search for: adjustments

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10803 matches for "adjustments".

2006 Apr 04
Can't recieve Fax: No carrier detected - Asterisk + iaxmodem + Hylafaxv --- sorry.wrong log.
I'm able to recieve fax with pure SpanDSP 0.0.2 + Asterisk successfully but I have problems with some fax machine so I wanted to try using HylaFax to recieve Fax instead of SpanDSP hoping that it'll solve my problem. I'm trying to connect Asterisk with SpanDSP using iaxmodem. My system looks like this: ISDN <---> Asterisk <---> IAXModem <---> Hylafax Asterisk and
2006 Apr 04
Can't recieve Fax: No carrier detected - Asterisk + iaxmodem + Hylafax
I'm able to recieve fax with pure SpanDSP 0.0.2 + Asterisk successfully but I have problems with some fax machine so I wanted to try using HylaFax to recieve Fax instead of SpanDSP hoping that it'll solve my problem. I'm trying to connect Asterisk with SpanDSP using iaxmodem. My system looks like this: ISDN <---> Asterisk <---> IAXModem <---> Hylafax Asterisk
2018 Mar 15
Adjusting OHCL data via quantmod
...), with argument use.Adjusted = TRUE to adjust for splits, and split-adjusted dividends) Evidence: ### library(quantmod) #AV data getSymbols("AAPL",src = "av" ,api.key = my_api_key , adjusted = TRUE, output.size = "full") #supply your own api key #Manual adjustments for splits, and split-adjusted dividends close_av <- Cl(AAPL) splits <- getSplits("AAPL") dividends <- getDividends("AAPL", split.adjust = TRUE) ratios_av <- adjRatios(splits = splits, dividends = dividends, close = close_av) close_av_adj <- close_av * ratios_av[,...
2012 Apr 30
Different varable lengths
Hi! I'm trying to do a lm() test on three objects. My problem is that R protests and says that the variable lengths differ for one of the objects ( But I have double checked that the number of observations are the same. All three objects should contain 9 observations but R only accepts 9 observations in two of the objects. The third must have 10! Very confusing because there
2010 Aug 07
basic question about t-test with adjusted p value
I have read the R manual and help archives, sorry but I'm still stuck. How would I do a t-test with an adjusted p-value? Suppose that I use t.test ( ) , with the function argument alternative = "two.sided", and data such that degrees of freedom = 20. The function calculates a t-statistic of 2.086, and p-value =0.05 How do I then adjust the p-value? My thought is to do
2012 Apr 29
Sieve doesn't find user scripts
Hi, I want to use Sieve filtering with my Dovecot 1.2 installation on Debian squeeze. I have a virtual domain setup using Portgresql. ManageSieve works fine so far, I can edit and activate/deactive scripts (using Thunderbird + Plugin) and they show up in the filesystem where I expect them to be, see below. The problem is that LDA doesn't find the script. From /var/log/dovecot-deliver.log:
2007 Mar 16
Probably simple function problem
# I have a simple function problem. I thought that I could write a function to modify a couple of vectors but I am doing something wrong #I have a standard cost vector called "fuel" and some adjustments to the #costs called "adjusts". The changes are completely dependend on the length #of the dataframe newdata I then need to take the modifed vectors and use # them later. I need to do this several times and the only change in the variables # is the length of the data.frame. # Can anyon...
2017 Jul 12
How to make a figure plotting p-values by range of different adjustment values?
Hi all, Thank you for taking the time to read my message. I'm trying to make a figure that plots p-values by a range of different adjustment values. (Using the **logit** function in package **car**) My Statistical analyses were conducted on probability estimates ranging from 0% to 100%. As it's not ideal to run linear models on percentages that are bounded between 0 and 1, these
2004 Dec 20
[BioC] limma, FDR, and p.adjust
You asked the same question on the Bioconductor mailing list back in August. At that time, you suggested yourself a solution for how the adjusted p-values should be interpreted. I answered your query and told you that your interpretation was correct. So I'm not sure what more can be said, except that you should read the article Wright (1992), which is cited in the help entry for p.adjust(),
2017 Jul 13
How to make a figure plotting p-values by range of different adjustment values?
