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2012 Feb 29
Error occurred during mean calculation of a column of a data frame, which is apparently contents numeric data
Hello R people, How can I compute the mean of the "Pulse_rate" column of the data frame or matrix from the following character object called "str_got". It has 14 entries and each entry has 8 values, separated by commas. Please go thru the following R commands to know how I tried to unstring and unlist the values to form a data frame. > str_got [1]
2008 Feb 18
system-config-display wrongly sets up Viewsonic VG730m monitor
I originally set up this monitor with an analogue lead. Everything seemed fine, so I didn't check xorg.conf at all. Then I bought a digital lead, and since then the monitor blinks. Running system-config-display identifies it as a 1280 x 1084 CRT monitor. It is an LCD monitor. That model is not on the drop-down list, so assuming that a specific driver wasn't available for it, I
2013 Aug 30
Outliers Help
This is my a part of my data set > D[1:15,c(1,5:10)] X. media IE.2005 IE.2006 IE.2007 IE.2008 IE.2009 IE.2010 1 1108 22.00000 60.0 39 4.0 8.0 16.0 5.0 2 1479 110.00000 NA NA 53.0 1166.0 344.8 110.0 3 1591 86.60000 247.0 87 95.0 94.0 81.0 76.0 4 3408 807.00000 302.0 322 621.0 1071.0 1301.0 1225.0
2013 Oct 16
PXE: xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
My network installation via PXE breaks when graphical installation starts, here my program.log: Running... /bin/mount -n -t auto -o ro,loop=/dev/loop0 /tmp/install.img /mnt/runtime 07:51:29,617 INFO : Running... ['udevadm', 'trigger', '--action=add', '--subsystem-match=net'] 07:51:29,660 INFO : Running... ['udevadm', 'trigger',
2011 Nov 20
[HCL] ALLSAI LV 2K supported by blazer_usb
Hi, another UPS piece supported by blazer_usb: ALLSAI model LV 2K upsc output: battery.voltage: 82.08 battery.voltage.nominal: 72.0 beeper.status: enabled device.mfr: device.model: LV 2K device.type: ups blazer_usb driver.parameter.pollinterval: 2 driver.parameter.port: auto driver.version: 2.4.3 driver.version.internal: 0.03 input.current.nominal: 18.0 input.frequency: 59.9
2008 Dec 08
Battlefeild 2- new issue?
ubuntu 8.1 Nvidia 9600GT. Installed BF2 with no problems. Go to run it- first screen comes up, screen blinks, reverts to desktop, changing resolution from 1440x900 to 800x600. so basically it wont even start Ive already tried everything i found in previous forums and appdb (i think ive tried it all) Ive changed the video.con file to read 1024x768 at 60 in the appropiate file. Ive tried
1997 Jun 11
R-alpha: write() && quoting && ...
Has anyone had some time to look at the generic write() I posted some time ago? I'd appreciate some feedback/comments/suggestions on how to consistently deal with quoting and name-type attributes ... On a related matter, Martin indicated that it would be nice to have a "matrix" class, etc. Is there any reason for not doing so? Should not do any harm, and would make writing
2007 Jul 14
How to remove the quote "" in the data frame?
If I do not add "ress" into the data frame "res", there is no quote in the data frame. However, I add "ress", all column were found the quote. How to remove it? If you can delete the quote in the file "ress", that is better. Thanks. > ress[1:10] [1] "ABHO.ABNE" "ABHO.ACBA" "ABHO.ACGI" "ABHO.ACKO"
2001 Apr 01
"all rows must have the same length" error while using read.table
Hi- I tried to read the table bellow (table goes on with 54 rows) with the read.table > AGE MONTH SEX HEADLEN HEADWTH NECK LENGTH CHEST > WEIGHT > 19 7 1 11.0 5.5 > 16.0 53.0 26.0 80 > 55 7 1 16.5
2010 Feb 11
I am using R-2.10.1 binary from CRAN on a WinXP Pro system. I also use SAS v9.2 on the same box. I just started using the SAS ODBC driver that comes with version 9 of SAS. I have been able to set up an ODBC source for SAS datasets using the driver, and then with RODBC I am able to read a sample SAS dataset. > library(RODBC) > ch <- odbcConnect('sasodbc', believeNRows=FALSE)
1997 Apr 30
R-beta: ls.print
ls.print produces error that I don't seem to be able to trace. Output of the commands as follows: (hyeung is a 24x2 matrix of data) ------------------------------------------------- > summary(hyeung) x.1 x.2 Min. : 28.0 Min. : 10.0 1st Qu.: 72.0 1st Qu.: 87.5 Median : 86.5 Median : 92.5 Mean : 81.0 Mean : 82.5 3rd Qu.: 97.0 3rd Qu.:100.0 Max.
