Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "alphamax".
2008 Aug 05
optimize simultaneously two binomials inequalities using nlm( ) or optim( )
...tion using NMinimize passing
the restriction and parameters:
/* function name "findOpt" and parameters... */
restriction = (1 - alpha) <= CDF[BinomialDistribution[sample_n, p1], c]
&& betha >= CDF[BinomialDistribution[sample_n, p2], c]
&& 0 < alpha < alphamax && 0 < betha < bethamax
&& 1 < sample_n <= lot_Size && 0 <= c < lot_size
&& p1 < p2 < p2max ;
fcost = sample_n/lot_Size;
result = NMinimize[{fcost, restriction}, {sample_n, c, alpha, betha, p2max},
Method -> "NelderMe...
2010 Jun 24
help, bifurcation diagram efficiency
...) + 0.1063696962*sin((9/4)*pi*t) + 0.02812403009*sin((5/2)*pi*t)))
ModBraaksma = function(t, n, p)
dx.dt = (1/0.01)*(n[2]-((1/2)*n[1]^2+(1/3)*n[1]^3))
dy.dt = -(n[1]+p["alpha"]) + 0.032 * s_of_t(t)
list(c(dx.dt, dy.dt))
initial.values = c(0.1, -0.02)
alphamin = 0.01
alphamax = 0.02
alphas = seq(alphamin, alphamax, by = 0.00001)
TimeInterval = 100
times = seq(0.001, TimeInterval, by = 0.001)
plot(1, xlim = c(alphamin, alphamax), ylim = c(0,0.3), type = "n",xlab
= "Values
of alpha", ylab = "Approximate loop size for a limit cycle", m...
2005 Dec 22
Windows crash in confint() with nls fit (PR#8428)
...On 2000
I get a "Rgui has generated errors ..." dialog box.
I can get this far:
debug: profiledModel <- .Call("nls_iter", fittedModel, ctrl, trace,
PACKAGE = "stats")
Browse[1]> where
where 1: prof$getProfile()
where 2: profile.nls(object, which = parm, alphamax = (1 - level)/4)
where 3: profile(object, which = parm, alphamax = (1 - level)/4)
where 4: confint.nls(n1)
where 5: confint(n1)
I'm not set up to debug compiled code on Windows, and I haven't
been able to reproduce the problem on Linux.
x = runif(200)
a =1
b = 1
c = -0.1...
2008 Jul 29
optimize simultaneously two binomials inequalities using nlm
...tion using NMinimize passing
the restriction and parameters:
/* function name "findOpt" and parameters... */
restriction = (1 - alpha) <= CDF[BinomialDistribution[sample_n, p1], c]
&& betha >= CDF[BinomialDistribution[sample_n, p2], c]
&& 0 < alpha < alphamax && 0 < betha < bethamax
&& 1 < sample_n <= lot_Size && 0 <= c < lot_size
&& p1 < p2 < p2max ;
fcost = sample_n/lot_Size;
result = NMinimize[{fcost, restriction}, {sample_n, c, alpha, betha, p2max},
Method -> "NelderMe...
2002 Feb 11
...simparj.fm <- nls(Y.simulated ~ Y.model(gN, MnmN, OptN, DIs, beta,
eta1, eta2, Popn, Dmax, AWC, SumEp, PotYield3, Nsupply), start =
simparj.st, trace =T)
# define a new profile function
pr2<- function (fitted, which = 1:npar, maxpts = 100, alphamax = 0.01,
delta.t = cutoff/5)
f.summary <- summary(fitted)
std.err <- f.summary$parameters[, "Std. Error"]
npar <- length(std.err)
nobs <- length(resid(fitted))
cutoff <- sqrt(npar * qf(1 - alphamax, npar, nobs - npar))
outmat <- array(0, c(...
2008 Jul 21
optimize function help!!
...atica I call a parameter called restriction:
// fucntion name "findOpt" and parameters...
restriction = (1 - alpha) <= CDF[BinomialDistribution[sample_n, p1], c]
betha >= CDF[BinomialDistribution[sample_n, p2], c] &&
0 < alpha < alphamax && 0 < betha < bethamax &&
1 < sample_n <= lot_Size &&
0 <= c < amostra &&
p1 < p2 < p2max ;
fcost = sample_n/lot_Size;
result = NMinimize[{fcost, restriction}, {sample_n, c, alpha, betha,
2008 Oct 20
R 2.8.0 is released
...plot(<lm_obj>) now warns when it omits points with leverage one
from a plot.
o Plotmath now recognizes 'aleph' and 'nabla' (the Adobe Symbol
'gradient' glyph) as symbol names.
o polyroot() no longer has a maximum degree.
o The alpha/alphamax argument of the 'nls' and 'mle' profile()
methods is used to compute confidence limits for univariate
t-statistics rather than a confidence region for all the
parameters (and not just those being profiled).
o quantile.default() allows 'probs' t...
2008 Oct 20
R 2.8.0 is released
...plot(<lm_obj>) now warns when it omits points with leverage one
from a plot.
o Plotmath now recognizes 'aleph' and 'nabla' (the Adobe Symbol
'gradient' glyph) as symbol names.
o polyroot() no longer has a maximum degree.
o The alpha/alphamax argument of the 'nls' and 'mle' profile()
methods is used to compute confidence limits for univariate
t-statistics rather than a confidence region for all the
parameters (and not just those being profiled).
o quantile.default() allows 'probs' t...