search for: apthorp

Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches for "apthorp".

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2007 Apr 30
Best practice: how to set up mountpoints?
Hi, [Note: I''ve been saving up my puppet questions for a free moment so pardon my bombardment of the list] What''s the best way to set up mounts and mountpoints with puppet? I am currently using something like: ---- class software_depot_client { # create NFS mountpoint file { "/mnt/nfs/repository": path => "/mnt/nfs/repository", ensure =>
2007 Apr 30
Best Practice: how to organize puppetmaster directories?
Hi, While puppet creates its own directories for internal stuff (puppetca, state, etc.), there''s a fair bit of latitude given to where things like manifests and uploaded files live. I didn''t get much guidance from the docs when I first set things up so I mostly poked at things until the worked. Take a look at the following and let me know if this looks reasonable; if so, it
2007 May 26
OT: Installing munin-node cleanly in spite of RPM
Hi, This is totally off-topic (it''s an rpm/rpmbuild problem), but I want to get to a point where I''m installing and configuring munin-node with puppet. To do that, I need a clean, standardized way of installing munin-mode on CentOS (RHELish) boxes. I could install munin-node from source via puppet and probably make enough edits that all the files end up in reasonable locations
2007 Apr 24
Using puppet to backup
Apologize ahead of time if this has been asked before. Without using external commands, can puppet back-up files and directories to the puppetmaster server? If I delete or change a file, I can back the file, but all I want to do is to take a snap-shot of some configurations. If I can''t do it natively, has anyone created a script that does so using external commands (such as tar, gzip,
2007 May 15
Trying to make tidy{} work
Hi, Say I''ve got a directory full of stale Tomcat temp files of the form: /usr/local/blackboard/apps/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/webapps_assessment/strts6866.tmp and I want to delete any files that haven''t changed in a week and not keep any backup. Should this get rid of them: tidy {
2007 Apr 12
how to make puppet a killer app
I''ve been thinking about how to make Puppet a killer app, and I think there is one specific thing that could be done to help make that happen: People using Puppet now to consistently state what they *really* wish Puppet could do for them -- the recent thread around Puppet on Windows is in that vein, but it''s not specific enough. For example, I''d like to know what
2007 Apr 30
Installing puppetmasterd, puppetd as services under Red Hat, CentOS
Hi, Since I''ve installed ruby and ruby-gems from source, then installed facter and puppet as gems, I don''t get the usual startup scripts shipped with RPMs. Rebuilding the ruby RPM is painful, mostly because Red Hat (and pretty much every vendor) have this tendency to include random files and patch the living daylights out of a perfectly good source package so that converting
2007 Aug 25
Austin meetup?
Looks like I''ll be in Austin from Tuesday (late) night until Saturday morning. Any Puppeteers in Austin who want to get together? I''ve got vague plans to hang out with whurley, but I''d love to meet a few more people in the community. Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday night should work fine (although not all three). -- Always behave like a duck - keep calm and
2007 May 14
Issue with ralsh and Puppet installed as gem
Hi, I finally found why ralsh was failing on my systems; Puppet was installed as a gem and ralsh couldn''t find it. I added the preamble from puppetd and it seems to work fine now: ---8<--- snip ---8<--- 65c65,75 < require ''puppet'' --- > > require ''rubygems'' > version = "> 0" > if ARGV.size > 0 &&
2007 May 07
Puppet Best Practice
Hello everyone, A long time ago, I posted the Stanford Best Practices and I''ve gone through and updated it today. I''d like to have people go through it and see if we can strip out some Stanford specific stuff and tag this as an official best practice. I think an official best practice will be important as more and more people consider making shareable modules, etc (mostly
2007 Apr 30
Managing packages which require a reboot
Hi, I''m working on a method to manage packages which require a reboot after being installed. I''m curious how other people are handling this problem. Consider the resource: pkg_deploy { "MacOSXUpdCombo10.4.9Intel.dmg": alias => macosx1049 } I''d like to only install the package under if the following conditions are met: - No user is logged into the
2007 Jul 11
Best practise guide
Hi, I''m a new puppet user (thanks !) and I''m just looking at moving my homegrown manifest structure into something resembling the best practise guide at : It seems as if the structure here doesn''t map to the default puppet layout (and thus doesn''t work with the standard puppet config