Displaying 16 results from an estimated 16 matches for "adjr2".
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2007 May 21
How to compare linear models with intercept and those without intercept using minimizing adjs R^2 strategy
...those without
intercept using maximizing adjusted R^2 strategy.
Now I do it like the following:
> library(leaps)
> n=20
> x=matrix(rnorm(n*3),ncol=3)
> b=c(1,2,0)
> intercept=1
> y=x%*%b+rnorm(n,0,1)+intercept
> var.selection=leaps(cbind(rep(1,n),x),y,int=F,method="adjr2")
> ##### Choose the model with maximum adjr2
> var.selection$which[var.selection$adjr2==max(var.selection$adjr2),]
1 2 3 4
Actually, I use the definition of R-square in which the model is without a
intercept term.
Is what I am doing is correct?...
2012 Sep 25
Plotting of regsubsets adjr2 values not correct
I want to make model selection with regsubsets. My code is:
a<-regsubsets(Gesamt ~ CommunistSocialist + CountrySize + GNI + Lifeexp +
Schoolyears + ExpMilitary + Mortality +
PopPoverty + PopTotal + ExpEdu + ExpHealth, data=olympiadaten, nbest=2)
(output attached)
The problem is now, that I want to fit the best model again "manually" and
have a look at it, but the value of the adjusted R squared is not the same
as in the regsubsets output? This is also the case for the other models,
e.g. when I do the simplest model in th...
2002 Feb 12
Best Subsets regression
I have found a minor problem with leaps(). In 1.3.1 under Windows 2000 I
seem to only be able to obtain values for one statistic at a time. That is
just gives Cp values.
To mimic the output of Minitab's
MTB > BReg 'Fertility' 'Agriculture'-'Infant.Mortality' ;
SUBC> NVars 1 5;
SUBC> Best 5;
SUBC> Constant.
I need to go
leapa <-leaps(as.matrix(swiss[,-1]),sw...
2005 Sep 27
regsubsets selection criterion
I am using the 'regsubsets' function
(from leaps package)
to get the best linear models
to explain 1 variable
from 1 to 5 explanatory variables
(exhaustive search).
Is there anyone who can tell me
on which criterion is based
the 'regsubsets' function ?
Thank you.
Laboratoire de Biomecanique
2009 Feb 25
leaps question
please help me with the simple question.
How can I find R2 and p while doing best subsets regression? Also how
can I see B and p for coefficients?
Maybe you can advice me detailed manual, because in manual for the
package this is not described.
Thank you
2012 Sep 25
Regsubsets model selection
...elect the best adj. R squared model by using the regsubsets command, so I
> plot(regsubsets(Gesamt ~ CommunistSocialist + CountrySize + GNI + Lifeexp
+ Schoolyears + ExpMilitary + Mortality +
+ PopPoverty + PopTotal + ExpEdu + ExpHealth, data=olympiadaten, nbest=1,
nvmax=12), scale='adjr2')
Then I get the picture I attached. The problem is, that the best model has
an adjusted R squard of 0.49. But if I regress e.g. my y on only the
variable PopTotal, then I already get an adjusted R squared of 0.779! So
this simple model is way better but it is not recognized by the regsubsets...
2002 Sep 11
Problem with leaps (long)
While on the same topic, the help on line advocates the use of function
regsubsets, which is said to improve on leaps on several ways. However,
I see no way to select different criteria (Cp, R2, adjR2) in said
I am using R 1.5.1 under Debian/Linux 3.0 (kernel 2.4.18, gcc -v
reports "gcc version 2.95.4 20011002", if that matters).
Many thanks for any help.
Fernando TUSELL e-mail:
Departamento de Econometr?a y Estad?stica et...
2010 Feb 12
all possible subsets, with AIC
...thing better.
