search for: accountable

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 35626 matches for "accountable".

2009 Nov 19
migrating NT4 PDC to samba3. netrpc vampire errors
Hi, I am in the processof migrating a a NT4 PDC over to a samba3 server. I am following this guide: I am able to join the Domain but when I go to net rpc vampire I get the following errors: Not all my users get transfered: [root at HERCULES ~]# net rpc vampire -S GENOME -w HERCULES -U administrator Fetching (to passdb) DOMAIN database Creating unix
2006 Jan 05
has_one :dependent => true question
Hello, I have two classes that are self explanatory and are listed below. class User < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :account end class Account < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :account_owner, { :dependent => true, :class_name => "User", :conditions => "is_account_owner = 1" } has_many :users end In the signup controller when an account is created one user
2003 Mar 09
not able to add machines on FreeBSD 4.7
I'm setting up a new install of samba 2.2.7a on FreeBSD 4.7 Here's a little run-through of what I have done. I added a machine account in /etc/group as follows: machines:*:201 I have added all of my machine accounts in to /etc/passwd as follows: sclepy$:*:201:201::0:0:Machine account for Sclepy:/dev/null:false lexus$:*:202:201::0:0:Machine
2008 Jan 28
Could this controller test be made simpler?
In a create controller method I am testing the else clause that occurs when the model is unable to be saved. Sounds simple enough, but because model is created before the save and the form has to be re-filled I now have to stub a model and all the attributes. Since the error messages are displayed I also have to stub some methods within the model that allow the error messages to be displayed
2005 Dec 17
Subfolders in Rails applications (newbie)
After about a week playing with Rails, I have built a couple of apps but am still unable to get one thing to work: subfolders. (I am probably using the wrong term here, but oh well...) I would like my rails application to have controllers logically grouped into folders. So for instance: Here''s how I have tried to
2013 Jun 18
How to add a client to a domain?
Hello I have recently "inherited" a small domain consisting of a linux server running samba 3.6 and one client computer running Windows 7. I want to add another client (also running Windows 7) to the domain. Previously adding clients has been done by manually creating a linux machine account and samba account. I have created the accounts for the new client but when I try to configure
2007 Jun 13
ActiveRecord query using association
Hello all, I apologize if the answer to this question is going to be rudimentary, but I am thus far stymied by the information I have found on the web. This seems like it should be simple, but I haven''t really found an example of how to do this yet. I have a model called Account which has a belongs_to reference to another model, User, as below: class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
2006 Apr 11
Reading MySQL rows
Hi there, I?m having difficulties reading the content of some rows in my database. Tried to use some of the code at page 221 in the pickaxe, but didn?t make it work. The SQL query works fine directly against the database. mysql> select id, count, company from users where name = "martin"; +----+-------+------------+ | id | count | company | +----+-------+------------+ | 1 |
2007 Dec 04
spec''ing shared controller methods
I want to isolate and spec methods that are shared by controllers, and live in application.rb. Whereas I usually also provide examples in individual controllers that use these methods, not necessarily all the edge cases and I''d like to isolate the examples. This is the approach I''m taking (thanks to bryanl for suggestions and WDYT? This
2007 Jan 04
after_update attributes problem
Hey guys, I''m having a hard time w/ the after_update callback on rails... As far as I can tell, when I define a after_update callback on a model, the attributes of the object have the same values that they had *before* was called. I''m probably wrong so here''s the code: UNIT TEST: def test_register_item_adjusts_account_balance account =
2008 Jan 30
Stubbing controller methods vs model methods
I had an error that I couldn''t figure out, then when writing up a question for the forum I figured it out. The thing is I don''t understand why the change that was made works and why what existed before didn''t. Here is the initial post when I had the error: ---------------------------------- In the controllers/application.rb file I have a method that finds the account
2020 Feb 14
Setting uidNumber for machine accounts
Hello, A user of my "adman" utility recently opened this issue [1]: "Add support for setting uidNumber for machine account" I was aware that computer accounts were also users in AD, but I hadn't considered assigning a uidNumber to them. It makes sense that winbind (in idmap="ad" mode) would not "see" the accounts with a uidNumber. Naturally, groups of
2015 Jul 03
Samba4 roaming profiles & ownership of profile.V2 folders
I've got roaming profiles for one account on a Debian/Jessie AD DC server but I can't get them to work for the other accounts. The differences are that the one account is also a Linux account in the AD DC and is in the Domain Admins group. The other accounts were created with ADUC on a Windows 7 machine logged in as the Domain Admins user just mentioned. They are Domain Users but not
2002 Feb 27
Machine trust account reqd in 2.2.3a?
Greetings, I was reading over the documentation online for using SAMBA as a PDC, and in the section about creating machine trust accounts is talks about having to add machine accounts to the /etc/passwd file. The text also mentions that future versions of SAMBA will remove this requirement: "Because Samba requires machine accounts to possess a UNIX uid from which an Windows NT SID can
2007 Sep 12
Clearing account lockout
I recently am migrating my PDC from NT4 to Samba 3.025. Apparently due to a mismatch between the capitalization of the Windows account and the Unix account (Administrator vs administrator) I managed to lock the account before catching the discrepenacy. # pdbedit -v administrator Unix username: Administrator NT username: Administrator Account Flags: [ULX Bad password count
2016 Oct 12
Samba-tool password expiration and service accounts
Initially I had set password expiration to be 6 months using samba-tool, and used ADUC to tick the "password never expires" box on specific service accounts that I wanted to keep with the same password. What I found was that even with this box checked, the account's passwords did expire after 6 months. So it seems that the password settings configured by samba-tool apply to all
2003 May 19
permission to subdirectory
Hello all, We are new and just install RH 8.0 with samba 2.2.7-5.8.0 as our local file server on a workgroup basis. We are trying to create subdirectory with permission but cannot figure out the right way. We have search the samba list for solution with no luck. We with to create the following scenario for our account department, Directory personnel
2008 Jun 28
Stopping example execution?
Hello, I''m wondering If I am missing something here when creating an example that sets an expecation at the top or beginning of an action but requires you to stub / mock everything that follows. Example: I want to test that a certain controller is running a before_filter...thats easy: - controller.should_receive(:require_user) - do_get But now i''ve got to mock / stub
2016 Jan 11
Samba AD with Microsoft Account
In a related problem. I've tried linking my Office365 account. I get through the sign-in process but when it is attempting to link the device I can an error message stating: *We weren't able to register your device and add your account to Windows. Your access to org resources may be limited.* The domain account I am logged in with is part of the Domain Admins group so I don't think
2007 Mar 23
Importing accounts from NT4 domain with Vampire
Hi I have folowed this guide to import users from my NT4 domain to a debian sarge with samba 3.0.14a Everything runs fine till the net rpc vampire command, some users give an error others are imported fine. I don't see any problem on this users configuration in the NT4 server, here is part of the output: thanks.