search for: a1b2

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2013 Mar 13
string split at xth position
Hi, I have a vector of strings like: c("a1b1","a2b2","a1b2") which I want to spilt into two parts like: c("a1","a2","a2") and c("b1","b2,"b2"). So there is always a first part with a+number and a second part with b+number. Unfortunately there is no separator I could use to directly split the vecto...
2012 Feb 08
"unsparse" a vector
Suppose I have a vector of strings: c("A1B2","A3C4","B5","C6A7B8") [1] "A1B2" "A3C4" "B5" "C6A7B8" where each string is a sequence of <column><value> pairs (fixed width, in this example both value and name are 1 character, in reality the column nam...
2004 Jun 15
"Glueing" factors together
...f cases each with categorical factors A, B. What is the best way to "glue" A and B together into a single factor? For example, given A0 B1 ... A1 B1 ... A0 B2 ... A1 B0 ... A0 B0 ... A1 B2 ... then I'd like to end up with a single factor with levels A0B0, A0B1, A0B2, A1B0, A1B1, A1B2 according to all the combinations which actually occur in the data (e.g. if (A1,B2) did not occur in the data, then A1B2 would not be a level in the resulting "glued" factor). I can see clumsy and tedious ways involving manipulating strings, paste(), etc.; but I'm sure it must be po...
2012 Sep 14
concatenating two vectors
Dear all, I want to concatenate the elements of two vectors such as a<-c("a1","a2") b<-c("b1","b2") and obtain "a1b1", "a1b2","a2b1","a2b2" I tried the paste and paste0 functions, but they yielded elementwise concatenation such as "a1b1","a2b2" I am wondering that is there an efficient way of doing my wish, for instance without using for loop etc. Best Ozgur -- View t...
2009 Jan 30
reshape with two time variables
I have a data frame in wide format that I'd like to convert to long format. For example, in wide format I have: id A1B1 A1B2 A2B1 A2B2 1 1 400 475 420 510 2 2 390 500 470 472 3 3 428 512 555 610 4 4 703 787 801 822 5 5 611 634 721 705 6 6 543 522 612 788 7 7 411 488 506 623 8 8 654 644 711 795 A is one repeated-measures variable with levels 1 and 2. B is a second repeated-measures variable also with levels 1 and 2. I...
2010 Jan 03
Anova in 'car': "SSPE apparently deficient rank"
...f I am trying to convert my own similar course to R for my students for next fall. I have been successful at analyzing a segment of the data as a 2-way repeated measures design. Here is my code: >"pbpaste"),header=T) > partic A1B1 A1B2 A1B3 A1B4 A2B1 A2B2 A2B3 A2B4 A3B1 A3B2 A3B3 A3B4 1 p1 1 1 2 3 1 2 4 7 1 3 7 10 2 p2 2 2 3 3 2 2 5 6 2 4 6 9 3 p3 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 6 1 4 7 9 4 p4 1 1 2 2 1 2...
2012 Mar 21
Type II and III sum of squares (R and SPSS)
..., because I want to obtain also the sum of squares of the linear and quadratic contrast between the levels of the within factor. Below I report the list of commands used in R ("fattA" is the beteween factor and "fB" is the within factor): > a1b1<-c(10,9,8,7) > a1b2<-c(7,6,4,5) > a1b3<-c(3,2,3,4) > a2b1<-c(9,9,8,7) > a2b2<-c(8,7,9,7) > a2b3<-c(7,8,8,6) > > M3<-matrix(0,8,4) > M3[,1]<-cbind(a1b1,a2b1) > M3[,2]<-cbind(a1b2,a2b2) > M3[,3]<-cbind(a1b3,a2b3) > M3[,4]<-rep(c(1,2),each=4) > &g...
2010 Jul 02
Some questions about R's modelling algebra
Hi all, In preparation for teaching a class next week, I've been reviewing R's standard modelling algebra. I've used it for a long time and have a pretty good intuitive feel for how it works, but would like to understand more of the technical details. The best (online) reference I've found so far is the section in "An Introduction to R"
2024 Oct 11
Problem with a domain controller that is located in a separate site on a separate site, > who can I contact who is working on kcc? It seems to me that this is > the problem there, Rowland, what do you think? > The thing is, according to this Microsoft page here: the 'repsTo' attribute is optional and, as far as I can find, is used to replicate to another DC in the same site, so if you don't have another DC in the same site, it should be empty (aka not there). There are, as far as I can see, two types of replication, intersite and...
2024 Oct 11
Problem with a domain controller that is located in a separate site
...can I contact who is working on kcc? It seems to me that this is > > the problem there, Rowland, what do you think? > > > > The thing is, according to this Microsoft page here: > > > > > the 'repsTo' attribute is optional and, as far as I can find, is used to > replicate to another DC in the same site, so if you don't have another > DC in the same site, it should be empty (aka not there). > > There are, as far as I can see, two types o...
2006 Mar 21
"Remembering" link to redirect to after logging in
Hi, Suppose I have a resource such as http://localhost:3000/topsecret/data that requires the user to login first. What I did was make use of before_filter to check and see if the session variable is set with the logged in user''s id (similar to the example in "Agile Web Development with Rails"). However while the filtering function does work correctly in redirecting the
2006 Apr 10
SE estimates for treatment groups from nlme
I am wondering how to obtain SE estimates for fixed effects from a nonlinear mixed effects model? I have fixed effects corresponding to three factors A, B and C with 2, 3 and 3 levels respectively. I have fit a model of the following general form: nlme1<-nlme(y~ SasympOrig(x, Asym, lrc), data=df, fixed=list(Asym~A*B*C, lrc~A*B*C), start=c(fixef(ETR.nlme)[1], rep(0,17), fixef(ETR.nlme)[2],
2024 Oct 11
Problem with a domain controller that is located in a separate site
I decided to look for something about the reps-to attribute and this is what I came across in ms ADTS, it turns out that the attribute should be filled in, but for some reason this does not happen in samba when one is on a separate site, who can I contact who is working on kcc? It seems to me that this is the problem there, Rowland, what do you think? A precondition for event-driven replication
2008 Feb 15
Skeletal relations
We have new drafts of CMML 4.0 as a text codec and ROE as an xml stream abstract, subsuming the authoring support in CMML 3.1 and earlier. Another thing we talked about at LCA is a how to specify relationships between the various streams in Ogg so that a server, muxer or player can make intelligent decisions about the contained tracks. The general idea is to use the (http-style) Message