for this: arima(c(1.71, 1.78, 1.95, 1.59, 2.13), order=c(1,0,0)) arima seems pretty consistent in its crashing behaviour, since crashing for one series means crashing for all affine series: lets.crash.arima <- c(71, 78, 95, 59,
2007 Jan 16
ARIMA xreg and factors
I am using arima to develop a time series regression model, I am using arima b/c I have autocorrelated errors. Several of my independent variables are categorical and I have coded them as factors . When I run ARIMA I don't get any warning or error message, but I do not seem to get estimates for all the levels of the factor. Can/how does ARIMA handle factors in xreg? here is some example
2009 Sep 29
Incoherence between arima.sim and auto.arima
Hello, I have a question about function arima.sim I tried to somulate a AR(1) process, with no innovation, no error term. I used this code: library(forecast) e=rnorm(100,mean=0,sd=0) series=arima.sim(model=list(ar=0.75),n=100,innov=e)+20 Then I tried to applicate ti this series auto.arima function: mod1<-auto.arima(series,stepwise=FALSE,trace=TRUE,ic='aicc') The best model returned
2007 Oct 24
Package forecast
Hello All, I trying to use the function auto.arima(....) from package forecast but I have a problem. My steps after I used the function auto.arima(...) I create the time series like this: >bbrass = scan("C:/Program Files/R/data PTIN/my_file.dat") >regts.start = ISOdatetime(2006, 7, 1, hour=0, min=0, sec=0, tz="GMT") #2006 07 01 00 >regts.end = ISOdatetime(2006, 7,
2010 Aug 19
How to include trend (drift term) in arima.sim
I have been trying to simulate from a time series with trend but I don't see how to include the trend in the arima.sim() call. The following code illustrates the problem: # Begin demonstration program x <- c(0.168766559, 0.186874000, 0.156710548, 0.151809531, 0.144638812, 0.142106888, 0.140961714, 0.134054659, 0.138722419, 0.134037018, 0.122829846, 0.120188714,
2007 Aug 31
Choosing the optimum lag order of ARIMA model
Dear all R users, I am really struggling to determine the most appropriate lag order of ARIMA model. My understanding is that, as for MA [q] model the auto correlation coeff vanishes after q lag, it says the MA order of a ARIMA model, and for a AR[p] model partial autocorrelation vanishes after p lags it helps to determine the AR lag. And most appropriate model choosed by this argument gives
2003 Apr 07
filtering ts with arima
Hi, I have the following code from Splus that I'd like to migrate to R. So far, the only problem is the arima.filt function. This function allows me to filter an existing time-series through a previously estimated arima model, and obtain the residuals for further use. Here's the Splus code: # x is the estimation time series, new.infl is a timeseries that contains new information # a.mle
2011 Jul 07
AR vs ARIMA question
Dear R People: Here is some output from AR and ARIMA functions: > xb <- arima.sim(n=120,model=list(ar=0.85)) > <- ar(xb) > Call: ar(x = xb) Coefficients: 1 0.6642 Order selected 1 sigma^2 estimated as 1.094 > xb.arima <- arima(xb,order=c(1,0,0),include.mean=FALSE) > xb.arima Call: arima(x = xb, order = c(1, 0, 0), include.mean = FALSE)
2012 Apr 26
Using the R predict function to forecast a model fit with auto.arima function
Hello R users, Hope everyone is doing great. I have a dataset that is in .csv format and consists of two columns: one named Period (which contains dates in the format yyyy_mm) and goes from 1995_10 to 2007_09 and the second column named pcumsdry which is a volumetric measure and has been formatted as numeric without any commas or decimals. I imported the dataset as pauldataset and made use of
2009 Jun 05
Bug in print.Arima and patch
Dear List, A posting to R-Help exposed this problem with the print method for objects of class Arima: > set.seed(1) > x <- arima.sim(n = 100, list(ar = 0.8897, ma = -0.2279)) > mod <- arima(x, order = c(1,0,1)) > coefs <- coef(mod) > mod2 <- arima(x, order = c(1,0,1), fixed = coefs) > mod2 Call: arima(x = x, order = c(1, 0, 1), fixed = coefs) Coefficients: Error
2011 Sep 14
Dear forum, I would like to forecast e.g. with the arima-model. To figure out which model works best I am going to predict with this models. my first code: for(ar.ord in 1:3){ for(ma.ord in 1:3){ print(predict(arima(para_qtr[1:(n-8),1],order=c(ar.ord,1,ma.ord)), n.ahead=8)$pred) } } this one works. but I want to "save" my results in a matrix or a data.frame. my second code:
2004 May 02
arima problems when using argument fixed=
As I am reading ?arima, only NA entries in the argument fixed= imports. The following seems to indicate otherwise: x <- arima.sim(model=list(ar=0.8), n=100) + (1:100)/50 > t <- 1:100 > mod1 <- lm(x ~ t) > > init1 <- c(0, coef(mod1)[2]) > fixed1 <- c(as.numeric(NA), 0) > > arima(x, order=c(1,0,0), xreg=t, include.mean=FALSE, init=init1, fixed=fixed1)
2006 Aug 24
Search for best ARIMA model
Hello, I have a several time series, which I would like to check for their best fitted Arima model (I am checking for the lowest aic value). Which lets me raise two questions: 1) is there are more efficient way, than using 6 for-loops? 2) sometimes the system cannot calculate with given parameters - is there a more efficient solution than I found? I hope, you can help me to make this
2004 Jul 01
[gently off topic] arima seasonal question
Hello R People: When using the arima function with the seasonal option, are the seasonal options only good for monthly and quarterly data, please? Also, I believe that weekly and daily data are not appropriate for seasonal parm estimation via arima. Is that correct, please? Thanks, Sincerely, Laura Holt mailto: lauraholt_983 at download!