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2005 Jul 31
Kernel Source Divergence, Security (was: booting gbde-encrypted filesystem)
In message <>, Allan Fields writes: >Yes, this is all very nice, but when is someone actually going to >commit it? ;) I'm (as always) short of time, and GBDE is not the top priority for me for the time being. So I am more than happy to see people band together and improve gbde. The main work...
2012 Feb 02
[LLVMdev] FW: A message to post please (EDITED, thanks): "Position available: C / C++ Developer: Compiler & Tools SDK"
Hi, Hope you can help. Grateful for your time. I was in touch recently requesting the drop opportunity below be shared with your distribution list (it was originally declined as hadn't provided sufficient context about LLVM. I provided the edited version, below, on 27th of January). Please can you confirm, has this been sent out to your distribution list? We have not had much response, so
2006 Apr 05
DTrace as a security tool /
I''d like to see if we can use DTrace to as the kernel implementation of the BSD systrace security policy system ( I don''t really want to port systrace to Solaris because I think with DTrace we already have all the necessary in kernel hooks to do this. With systrace you express things like: "httpd can bind to port 80 but not any other port, it
2012 Jan 27
[LLVMdev] A message to post please (EDITED, thanks): "Position available: C / C++ Developer: Compiler & Tools SDK"
Position available: C / C++ Developer: Compiler & Tools SDK Compiler and Tools development cutting edge performance analysis and visualisation SDK. Latest embedded, multi-core, parallel and high performance computing technologies. Well funded emerging software tool vendor, with a unique proposition and a bright future. Location:       Bristol, South West UK Salary:          £32,000 - £37,500
2012 Jun 28
[LLVMdev] A common runtime environment / object model for AOT compiled languages?
Something that I've been pondering for a while: Does the idea of a common runtime environment & object model for ahead-of-time compiled languages make sense? Let me explain what I mean by "runtime environment" - I'm not talking about a replacement for glibc or anything on that level. Rather, I'm thinking of something more like Java but without the interpreter or JIT,
2016 Apr 20
Interquartile Range
Well, instead of your functions try: Mode <- function(x) { tabx <- table(x) tabx[which.max(tabx)] } and use R's IQR function instead of yours. ... so I still don't get why you want to return a character string instead of a value for the IQR; and the mode of a sample defined as above is generally a bad estimator of the mode of the distribution. To say more than that would
2005 Dec 16
Adding methods to models
All, This is more of a theoretical question I suppose - I''m looking for what the consensus is for the "correct" approach in Rails/MVC. I have a standard security model where a User can have many Roles. There is a User model, a Role model, and in the db, a linking table, etc. Each role has a name as well as a category (say, name="waiter", category="restaurant
2004 Oct 17
Dear all, I tried to port Transparent Cryptographic File System ( OpenBSD version to FreeBSD 4.8, but failed. Has any one tried this before? How much modification is needed? Any info is appreciated. Thanks, Yan
2016 Feb 24
Bitcoin for CentOS 7
On 02/24/2016 06:04 AM, m.roth at wrote: > Alice Wonder wrote: >> For those interested I have a working spec file for Bitcoin 0.12.0 >> >> >> >> I believe the only BuildRequires that isn't in CentOS/EPEL is >> miniupnpc-devel but that's trivial to build
2016 Apr 20
Interquartile Range
Hi, Jumping into this thread mainly on the point of the mode of the distribution, while also supporting Bert's comments below on theory. If the vector 'x' that is being passed to this function is an integer vector, then a tabulation of the integers can yield a 'mode', presuming of course that there is only one unique mode. You may have to decide how you want to handle a
2016 Apr 20
Interquartile Range
Again, IQR returns two both a .25 and a .75 value and it failed, which is why I didn't use it before. Also, the first function just returns tha same value repeating. Since they are the same, before the second call, using the mode function is just a way to grab one value. I could have used average, min, max, they all would have returned the same thing. Mike On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 7:24 PM,
2016 Apr 20
Interquartile Range
??? IQR returns a single number. > IQR(rnorm(10)) [1] 1.090168 To your 2nd response: "I could have used average, min, max, they all would have returned the same thing., " I can only respond: huh?? Are all your values identical? You really need to provide a small reproducible example as requested by the posting guide -- I certainly don't get it, and I'm done guessing.
2007 Oct 03
Best config for 12 FXO system?
I have a client who wants a Meetme box with 12 FXO ports, to connect to Analogue lines coming from an Ericsson PBX. It looks like I could do this with four different hardware configurations: a) three TDM04B cards (based on TDM400P) b) one TDM04B and one TDM808B c) one TDM804B (or TDM854B?) and one TDP808B d) one TDM2403B (half filled TDM2400P) Apart from considerations of cost and PCI slot
2005 May 22
Re: Hi, Bryan; was: Re: pronunciation? <snip> -- don't shoot the messenger ...
From: Collins Richey > Sounds pretty religious-based to me. > IBM=bad > HP,Sun, RedHat, SCO=good. > OTOH, from some of your comments, Novell=better. Are you really that shallow? IBM is our partner, not our friend. Sun has its interests too, and has 5 different entities of focus, which vary. Red Hat is a tale of two companies, cut-throat business combined with GPL-analness (like
2006 Jul 07
Saving Objects without Saving Objects
I have a problem that I think is probably fairly common but I haven''t seem to be able to come up with the magic combination of search terms to find a solution (or it really isn''t that common). Here''s the deal... Scenario: A system allows a user to enter in articles via a web-form. The system provides a preview function; not a live preview, but a preview on another
2016 Apr 19
Interquartile Range
Hi, Here is what I am doing notGroupedAll <- ddply(data ,~groupColumn ,summarise ,col1_mean=mean(col1) ,col2_mode=Mode(col2) #Function I wrote for getting the mode shown below ,col3_Range=myIqr(col3) ) groupedAll <- ddply(data ,~groupColumn ,summarise
2000 Oct 15
Re(2): Mime Type and Ogg (More)
Hi, I don't really know the details of the discussion, but I'd like to present this issue from a user-oriented perspective, and from the perspective of how Nautilus wants to use data files. In brief, Nautilus makes the assumption that the mime type is sufficient to pick the right applicatiob or pluggable component to view/edit a particular content type. This is quickly coming to be the
2016 Apr 19
Interquartile Range
If you show us, not just tell us about, a self-contained example someone might show you a non-hacky way of getting the job done. (I don't see an argument to plyr::ddply called 'transform'.) Bill Dunlap TIBCO Software wdunlap On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 12:18 PM, Michael Artz <michaeleartz at> wrote: > Oh thanks for that clarification Bert! Hope you enjoyed
2011 Aug 10
Universal syntax for Markdown
Hi, because of the great editor "Writer" from Information Architects I've learned about Markdown and I love it. But it's very confusing, that there are so many standards with different features: classical Markdown, Markdown Extra, MultiMarkdown. I think for most users and the spreading of Markdown it would be nice, to have only one syntax. And this universal syntax should have
2012 Dec 27
how well will this work
Hi Folks, I find myself trying to expand a 2-node high-availability cluster from to a 4-node cluster. I'm running Xen virtualization, and currently using DRBD to mirror data, and pacemaker to failover cleanly. The thing is, I'm trying to add 2 nodes to the cluster, and DRBD doesn't scale. Also, as a function of rackspace limits, and the hardware at hand, I can't separate