search for: and_return

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 277 matches for "and_return".

2007 Oct 05
spec''ing view render partial collection, local variable not found = mock_model(Game, :name => ''The Battle for Blaze'', :salt_grains => 5000000, :people => 5000000, :days => nil, :created_at => "Mon Oct 01 00:02:44 -0400 2007", :enabled => true) game.should_receive(:name).and_return("The Battle for Blaze") game.should_receive(:salt_grains).and_return(5000000) game.should_receive(:people).and_return(5000000) game.should_receive(:days).and_return(nil) game.should_receive(:created_at).and_return("Mon Oct 01 00:02:44 -0400 2007") game.should...
2007 Nov 20
How to test views with Nested Resources and Partials
...seconds 1 example, 1 failure ######## edit.haml_spec.rb ######## require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../../spec_helper'' describe "/line_items/edit.haml" do include LineItemsHelper before do @contract = mock_model(Contract) @contract.stub!(:id).and_return("1") @contract.stub!(:sdc_ref).and_return("MyString") @contract.stub!(:description).and_return("MyString") @contract.stub!(:sales_rep_id).and_return("1") @contract.stub!(:office_id).and_return("1") @contract.stub!(:account_id).an...
2007 Jan 05
How To Spec Controllers with Finders
Given this code (which renders rjs), I''m faced with the fixture- driven way of spec-ing or mocking. How the heck to you mock this so the code at line (2) and (4) work right? I''m still struggling with mocks but it seems like this can be done. Forgive the naivety of this question. 1. def change_quantity 2. @line_item = LineItem.find_by_id(params[:id]) 3. unless
2008 Jan 28
Could this controller test be made simpler?
...and it is simpler, but it seems that the relationship made between the two models is what starts to make this more complex. Thanks for the help. Here is my current code: =============== before :each do @account = mock_model(Account) #what is being tested here @account.stub!(:save).and_return(false) #User info @user = mock_model(User) users = mock("Userlist") @account.stub!(:users).and_return(users) users.stub!(:build).and_return(@user) #since the form is repopulated the account mock must have stub for all the attributes @account.stub!(:subdomain)...
2007 Apr 19
Best practice thoughts: Model helpers, mocks to avoid, one of my controller test setups. It seems like each context, I end up pasting the previous contexts setup, and then adding a few more lines, until it ends up... setup do mem_types = @membership_type1 = mock_model(MembershipType) @membership_type1.stub!(:id).and_return(1) @membership_type1.stub!(:name).and_return(''Name'') @membership_type1.stub!(:price_cents).and_return(5000) mem_types << @membership_type1 @membership_type2 = mock_model(MembershipType) @membership_type2.stub!(:id).and_return(2) @membership_type2.stub...
2007 Dec 29
Do you think it would look cleaner?
I was looking over some of my specs. I was thinking that the following: @game.should_receive(:name).and_return(''The Battle for Blaze'') @game.should_receive(:people).and_return(5000000) @game.should_receive(:activated).and_return(true) Would it look cleaner if I could do this instead? @game.should_recieve_and_return( :name => ''The Battle for Blaze'' :people => 5...
2007 Apr 30
Mocking with Calculated Results (neglecting the optional parameters). My question is: Is this calculation of the return value a bad thing, and if so, how better to accomplish it? Thanks --------- module SettingsMock def setup_mock @countable = mock(''countable'') @countable.stub!(:count).and_return(1) @countable.stub!(:full_messages).and_return([''a message'']) @setting = mock_model Setting do |m| m.stub!(:save).and_return(true) m.stub!(:destroy) m.stub!(:errors).and_return(@countable) m.stub!(:setting_name).and_return(''first_name...
2007 Nov 21
describe AddressesController, "handling GET /addresses" do
...t; @addresses } end end private def get_company @company = Company.find_by_id(params[:company_id]) end My controller spec code for handling GET /addresses: before do @company = mock_model(Company) @addresses = mock("addresses") @company.stub!(:addresses).and_return(@addresses) Company.stub!(:find).and_return(@company) end def do_get get :index, :company_id => 1 end it "should be successful" do do_get response.should be_success end ............. All of my tests (4) fail: 4) NoMethodError in ''AddressesControl...
2007 Jul 12
Agh, this is annoying. Why is this happening? (1) No matter what I do to try to stub that out it will still fail out and give me that message. Here is my spec describe TasksController, "handling POST /tasks" do before(:each) do @task = mock_model(Task, :to_param => "1", :save => true) Task.stub!(:new).and_return(@task) @user = mock_model(User) @user.stub!(:id).and_return(1) @user.stub!(:login).and_return("moo") User.stub!(:find).and_return(@user) @params = {} end def do_post @request.session[:user] = post :create, :task => @params end it "sho...
2007 Jul 05
mocking methods in the controller.
Hi, I''m very new to rspec so please be patient with me. I''ve tried to take some of my tests out of the controller specs to check for things that are rendered. This has not worked so well, since my views have the controller method current_user in quite a few places. Is there any way that I can define this so that my views will be executed? Will this same thing occur for all
2007 Jun 02
I''m really bad at controllers, help please.