Since the algorithm returns a
best model of each size, the results do not depend on a penalty model for
model size: it doesn't make any difference whether you want to use AIC,
BIC, CIC, DIC, ...
leaps(x=, y=, wt=rep(1, NROW(x)), int=TRUE,
method=c("Cp", "adjr2", "r2"), nbest=10, names=NULL, df=NROW(x),
A matrix of predictors
A response vector
Optional weight vector
Add an
intercept to the model
Calculate Cp, adjusted R-squared or
2006 Dec 11
organizing stats from a list of models
Hi there,
I have a list of models (about 600 glm models) and I included the prefix "mod_" on their name. Now I would like retrieve the list from the R environment and save their AICs (and other info) on a table. I´m trying something like:
2007 Oct 03
leaps: regsubsets, formula including interactions
...variables vi.
Furthermore, I would like to add interaction effects to the model,
is this also possible with the '.'?
> library(leaps)
> d<-regsubsets(SumTL~.,nbest=2,data=dat[,-c(2,9)])
> x11() ; par(mfrow=c(1,4)) ; plot(d) ; plot(d,scale="Cp") ;
plot(d,scale="adjr2") ; plot(d,scale="r2")
My data 'dat' variable looks like this:
> str(dat)
'data.frame': 548 obs. of 9 variables:
$ SumTL: int 13500 67800 158000 299000 486000 712000 56100 162000
310000 471000 ...
$ SumUL: int 13800 69700 163000 308000 497000 726000 58100...
2008 Aug 13
which alternative tests instead of AIC/BIC for choosing models
Dear R Users,
I am looking for an alternative to AIC or BIC to choose model parameters.
This is somewhat of a general statistics question, but I ask it in this
forum as I am looking for a R solution.
Suppose I have one dependent variable, y, and two independent variables,
x1 an x2.
I can perform three regressions:
reg1: y~x1
reg2: y~x2
reg3: y~x1+x2
The AIC of reg1 is 2000, reg2 is
2004 Apr 05
Selecting Best Regression Equation : leaps() in R and stepwise() in S+
...the message -
Error in leaps.exhaustive(a) : Exhaustive search will be S L O W, must
specify really.big=T
1. What to do ? I don't understand where to set really.big=T.
2. Why do we need strictly.compatible=T ?
3. Can we simultaneously use Cp, r2, adjr2 in method?
4. I still have problem with FORWARD / BACKWARD / STEPWISE methods. Can
anyone please help me to solve the above problem by using these methods (I
use R 1.7.1)?
5. In S-plus 4, is the following command correct for the above problem? -
it seem to give me too many calculations and...
2007 Aug 08
Regsubsets statistics
Dear R-help,
I have used the regsubsets function from the leaps package to do subset
selection of a logistic regression model with 6 independent variables and
all possible ^2 interactions. As I want to get information about the
statistics behind the selection output, I?ve intensively searched the
mailing list to find answers to following questions:
1. What should I do to get the statistics
2007 Oct 02
Variable selection in R
corresponds to the first variable ? Popul has a 3 star rating in lm and
nothing in step. How do I interpret that ?
* all-subsets regression *
> summary(tonall)$cp
[1] 37.338138 31.452375 25.300272 17.965950 13.751043 10.021910 8.455827
8.810498 9.273599 11.000000
> summary(tonall)$adjr2
[1] 0.2155976 0.2411378 0.2680048 0.2997661 0.3197652 0.3381030 0.3481410
0.3506880 0.3528339 0.3499369
> summary(tonall)$which[1,][summary(tonall)$which[1,]]
(Intercept) DistMarche
> summary(tonall)$which[2,][summary(tonall)$which[2,]]
(Intercept), NbCentresTriDs100km, DistMarche
2009 Sep 28
Running an ANOVA with a BY
I have a simple 1 way anova coded like
summary(ANOVA1way <- aov(Value ~ WellID, data = welldata))
How can I use the BY function to do this ANOVA for each group using another
variable in the dataset?? I tried coding it like this, but it doesn't seem
to work.
summary(ANOVA1way <- by(welldata, Analyte, function(x) aov(Value ~ WellID,
data = welldata)))
In SAS I would code it like this:
2006 Jan 10
Obtaining the adjusted r-square given the regression coefficients
Hi people,
I want to obtain the adjusted r-square given a set of coefficients (without the intercept), and I don't know if there is a function that does it. Exist????????????????
I know that if you make a linear regression, you enter the dataset and have in "summary" the adjusted r-square. But this is calculated using the coefficients that R obtained,and I want other coefficients