Hi Jim, Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding, but does this formula run different ajustment values for this function? logit(p = doc$value, adjust = 0.025) I'm looking to plot the p-values of different adjustment values. Thanks so much, Kirsten On Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 8:49 PM, Jim Lemon <drjimlemon at> wrote: > Hi Kirsten,
2013 Jul 20
BH correction with p.adjust
Dear List, I have been trying to use p.adjust() to do BH multiple test correction and have gotten some unexpected results. I thought that the equation for this was: pBH = p*n/i where p is the original p value, n is the number of tests and i is the rank of the p value. However when I try and recreate the corrected p from my most significant value it does not match up to the one computed by the
2017 Jul 13
How to make a figure plotting p-values by range of different adjustment values?
Hi Kirsten, Perhaps this will help: set.seed(3) kmdf<-data.frame(group=rep(1:4,each=20), prop=c(runif(20,0.25,1),runif(20,0.2,0.92), runif(20,0.15,0.84),runif(20,0.1,0.77))) km.glm<-glm(prop~group,kmdf,family=quasibinomial(link="logit")) summary(km.glm) pval<-0.00845 padjs<-NA npadj<-1 # assume you have five comparisons in this family for(method in p.adjust.methods) {
2008 Nov 10
in R when I get negative adjusted R^2 using "lm", what might be the problem?
This is a linear regression of Y onto factors... If I take log of Y, and regress onto the factors, I got: Multiple R-squared: 0.4023, Adjusted R-squared: 0.2731 If I don't take log of Y, and directly regress Y onto the factors, I got: Multiple R-squared: 0.1807, Adjusted R-squared: -0.001112 Is this negative adjusted R^2 a problem? What observation can I make here and what might
2002 Mar 18
function design
I have a, no doubt, simple question. I wish to write a function such that a <- 9 b <- 10 changer _ function(x,y) { if (y>x){ x <<- Y+1}} Of course there are easier ways to accomplish the task above, but I am more interested in how to have the "x <<- Y+1" part of the function to change x in place for purposes of a much larger function. I have been wrestling with
2005 Jan 08
p.adjust(<NA>s), was "Re: [BioC] limma and p-values"
>>>>> "GS" == Gordon K Smyth <> >>>>> on Sat, 8 Jan 2005 01:11:30 +1100 (EST) writes: <.............> GS> p.adjust() unfortunately gives incorrect results when GS> 'p' includes NAs. The results from topTable are GS> correct. topTable() takes care to remove NAs before GS> passing
2004 Dec 20
Re: [BioC] limma, FDR, and p.adjust
Mark, there is a fdr website link via Yoav Benjamini's homepage which is: On it you can download an S-Plus function (under the downloads link) which calculates the false discovery rate threshold alpha level using stepup, stepdown, dependence methods etc. Some changes are required to the plotting code when porting it to R. I removed the
2009 Jan 22
Standard errors of least squares adjusted means
Hello, I have the following model: lm.7 <- lm(Y ~ F + C1 + C2 , data = EM4) F is a 4-level factor, the rest are covariates centered at their mean (Y is a two-column matrix). I have tried to find functions to give the model-adjusted means (adjusted at the covariates'means) and their standard deviations for each. (That is, what I believe is called in SAS "least square or LS-means,
2005 Jun 17
adjusted R^2 vs. ordinary R^2
I thought the point of adjusting the R^2 for degrees of freedom is to allow comparisons about goodness of fit between similar models with different numbers of data points. Someone has suggested to me off-list that this might not be the case. Is an ADJUSTED R^2 for a four-parameter, five-point model reliably comparable to the adjusted R^2 of a four-parameter, 100-point model? If such values
2008 Mar 09
p-adjust using Benjamn and Hochberg
Hello, I am trying to use the p.adjust function for multiple testing. here is what i have 9997 201674_s_at 0.327547396 9998 221013_s_at 0.834211067 9999 221685_s_at 0.185099475 I import them from excel have have the gene symbol as well as the pvalue here is the issue > pa<-p.adjust(pt,method="BH") Error in p[nna] : object is not
2012 Nov 26
Plotting an adjusted survival curve
First a statistical issue: The survfit routine will produce predicted survival curves for any requested combination of the covariates in the original model. This is not the same thing as an "adjusted" survival curve. Confusion on this is prevalent, however. True adjustment requires a population average over the confounding factors and is closely related to the standardized