...@user.messages end end So basically what I''m doing is listing all the messages for a user, provided there is an id parameter. describe MessagesController, " handling GET /messages for a user" do before do @message = mock_model(Message) @message.stub!(:user_id).and_return(1) @user = mock_model(User) @user.stub!(:id).and_return(1) User.stub!(:messages).and_return([@message]) User.stub!(:find).and_return([@user]) end def do_get get :index, :user_id => 1 end it "should be successful" do do_get response.should be_succes...
2007 May 20
How to test for exceptions
...I''ve run into a slight problem. I tried looking through the documentation but I still don''t know what I missed. Thanks in advance, Blake describe VenuesController, "on update" do before(:each) do @venue = mock("venue") @venue.stub!(:new_record?).and_return(false) @venue.stub!(:to_param).and_return(''1'') controller.class.send(:define_method, :rescue_action) { |e| raise e } end it "should raise an error if record is invalid" do stub_authorized_login Venue.should_receive(:find).and_return(@venue) @venu...
2007 Aug 17
[rspec] looking for a simple refresher
...6: script/spec:4: class TicketsController < ApplicationController def new end end describe TicketsController, "handling POST /tickets" do before do @ticket = mock_model(Ticket, :to_param => ''1'', :save => true) Ticket.stub!(:new).and_return(@ticket) @params = {} end def do_post post :create, :ticket => @params end it "should create a new ticket" do @ticket.should_receive(:new).with(@params).and_return(@ticket) do_post end end Would someone provide with an explanation what I have to do to make...
2007 Oct 05
Easy AR association stubbing
...makes it pretty easy to stub associations in rails. I''ve been using it for awhile and it seems to cut down on a lot of setup code for the controller and model specs that use associations. #before @person = mock_model(Person) posts = mock(''post_proxy'') posts.stub!(:build).and_return(mock_model(Post, :save => true)) @person.stub!(:posts).and_return(posts) # now @person = mock_model(Person) @person.stub_association!(:posts, :find_by_title => mock_model(Post)) Just add this to the spec helper module Spec module Mocks module Methods def stub_association!(ass...
2007 Jul 24
Mocking Access Control how i should mock my user. The user has a habtm relationship to a roles model (acl_system2 plugin), but I''m not sure how to tell rspec about a model. My code: describe UsersController do integrate_views before(:each) do @user = mock_model(User) @user.stub!(:new_record?).and_return(false) @user.stub!(:id).and_return(666) @user.stub!(:email).and_return("john at") @user.stub!(:password).and_return("dummypassword") User.stub!(:new).and_return(@user) end it "should login as a tutor" do @user.stub!(:type).and_return(&q...
2007 Sep 30
Problems with testing nested routes using mocking
....rb describe VirtualHostsController, "handling GET /domains/1/virtual_hosts/1" do before do @domain = mock_model(Domain) @virtual_hosts = mock("virtual_hosts") @virtual_host = mock("virtual_host") Domain.should_receive(:find).with("1").and_return(@domain) @domain.should_receive(:virtual_hosts).and_return(@virtual_hosts) @virtual_hosts.should_receive(:find).and_return(@virtual_host) login_as :admin end def do_get get :show, :id => "1", :domain_id => "1" end it "should render sho...
2009 Feb 20
How to mock an object defined in the before_filter function?
...function "find_comment" is called. The way I do it below doesn''t work, since "before_filter :find_comment" returns true/false and @comment initialization is done inside it. Could you please give me a hint how to do it? One solution would be to use Comment.stub!(:find).and_return(@comment) and do not use the stub find_comment. But how to do it in general, when there is no expression like "@var = my_var.function" in the controller and variable @var is defined in another place and controller just uses it. my_var.stub!(:function).and_return(@var) doesn''t see...
2007 Nov 01
Can''t use #exactly when #and_return influences it.
...even if some elements are left. I was trying to spec this last bit but ended up on a false positive. Hope the example will be clear enough: #spec_reader.rb describe Reader do it "should stop reading items when called with a limit" do @stack = mock(Stack) Stack.should_receive(:new).and_return(@stack) @stack.should_receive(:read).exactly(3).times.and_return(2,4,1,5,3,1,false) @reader = @reader.read_stack(3) end end # reader.rb class Reader def initialize @stack = end def read_stack(limit = 0) #0 = read until false is returned while val =
2007 Oct 26
Specing with Subdomains as Account Keys to make it more clear with the subdomain as account key question.) # items_controller_spec.rb describe ItemsController, "handling GET /items" do fixtures :companies before do = "" @item = mock(Item) Item.stub!(:find).and_return([@item]) @current_company = mock(Company) @current_company.stub!(:items).and_return([]) @current_company.stub!(:find_items).and_return([@item]) @current_company.stub!(:subdomain).and_return("subdomain") end # Passes def do_get get :index end # P...
2007 May 29
Trouble defining a stub method for a controller
Hello, Not sure if I am doing something really wrong (let''s not say stupid for now), but I haven''t been able to stub a controller method like: controller.stub!(:logged_in?).and_return(true) Please help, this is driving me nuts ;-) -- An?bal Rojas