1997 Apr 30
R-beta: ls.print
ls.print produces error that I don't seem to be able to trace. Output of the commands as follows: (hyeung is a 24x2 matrix of data) ------------------------------------------------- > summary(hyeung) x.1 x.2 Min. : 28.0 Min. : 10.0 1st Qu.: 72.0 1st Qu.: 87.5 Median : 86.5 Median : 92.5 Mean : 81.0 Mean : 82.5 3rd Qu.: 97.0 3rd Qu.:100.0 Max.
2010 Jan 10
I'm struggling with interpreting XML files created by ADODB as data.frames and I'm looking for advice (see attached example file). Note: This file contains a result set which comes from a rectangular data array. I've been trying to play with parameters to the xmlToDataFrame function in the XML package but I dont get it to extract the data frame. This is what the result should look
2010 Mar 06
thin grid lines, again (FAQ 7.36), a proposal
Hi, I'm raising the issue, again, of those pesky thin lines that show up with a pdf graphics device, otherwise known as FAQ 7.36. I have read the FAQ and understand that I can eliminate them by adjusting the anti-aliasing option for viewing them on the screen, but this doesn't necessarily eliminate them for a print device or for transferring them into a powerpoint or similar type of
2006 Nov 06
No internet in the second DomU
Hello, I have problems with installation of my second DomU. I cannot ping it from the outside world and I cannot access outside world from this domain. I see it from Dom0 and my first DomU, same as my second DomU can ping Dom0 and my first DomU. I use xen 3.0.3 on ubuntu 6 LTS. DomU is running on debian. I also network-bridge script in the xend config.
2010 Jan 10
Dieter Menne pointed out that the (small) xml attachment didn't make it. Here is an in-line version (see end of message). Let's hope it works this time. I'm struggling with interpreting XML files created by ADODB as data.frames and I'm looking for advice. Note: This xlm contains a result set which comes from a rectangular data array. I've been trying to play with
2008 Jun 10
[Bug 16285] New: First display corrupted when second screen plugged at boot Summary: First display corrupted when second screen plugged at boot Product: xorg Version: 7.3 Platform: PowerPC OS/Version: Linux (All) Status: NEW Severity: major Priority: medium Component: Driver/nouveau AssignedTo: nouveau
2004 Oct 16
Lazy loading... advices
Hello, I am looking for more information about lazy loading introduced in R 2.0.0. Doing ?lazyLoad I got some and there is a 'see also' section that points to 'makeLazyLoading'... But I cannot reach this page. My problem is: I recompiled a library that uses a lot of functions from other libraries (of course I can give details if needed). I load it in my computer: library(svGUI),
2012 Feb 23
Sexpr not getting expanded in Sweave
An Sweave file, 'test.Rnw': \documentclass{article} \title{Sweave minimal} \author{MK} \begin{document} \maketitle We try Sweave: <<1>>= data(airquality) summary(airquality) x <- airquality[1, 1] @ I try Sexpr: \Sexpr{x} We plot: \begin{center} <<2, fig=TRUE, echo=FALSE >>= boxplot(Ozone ~ Month, data = airquality) @ \end{center} \end{document} I check the
2007 Apr 20
sorting data in R
hello, I'd like know how to sort a data frame in R for example how I should do to sort by Catholic with swiss data frame like below thanks Fertility Agriculture Examination Education Catholic Infant.Mortality Courtelary 80.2 17.0 15 12 9.96 22.2 Delemont 83.1 45.1 6 9 84.84 22.2