Displaying 17 results from an estimated 17 matches for "arevalo".
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2018 Oct 21
Instalar paquetes antiguos en Windows 10
Hola a todos! Espero que alguien me pueda echar algo de luz al problema que tengo.
Estoy intentando instalar algunos paquetes antiguos en R (3.3.0), como ?devtools? en su penúltima versión, y me está resultando imposible. Instalé Rtools y R me dice que funciona, pero no consigo hacer que se instale el paquete. He probado bajando el paquete en formato .tar.gz y luego con las instrucciones:
2014 Aug 13
how virt-manager gets CPU usage of Guest
Does anybody know how virt-manager is getting the CPU usage of the guests? I need to know how to get the CPU usage of the guests and this is the only way I can think of. In other words, how does virt-manager produce the graph of the CPU usage of EACH guest in KVM? I don't actually need the graph, I just need to get the percentage(%) since I'm trying to create a Java program to get
2014 Jul 06
getting CPU usage through virsh command or libvirt API
Is it possible to get the CPU usage of a guest through a virsh command? I have tried almost all the commands (vcpuinfo, cpu-stats, etc.) that gets the details of a guest cpu, but it only returns the cpu time. Is there any command that returns the cpu usage (just like the graph that virt-manager displays) of a guest? Or do I have to create a program using libvirt API? Thanks in
2016 Jul 21
Error con la R Commander
Hola, hace unos días actualicé los paquetes que tenía instalados en R y se me actualizó R Commander. Ahora, cuando intento, abrir el paquete me da el siguiente error:
Error in loadNamespace(j <- i[[1L]], c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[j]]) :
namespace ?pbkrtest? 0.4-2 is being loaded, but >= 0.4.4 is required
La versión que tengo instalada de R es la 3.2.1 para Mac. He
2014 Jan 02
Ayuda con red neuronal y creación de curvas ROC
Hola a todos, y gracias por leer mi mensaje:
Llevo utilizando unos meses R, vengo de SPSS, y estoy muy sorprendido con su capacidad.
Mi problema, es que estoy intentando hacer una comparación entre tres sistemas de predicción: una regresión logística, un árbol de clasificación y una red neuronal. De momento, he podido hacer las comparaciones con los dos primeros sistemas, pero mi problema es la
2013 Dec 27
samba Digest, Vol 132, Issue 29
Estoy fuera de la oficina hasta el lunes 30/12/13.
Ante cualquier requerimiento favor generar el ticket respectivo o comunicarse
con freddy.arevalo at pyaing.cl, frederick.escobar at pyaing.cl o marcos.uribe at pyaing.cl
Luis Aravena
2014 Jan 02
Ayuda con red neuronal y creación de curvas ROC
...y que permite
modelizar tus datos con múltiples algoritmos. Además de curvas ROC te
ofrecerá otros gráficos para comprobar la bondad del ajuste, además de que
podrás ver el código para generar cada modelo.
Carlos Ortega
El 2 de enero de 2014, 12:46, JOSE MARTIN AREVALO <martin_jose@gva.es>escribió:
> Hola a todos, y gracias por leer mi mensaje:
> Llevo utilizando unos meses R, vengo de SPSS, y estoy muy sorprendido con
> su capacidad.
> Mi problema, es que estoy intentando hacer una comparación entre tres
> sistemas de predicción: una regres...
2014 Jun 30
getting CPU usage of KVM
Greetings sir,
I am currently taking up Computer Science in my school. I just
want to ask how do you get the CPU usage and Memory usage of the VMs
(I'm referring sir to the graphs that the Virtual Machine Manager is
displaying)? I need to get the numbers (the numbers are enough, I don't
need the graph) of these informations because I will be needing it for
2014 Jul 03
getting CPU usage of VMs through libvirt
Greetings everyone,
I just want to ask if it is possible to get the CPU usage of the VMs in KVM through libvirt? I mean, how does the virt-manager produce the graph it displays? Is there a way get this graph? But instead of the graph itself, I just need to get it in percentage(%) form. I'd like to know how. Thank you and your help will be greatly appreciated.
2014 Jul 05
Source code of virt-manager
Does anyone know where I could view the source code of virt-manager? Because I'm trying to learn how the virt-manager gets the CPU usage of a VM(the graph it displays). I'm trying to make a program using java that gets the CPU usage of a VM in KVM. Anybody have suggestions on where I could start?Thanks
2014 Aug 07
Understanding Libvirt Java API in order to get CPU usage of a VM
I'm having a problemin understanding the Libvirt Java API. Here is my sourcein reading some of the classes: http://libvirt.org/sources/java/javadoc/
I have no idea where to start in order for me to get the CPU usage. Can anybody help? Or at least give me some points on where to start in order for me to get the CPU usage of a VM in KVM? Any suggestions will really help. Thanks
2014 Aug 12
Libvirt Java API to get CPU usage of VM (KVM)
Hi all libvirt-users,
Is there a counterpart on Java of the function virDomainGetCPUStats that is based on C API? Because I am trying to create a program based on
java to get the CPU usage of a Guest/Domain/VM in KVM using the Libvirt
Java API.
Honestly, I am having a hard time in starting my program. I have no
idea where to start. I mean, what functions do I need to get the CPU
usage of
2014 Aug 13
Re: how virt-manager gets CPU usage of Guest
On 13.08.2014 16:00, Restituto Marcus Arevalo wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anybody know how virt-manager is getting the CPU usage of the
> guests? I need to know how to get the CPU usage of the guests and this
> is the only way I can think of. In other words, how does virt-manager
> produce the graph of the CPU usage of EACH guest i...
2023 Apr 10
Calibrar y validar nomograma
Hola a todos! Espero que me pod?is ayudar porque estoy un poco atascado.
He hecho un modelo de regresi?n de Cox para la supervivencia a 3 a?os de pacientes con c?ncer colorrectal en funci?n de una serie de factores. De la muestra total de unos 1000 casos, cre? dos grupos: uno de entrenamiento y otro de test. El modelo lo hice con el grupo de entranamiento. La asignaci?n de los pacientes a cada
2023 Apr 10
Hola a todos! Espero que me pod?is ayudar porque estoy un poco atascado.
He hecho un modelo de regresi?n de Cox para la supervivencia a 3 a?os de pacientes con c?ncer colorrectal en funci?n de una serie de factores. De la muestra total de unos 1000 casos, cre? dos grupos: uno de entrenamiento y otro de test. El modelo lo hice con el grupo de entranamiento. La asignaci?n de los pacientes a cada
2007 Aug 31
chan_sip.c:5495 sip_reg_timeout: ERROR
I?ve been using Asterisk 1.2.18 for a while, and today, with no apparent
changes, I started receiving these messages:
Aug 31 13:26:57 NOTICE[27528]: chan_sip.c:5495 sip_reg_timeout: --
Registration for 'user at sipserver' timed out, trying again (Attempt #19)
All trunks and extensions went to:
sipserver:5060 user 120 Request Sent
2014 Aug 05
How to import libvirt library in Java
Hi, I am trying to get the CPU/Memory usage of the VMs in KVM using Java. But before I get to start coding, I have no idea where to get the libvirt library and how to import it in Java. Does anyone know where I can get it and how I'll be able to use its library? Thanks